The bearded man nodded happily, "Why did I lie to you?"

"I originally thought that I needed a cat feeding plate at home, so I went to the next street to buy one. I looked at the plate and it looked really good-looking. Even though there was a hole missing, it could just be used to feed the cats, so it wouldn't be considered a cat feeder."

"The stall owner probably didn't know where he got it from. He asked me if I wanted three yuan. I just pointed out my finger and said, "Three cents, is that more?"

"Other people wouldn't buy a plate just to feed the cat like me, basically using a broken bowl at home... not to mention it was all cracked, and no one wanted it except me... the stall owner didn't think I was leaving, but he didn't I hope I can make a counter-offer, so I agree..."

"I had just taken a few steps after buying it when I was stopped by an old man who wanted to see the plate in my hand. I was afraid that he would snatch it from me? So I handed it over... Would the old man put on his reading glasses? He said that he also took a magnifying glass with such a small size and looked at it for about ten minutes..."

"Then he said he would give me 500 yuan to buy it...I thought at the time that he was not a liar, right? But everyone on the street recognized him and said he was a famous treasure appraiser..."

"It's 500 yuan. A cleaner who usually sweeps the floor on the road and works hard every day gets up early and stays up late. It's only 800 yuan a month. I made [-] yuan by changing hands. I would be a fool if I didn't sell it."

"The treasure appraiser said that if this plate had no cracks, it would cost at least 8000 to [-] yuan. With just a few cracks, such a good treasure would be in vain..."

Everyone shook their heads and sighed, but thinking that this man could earn 500 yuan with only three cents made them feel jealous.

Su Yueyang also clicked his tongue and said: "Sister, this person's luck is getting better. If he buys a cat disc, it might be an antique..."

Su Anyang smiled and nodded, his eyes slightly cold.

If she followed the trajectory of her previous life, she and Tang Xiaolong were trapped in bed by their parents, and her father was so angry that he fainted and ran out of energy before even reaching the hospital.

Su's mother was confused. She heard everyone talking about Su Anyang, and the Huang family even added insult to injury by asking Huang Chengkun to break off their engagement with Su Anyang. She, who was already weak and had no idea, hung her neck that night.

Su Anyang couldn't help crying. She never thought that her younger brother had called someone to find Huang Chengkun, but he was plotted...

The Su family really suddenly fell from a happy paradise to hell overnight!
If his brother couldn't take revenge, Su Anyang came in person...

Moreover, Su Yueyang's leg treatment required a lot of money, so she braved the rain to find Tang Xiaolong, and endured her grief to sign a lover's agreement with him.

Tang Xiaolong sent someone to keep an eye on Huang Chengkun. When he knew that the Su family was undergoing great changes, Huang Chengkun wandered to the next street and bought the plate before the big man. From a poor man who didn't have five yuan and was heavily loaded, he bought the plate in one go. I have an extra 500 yuan in my pocket!
The next day they heard that Huang Chengkun had gone to an antique shop, so they rushed there because Mr. Tang was celebrating his birthday, intending to suppress him in all aspects and drive him to a dead end.

So, is there a chance that something will be missed in the antique store tomorrow?
Su Anyang raised the corners of his lips slightly, wondering how Huang Chengkun could get this opportunity again when he was squatting in the bureau?

"I will go out with my friends tomorrow. You are not allowed to sleep in late tomorrow," Su Anyang warned Su Yueyang as he sent him out.

Su Yueyang wailed: "Sister, you are my biological sister. You let me go to bed late, stay up late, or even stay up all night. Why don't you let me continue to sleep in after the college entrance examination?"

Su Anyang smiled: "You are the backbone of our family. The early bird catches the worm... By the way, remember to bring your piggy bank with you."

Su Yueyang's eyes widened, ", didn't you say you would help me make money? Why did you ask me to bring a piggy bank? What's your conspiracy?"

Su Anyang shook his head, clasped his hands and said, "I just saw your face glowing red, and your fortune has been good recently, so I want to take you and hold on to it."

Su Yueyang's face was full of black lines, "Sister, I am not a three-year-old child. How come I don't know when you learned to tell fortunes?" "Besides, I am a staunch defender of materialism and I don't believe in wealth."

"There are no good things that fall from the sky in this world, and if they do, they won't happen to me. I believe that I can make money down-to-earth through my own efforts."

Su Anyang raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that Xiao Yue is actually a pragmatist."

Su Yueyang puffed up her chest, "That is, the future of our family rests on my shoulders. If I make a wrong move, I may drag you into the abyss."

"Who is a good example? He turned out to be a top student from Imperial University and was assigned to our factory. However, he couldn't stand the darkness of the workplace and gave up on himself, drank and gambled, making his sister suffer... "

"If I am suppressed by others in the future, the worst case scenario is that I will resign and find another job, or go it alone. There are no bosses here, but there are places to keep them. Only those who are incompetent will complain about others and ignore their talents..."

The more sensible he becomes and the more clearly he sees the future, the more painful Su Anyang feels in his heart.

In her previous life, her parents and younger brother were all implicated by her. Their best years were cut short, and they left with humiliation, resentment and unwillingness.

Su Anyang really wants to give the best to them!
"Sister, don't you have enough money to spend? As long as you don't feed the dog, I will give you my piggy bank..." After talking for a while, Su Yueyang suddenly slapped his forehead and said with a smile. .

Su Anyang pulled him dumbfounded, "Anyway, you listen to me. Get up early tomorrow morning, let's go out for breakfast, and then follow me with your piggy bank in your arms..."

Su Yueyang nodded. As long as he followed, his sister would not be allowed to do stupid things.

After he left, everyone walking downstairs also went home one after another.

Today there are dark clouds in the sky, blocking the moonlight.

The wind whistled outside the window, rustling the branches and leaves.It was already summer, but listening to the movement outside, a layer of fine goosebumps appeared on her body.

Su Anyang could never forget this summer night!
Suddenly there was a banging sound from the window, which startled her.

Then she remembered what she had said to Tang Xiaolong, and hurried forward to open the window.

The man moved his arm hard, and people rushed in.

Su Anyang was stunned, looking at him and out the window.

This is the fourth floor!She used to live with him in the villa. Every time she locked the door in anger, this man would climb in through the window.

"You, why are you so stupid? What if you fall?"

Tang Xiaolong scratched his head and smiled: "It's not high. I climbed up a tree. But if you close the door and don't let me in, I will probably fall down hard after 2 minutes when the branches are overwhelmed." ( End of this chapter)

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