Su Anyang took a deep breath, "Then you still climb out of the window!"

Tang Xiaolong took a step forward, bent slightly towards her, and said seriously: "Su Anyang, now that you and Huang Chengkun have broken up, you will not continue to talk about marriage."

"I can't possibly give up such a good opportunity to get along with you alone."

Su Anyang glared at him. Fortunately, their house was the northernmost house, otherwise, someone would definitely find him climbing through her window.

"No matter what, you shouldn't joke with your own life! I, I don't deserve this," Su Anyang lowered his eyes slightly.

She has been with him for 30 to [-] years, and she knows very well that he is paranoid about her, like a hound that bites the flesh but refuses to let it go.

What's more, the two of them were still close to each other, and she and Huang Chengkun were a thing of the past.

With Tang Xiaolong's paranoia and domineering attitude, he would eliminate anyone around her who was suspected of being a love rival.

She has only two choices, either become a couple with him, or stay alone with him until the end of her life!
Obviously, after Su Anyang's family was no longer threatened, the traditional values ​​of Su's father and mother would not allow her to have the absurd idea of ​​never marrying.

Furthermore, her feelings for him are complicated, and it is difficult to say that there is no love in them.

Tang Xiaolong sat down closely next to her, hugged her into his arms without rejection, buried his head in her neck, and said with satisfaction: "Daughter-in-law, you are worth it!"

"As long as you are you, it's worth it. You don't know that from morning to now, I feel like I'm in a dream. I don't even dare to blink, for fear that everything in front of me is not real."

"Daughter-in-law, you see we worked together to send Huang Chengkun to the bureau. Shouldn't it be time for us to meet the parents and discuss when to get engaged and get married?"

"In case you have our baby in your belly, I'm afraid you will be said..."

Su Anyang was stunned for a moment and looked down at his flat belly.

Yes, she was indeed pregnant in her last life. Unfortunately, before she was aware of the child's existence, she was pushed to the ground by the fiancée of the Tang family who admired Tang Xiaolong, and she gave birth to a miscarriage!
She asked hesitantly: "Tang Xiaolong, you are the future heir of the Tang family, how can you marry me, a girl from a working-class family?"

Tang Xiaolong hugged her and rubbed her like a big dog.But he only dared to rub her neck and face, not any other places.

"If they don't agree, they can create another heir, or adopt one from a relative."

"What era are we in now? Parents ordering matchmakers, these are all old social customs. As long as we like each other and want to spend a lifetime together, we can go and get the certificate directly."

"However, I believe that my parents will also like the person I like!"

"Besides, you have to believe in your man's ability. No need for marriage, I can still bring the Tang family to a higher level, so that my daughter-in-law, your position as rich wife will be more secure!"

Su Anyang smiled and nodded: "Okay, anyway, if your parents don't agree, I won't marry you. I don't want to be kicked out of the Tang family because of you because of me."

"Don't wait until we are exhausted by the chaos of life, and you will regret your current choice."

She stretched out her hand to cover his mouth, "I know you will say you can't. But I will."

"I don't want life to wear away your high spirits!"

Tang Xiaolong was excited and held her hand tightly, "Okay, then I will go home and kneel on the ground until they agree."

"If they treat you well, then we should be filial to them. If they make things difficult for you behind my back, we will let them do it... If you are disrespectful to your elders, then don't blame me for treating my wife..."

Listening to his words, Su Anyang was moved and dumbfounded. He wanted to say something unfilial to his parents.

The son who worked so hard to raise ran away with someone else's girl. If it were her son, he wouldn't be allowed to break his legs?
"Okay, anyway, something that shouldn't happen to us has happened. What can we do?"

"It's like you said, if I get pregnant, if we think of a way at that time, it will be easy for both our families to be talked about."

"But tomorrow, you and I will go to Jubaozhai to choose a birthday gift for the old man!"

Tang Xiaolong's lips almost reached the base of his ears, "I knew that my wife had a crush on me when she first fell in love, but she was too reserved and had a boyfriend..."

Su Anyang held up his forehead and said, "Okay, let's kneel down!" "If I give you a smile, your face will be brighter. The speed of pushing your nose to your face is as fast as a rocket..."

Tang Xiaolong smiled, pecked her cheek hard, restrained his excitement, and told himself that the future was long, so don't scare her.

"Then I'll come early tomorrow morning!"

Su Anyang nodded: "I have to come early, preferably before Jubaozhai opens."

Tang Xiaolong naturally agreed and looked at her several times reluctantly before turning over the window.

Su Anyang was so frightened that she pulled him back, "Do you want me to tear up two sheets and put you down?"

Tang Xiaolong sneered: "I think last night and this morning, you still didn't feel how strong your man is. How dare you question me?"

Su Anyang shut up immediately.

The man laughed softly, climbed up the window, and when Su Anyang closed his eyes, he quickly grabbed the branch.

His arms were strong and strong, and he easily moved his hands twice along the thick branches, then touched the trunk and slipped down.

Su Anyang's heart also fell to the ground.

After watching the people leave, she closed the doors and windows and touched her stomach with her hand.

"Baby, my mother will do anything to protect you in this life!"

It was stormy outside, but the reborn Su Anyang slept soundly.

She had a dreamless night, and when she opened her eyes, her parents had already left for work.

Su Yueyang got up early and bought food and came back. At this moment, he finished eating with an expressionless face, "Sister, what about getting up early as promised? I'm going to get up early and you're going to sleep in?"

Su Anyang smiled and said, "Oh, I forgot that the store doesn't open that early."

After washing, she ate without any burden.

At this time, someone knocked on the door, and Su Yueyang stood up and opened it resignedly.

"Brother Xiaolong?" Su Yueyang was quite happy to see Tang Xiaolong.

He knew that Tang Xiaolong liked his sister, especially when he saw Huang Chengkun's useless look, he felt sorry that Tang Xiaolong could not become his brother-in-law.

The Tang family is a clothing manufacturer and has business dealings with Ruyi Garment Factory.

Tang Xiaolong has been silently guarding Su Anyang and taking great care of the Su family.

In particular, Su Yueyang was weak in foreign languages ​​and politics. Tang Xiaolong took the initiative to find him a tutor, which gave him the capital to perform exceptionally during the college entrance examination.

"Come in quickly, my sister is eating!"

Su Anyang glared at Su Yueyang angrily, "I think you should just change your surname to Tang."

Su Yueyang said with a smile: "I can't change my surname, but sister, you still have great hope."

In ancient times, after a woman's family, she would bear her husband's surname.

Being teased by his younger brother, Su Anyang's face turned red. Looking at the two men, one older and one younger, winking at each other, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly, feeling extremely satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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