Su Anyang particularly agreed with that sentence at this moment, except life and death, everything is a trivial matter.

It's great that God has been kind to her and allowed her to go back to the time when everyone was around and have a chance to change their fate.

"Hurry up and eat, we have important things to do later!"

Knowing that she was thin-skinned, the two of them didn't talk anymore and just immersed themselves in eating.

Jubaozhai is also located in the antique street next door that is famous in the entire Chengnan District and even in Kyoto.

This shop has a history of hundreds of years, and the owners have changed one after another. Now the owner of Jubaozhai is Mr. Xu, who is well-known in the antique world and one of the leading treasure appraisers.

It was the old man who bought the chipped plate yesterday.

However, people who pick up leaks naturally hope to buy at a low price and sell at a high price.

Although the plate is chipped, some players who like to collect antiques don't care. After all, the original craftsmanship, glaze color, historical research value, story, etc. of the antique are the most important.

The quality of antiques depends entirely on people's definition.If someone likes it and is willing to raise the price, then the antique can be sold for a sky-high price.

Therefore, Mr. Xu changed hands and sold the plate for 5 yuan. No other reason was that it was a vessel used by an emperor in the Qing Dynasty. There was also an unofficial record about the gap in the plate.

In the previous life, Huang Chengkun knew the value of this plate, because before he was reborn, he bought it from an auction for 30 yuan when he had money, and he also heard the story about this plate.

After he finished the transaction with Mr. Xu, he mentioned the story of the plate and offered it as a gift to someone destined to be destined.

Mr. Xu was originally complacent, but he didn't expect to be so favored by a junior. While he was a little embarrassed, he also felt that this junior was not a natural in the pool.

Who is willing to exchange five hundred for a favor of fifty thousand in his or her youth?
Who would have thought that the two would meet again the next day.

With Mr. Xu in charge, the bet between Huang Chengkun and Tang Xiaolong was guaranteed.

Su Anyang sighed silently. Tang Xiaolong usually looked like a carefree person, but when it came to business, he had a correct attitude and had certain intelligence and means. Everyone admired him.

Otherwise, he would not be able to make friends with the underground king, Wang Hongye, and call him brother.

But once Tang Xiaolong encountered her, he was easily controlled by his emotions and fell into Huang Chengkun's way.

He lost 20 yuan in the antique gambling game and 50 yuan in the rough stone gambling game. The money was not much for Tang Xiaolong, but there were not many people in the store when it was open. After hearing the news, the nearby bosses came over to watch the excitement.

The Tang family's face was thrown to the ground and stepped on by Huang Chengkun. Even at the old man's banquet, people who didn't deal with the Tang family mentioned this matter.

The big guys passed the ball one after another, making Tang Xiaolong a joke in the industry.

Is there anything more satisfying than a proud man being crushed by a poor man?
The old man was so angry that he left the meeting early. He felt that Tang Xiaolong was too pampered by his family, so he only assigned him a few companies with mediocre business to see if he had the ability to take over the huge family business.

So there may be a tough battle to be fought today!
When the three of them arrived at Jubaozhai, Su Anyang didn't knock on the door, just stood at the door and waited.

After a while, the door was opened, and it was a young man who opened the door.

Su Anyang squeezed in with the two of them and closed the door.

"Hey, little comrade, what are you doing? I'm open for business," Mr. Xu was wiping the things on the shelf with his reading glasses. Seeing the bright and dark light, he turned his head and asked with a frown.Su Anyang smiled and said: "Old man, let's choose birthday gifts for the elders in the family."

"I heard that antiques have spirituality. We sincerely want to buy good things for our elders, so we are a little superstitious and want to be the first customer in your shop."

"We have been standing at your door waiting for the door to open for a long time... We are all wet with dew..."

Mr. Xu himself was an old man for more than half his life, and he had filial children and grandchildren at home, so his displeasure was alleviated. "Then hurry up and don't delay our business."

Su Anyang chuckled and said: "Absolutely not. Jubaozhai is famous in the whole street. Who doesn't know that Mr. Xu has a sharp eye and sells good things... Basically, those who can come here are Ben If you come to this shop or come to it, you will never lose a single business because the door is closed."

Mr. Xu smiled and shook his head: "The little girl has a sweet mouth. Okay, you can choose slowly. Anyway, you don't start having sex until after ten o'clock every day."

Su Anyang quickly thanked him.

Su Yueyang and Tang Xiaolong couldn't help but look at each other. This woman used to have an arrogant personality. How could she be someone who spoke softly?She is a typical sharp-tongued person.

But looking at Su Anyang with such a warm smile, both of them also had smiles on their faces.

The Tang family is a big family and has been rooted in Nanshi for a long time. Half of the tea, clothing and beverage markets in Nanshi are the Tang family's business.

The people of the Tang family are all talented in business, and the elders have taken great pains to teach them, so it is not easy to deal with them all.

Even if Huang Chengkun had a lifetime of successful experience, it still took him ten years to bring down this big family.And he also took advantage of Kyoto’s snobbery.

Su Anyang followed Tang Xiaolong and gained a lot of knowledge.In order to take revenge, she worked hard to learn all kinds of knowledge and improve her abilities. Although she was not a master at identifying antiques, she was still somewhat successful, surpassing [-]% of people.

She pays attention to any treasure that is reported first in the news.

Such a treasure does not have only one owner.

For example, the light yellow scene gourd vase in front of you has lotus and ivy painted on it, which symbolize longevity and longevity. The auspicious clouds on it are connected end to end, and there is also a golden longevity seal printed on it.

And this was a pair. If she remembered correctly, this was a birthday gift given to the Queen Mother by Emperor Qian of the Qing Dynasty.At that time, the craftsmen in Jingzhen were highly skilled, and this luxurious and elaborate decorative craft was particularly highly praised by dignitaries.

Because this pair of gourd vases were so gorgeous, well-preserved, and bright and varied in color, they were once regarded as high-end imitations with only ornamental value and little collection value. They changed hands many times at cabbage prices.

Until it appeared again at an auction, its authenticity was verified, and it sold for a sky-high price of more than 2 million!
When Mr. Xu saw Su Anyang standing in front of the Duobao Pavilion at the door, staring at the pair of gourd bottles, he couldn't help but remind him: "Girl, all the good things from our Jubaozhai are inside. The ones placed at the door are either fakes or high-end products." Imitation, not afraid of breaking things."

"Since you are going to give it to the old man in your family for his birthday, they should know something about antiques. If you think it looks good, just give it to them. You might as well just give it two cigarettes and two bottles of wine."

"The water in antiques is very deep. Either you become a connoisseur or you become a joke."

"If you can trust me, tell me your price, and I can help you choose a few pieces?"

Su Anyang smiled and said: "Mr. Xu, people say that when buying antiques, in addition to having a keen eye and solid professional knowledge, you also need a certain amount of luck and good luck, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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