Murong Qinqing thought about it, nodded and said, "Then you can cut it open for me."

As she said this, she took out 200 yuan and handed it over.

The waiter in the shop took the money, took the rough stone to the machine and started cutting it carefully.

A 31-piece rough stone is better than a [-]-piece rough stone, but the chance of this kind of rough stone turning green is not high.

Although it is now impossible to borrow instruments to detect whether there is jade in the rough stones, this has also led to a large number of people gambling on stones, making them rich and poor. This has been summarized by many generations.

There are more people who have been in the industry and have been playing for a long time. Everyone has some experience and knows which characteristics are most likely to produce good products. The price of this type of rough stone is high, and the probability and quality of green stones are also good.

You get what you pay for.

Sure enough, after he had almost cut the rough stone, there was still no green. "I'm sorry, comrade, there is no jade in this rough stone. Otherwise, why don't you choose another one?"

Murong Qinqing pouted, "I just said this thing is unreliable. What good thing can I buy with 200 yuan?"

However, she thought about it and directed the waiter to pick through it again, select a few, and continue cutting. Without exception, they were all waste products.

Murong Qinqing waved her hand directly: "I won't play anymore, my ears are almost deafened by the noise."

"By the way, do you have an unknown painting in your shop? It's the kind that depicts flowers, birds, fish and insects, hanging on the wall..."

The waiter in the store twitched his eyebrows. This comrade was definitely mentally ill. She had to try to pick up the missing items one by one after the little boss finished picking up the things. No one with a normal mind would be able to do this.

If it were him, he would definitely pick other items, and the chance of missing something would be higher.

However, he always remembered his identity and shook his head with a smile: "Do you, any comrade, like these paintings on the wall?"

Just now, he had filled the space left vacant after the little master bought the object with other gadgets.

Murong Qinqing looked around, selected two pictures that pleased her eyes, and asked the waiter to take them down and weigh them in her hands.

The waiter's mouth twitched: "Comrade, the weight of this scroll has something to do with its material."

Murong Qinqing smiled and said, "Help me put these two paintings together."

She continued shopping for two more times and chose a jade Guanyin that was slightly inferior to the others.

The waiter quoted the prices one by one.

Murong Qinqing was very happy to pay. She gave the money and left with her things.

The waiter thought for a while, then walked to the back door and called Mr. Xu who was about to go out with the baby in his arms, and told him what had just happened.

Mr. Xu nodded: "Okay, I understand. I'll remind Xiao Tang later."

Murong Qinqing carried her things and went directly to the bureau to apply to visit Huang Chengkun.

She is from the Murong family. Even if she runs away from home, she still has the means to see people.

"Did you buy it?" Huang Chengkun looked at the package in Murong Qinqing's hand and asked excitedly.

Murong Qinqing nodded: "But I found the heart-shaped rough stone you mentioned, but I asked the waiter to cut it into pieces, and they were cut to the size of a grain of rice, but I still didn't see the jade."

Huang Chengkun sighed slightly.

The electronics factory and the clothing factory are only one street apart, and he often hears many people saying that someone here has successfully picked up a leak!Each story is enough for everyone to chew on over and over again, as detailed as if it were their own.

He was very poor at the time and had a lot of debt. He and Su Anyang couldn't afford it just on the wages he and Su Anyang earned from work.At that time, he loved to daydream all day long, based on these stories.

So Huang Chengkun remembers very clearly that in the past few days, someone chose a heart-shaped rough stone for 200 yuan, and it was cut into a piece of jade of good quality. At that time, the shop owner gave the person a check for 10 yuan!
"Maybe I remembered it wrong. Did you buy other items?"

Huang Chengkun thought, maybe it was the butterfly effect of his rebirth, or maybe the timing was not right.

Murong Qinqing nodded and put the things on the table: "I didn't know which painting you were talking about, so I bought two more. Can you see if there is anything you want in it?"

Huang Chengkun took the paintings and fiddled with the scrolls. They were all solid, and there was no dagger anywhere.

He shook his head in disappointment: "There are no other unknown paintings in Jubaozhai?"

Murong Qinqing shrugged, "No, I asked the waiter."

It seemed that she didn't find the painting he wanted, so she took out the Guanyin that gave birth to children: "What about this one? I compared this for a long time before selecting it, and it was definitely the worst quality in that batch. "

Huang Chengkun took the Avalokitesvara and illuminated it under the light.

Because the Guanyin is carved from jade, the quality of the jade is very average, and there are impurities in it, so it looks mottled when illuminated by light.

Huang Chengkun was excited.In his previous life, he finally succeeded and was the boss of a multinational company. He met all kinds of people and heard about many people's fortune histories.

One of them was his neighbor, and he buried his secret for more than ten years before spitting it out.

That person bought the Guanyin Avalokitesvara in Jubaozhai, accidentally broke it, and 690 Buddha relics fell out. Each one was sold at the auction for [-] million yuan.

One hundred and eight, that’s 4000 million!
No wonder that friend suddenly opened a large home appliance store. With so much money, he could stock up on enough goods at once to gain a huge price advantage.

Now that he has more than 7 million, Huang Chengkun's teeth are chattering with excitement, and many ways to make money are popping up in his mind.

Huang Chengkun smiled, and as soon as he loosened his hands, the jade sculpture hit the ground crisply.

He stared at the ground closely, but the jade sculpture was shattered to pieces, with nothing inside!

Huang Chengkun looked at it in disbelief, "It's impossible, how could it not be possible?"

Murong Qinqing was frightened by him, "Huang Chengkun, what are you doing? I worked hard to find the Guanyin for you, and you just threw it away like this?"

"My family has money, and I have never ruined things like this!"

The jade used for this Avalokitesvara is not very good, but such a large jade carving costs hundreds of dollars.It’s a month’s salary for many people.

Huang Chengkun slid along the iron railing and fell to the ground.

He was confused and hopeless.He was reborn and knew so many things. Shouldn't he be more smooth sailing than in his previous life?

Why did he get himself into trouble after being reborn for two days?
Suddenly he sat up, it was the [-] World Cup!
Yes, he quickly turned around and looked at Murong Qinqing, "Comrade Murong, I have one last thing to ask of you."

Murong Qinqing nodded patiently, "You said it, but I agreed. Although you saved me, I also helped you with things."

"After I finish this for you, we'll be settled! I don't like to owe others."

Huang Chengkun took a deep breath and responded.

He rescued Murong Qinqing because he was asking for favors. If he hadn't been imprisoned, why would such a big favor be wasted away by such small things that he could do personally!

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