Chapter 485: The vain ex-fiancée in the reborn male video (16)

Huang Chengkun was extremely aggrieved, but he would definitely not make another mistake this time.

"Comrade Murong, how much money do you still have?"

He was reborn. Whether the things he heard before were true or false, whether they were exaggerated, or the specific time and place were not necessarily reliable.

He can't rely on this information to get the first pot of gold, but the World Cup football tournament can't be wiped out by his little butterfly, right?

Murong Qinqing said reluctantly: "I still have some money in my hand, how much do you need?"

She is not stupid, she must take enough money with her when she runs away from home.

Huang Chengkun curled his lips and said, "Of course, the more, the better!"

"Comrade Murong, if you believe me, follow me and buy the World Cup soccer match where France defeated Brazil [-]-[-]..."

Murong Qinqing couldn't help laughing: "I said Huang Chengkun, are you stupid, or do you think I am a woman who doesn't understand football?"

"Who doesn't know that the Brazilian team is very powerful. Football is their national sport, just like our Xia Hua's table tennis. How could it be possible to lose the game, still [-]-[-]!"

"Why don't you buy seven to zero?"

Huang Chengkun said calmly: "Comrade Murong, you didn't appreciate the opportunity I gave you to make a fortune."

"I just hope you don't regret it."

Murong Qinqing sneered: "No, Huang Chengkun, you may not know the strength and size of our Murong family in Kyoto."

"I don't need to work hard for money, and I can spend my whole life like gold."

"I ran away from home this time. Before I left, my parents had already controlled my pocket money, so I only had 5 yuan...but I spent some, and I need to leave some money on me. Continue If you fight against your family, I can give you 3 yuan at most."

"But let's make an agreement first. After this matter is over, we won't owe each other anything!"

"It's equivalent to buying my own innocence with more than 3 yuan..."

Huang Chengkun lowered his eyes slightly and calculated. France's 3-0 odds against Brazil were 1 to 18, so if he invested [-], it could become [-].

The 18 yuan in 18 is not too much, but it is not too little. As long as he manages it properly, he will soon be able to double the number of [-] yuan!
He stared at Murong Qinqing with an unpredictable expression, "Thirty thousand is what I borrowed from you, and I will return it to you regardless of whether I win or not."

"If you want to sever ties with me, then get me out of jail... In fact, my affairs can be big or small, it all depends on how you handle it."

"I know that your Murong family should pay great attention to affection. A woman's chastity and reputation are very important to you. Once you lose them, even if you are the eldest daughter of the Murong family, your life will fall from heaven to earth..."

"And I missed many opportunities to make money in prison, which was a waste of my life... Repaying kindness is not about giving me some money or sending it to me for food, but to see what I need!"

"I just long for freedom now, Comrade Murong. I've given you the chance to repay your kindness. It depends on how you repay..."

Murong Qinqing puffed out her cheeks and glared at him, "Do you know my identity?"

Huang Chengkun pretended not to care and smiled: "After I rescued you, I judged it from your words and deeds."

"As you know, my ex-fiancee has a second-generation ancestor hanging around. So I have done some research on the upper class society. Originally, I was thinking about whether I could use the power of other people to guard against the second-generation ancestor of the Tang family." "I I found that no one in Nanshi can suppress the Tang family, except the big families in Haishi or Kyoto, among which is the Murong family in Kyoto."

"Murong has a compound surname, so it's easy to catch my attention, and you don't look like a girl from a small family. And listening to your standard Beijing movie voice, I can guess it if I'm not stupid."

Murong Qinqing hummed like a defeated rooster: "I have run away from home now, but I am not that capable of fishing you out."

Huang Chengkun smiled and said: "Comrade Murong, I am in the bureau now, and it is very unsafe for a little girl like you to be outside. I think it is very stupid for you to unilaterally vent your anger on your family."

"The aristocratic family values ​​profits. Maybe when you run away from home, the cats and dogs in the family will take your place. After you have enough fun and go back, you may be marginalized... The son of the aristocratic family enjoys the upbringing of the family, and also We need to give back, this is an obligation and a responsibility.”

Not sure what she was thinking of, Murong Qinqing's face turned ugly, "But I've already run away from home, and if you ask me to go back again, wouldn't I lose face and have no status at home?"

Huang Chengkun raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It's simple, you just need to complain to your close friends and let your family know that you were almost bullied."

"While they have deep feelings for you, you go down the steps and give me a hand..."

"By the way, this World Cup opportunity is too rare. If possible, I hope you can lend me more money. 3 yuan is nothing compared to Comrade Murong's chastity, right?"

"Don't you have any good friends to support you?"

"Really, if you want to go back in glory, follow me to buy football and keep your big wins. The more you invest, the more you earn..."

Murong Qinqing was a young girl who had just left the country, and was rescued by Huang Chengkun in such a desperate situation.In a strange city, she relied on Huang Chengkun like a fledgling.

In addition, Huang Chengkun was good at persuading people, and soon Murong Qinqing nodded in agreement, saying that he would find someone to borrow money later.

"There will be a match between Brazil and France at 08:30 tonight. You must buy before this time!" Huang Chengkun kept urging, "Buy as many as you can... The odds are one to six..."

"If you invest 1000 million, you can get 6000 million..."

The Murong family is in the hotel business, and their business is available all over the country.Murong Qinqing is the eldest lady in the family, and she has a lot of pocket money every month, but no matter how much it is, it is not enough for Murong Qinqing, who spends money lavishly.

10 yuan is almost a sky-high price for ordinary people with a monthly salary of a thousand yuan, but she bought a motorcycle today and a yacht tomorrow, flew here to play, and drove there to go shopping, anyway, every day She could spend all her money in a month.

She can only have 80 million during the Chinese New Year... Although she can't raise 1000 million, she can borrow a few million from her friends.

When she thought about how she could make five times the net profit with the borrowed money, Murong Qinqing was filled with excitement. "Are you sure? I don't understand football, don't lie to me!"

Her reason resisted the temptation.

It can be said that if Huang Chengkun dares to speak, she dares to think.

Huang Chengkun nodded, "Definitely, definitely, and very determined!"

"Otherwise, I'll write you an IOU. If you can borrow several million, I'll write you an IOU for several million. If I don't pay back, I'll go to jail. How about that?"

"No one would joke with their freedom..."

(End of this chapter)

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