Seeing Huang Chengkun's firmness, Murong Qinqing couldn't help but believe it, "Okay, then I'll borrow as much money as possible. I'll come to you after three o'clock in the afternoon to ask for the IOU, and then I'll go buy a ball."

Huang Chengkun couldn't help but warned: "It's not safe for a girl like you to have so much money. So, go find my friend Zhang Aimin."

"He is a veteran with some skills, integrity, and a strong sense of responsibility. With him protecting you, I feel more at ease."

As he said this, he asked for paper and pen, scrawled a few words on them, and also noted Zhang Aimin's address.

Murong Qinqing felt more at ease now, after all, veterans were involved.

After the situation was over, Murong Qinqing began to look through the relatives and friends in the address book on her mobile phone, called all the friends she had close relationships with, and borrowed money for various reasons.

Except for the fact that she ran away from home this time, she usually had excellent credit, mainly because the Murong family's eldest daughter's status was so important that they borrowed her money almost as soon as she asked.

Murong Qinqing came from a well-off family, and the relatives and friends she came into contact with were all from the upper class.In just two hours, she raised 500 million!

She was not stupid. She asked Huang Chengkun for a 100 million IOU.In this way, she would have 400 million to buy football. If it was like Huang Chengkun said, one loses six, wouldn't she have 2000 million?
Murong Qin didn't even bother to eat, so he went to Guanyi Garden to find Zhang Aimin.

This Guanyi Garden is a comprehensive service place, with entertainment venues and hotels above ground, and some marginal industries underground, controlled by the underground kings of Nanshi.

The underground king Zheng Jiuqian is a figure, and no one in Nan City dares to give him face.

And he has set a lot of rules, so you don't have to worry about credit issues when doing business with him.

After Su Anyang sent Su Yueyang home, he asked him to put the check and two items away, and then go to the hospital to get the physical examination reports of Su's father and Su's mother.

"Little Oak, you must remember not to mention what we did this morning to anyone."

"If we only won a thousand or eight hundred dollars, it would be fine no matter what you say. But the money we won has exceeded everyone's imagination, so if this matter is revealed, our family will not be as simple as being robbed. , it is very likely that your life will not be saved!”

Su Anyang is not an alarmist. Some people really dare to take risks for money.

Su Yueyang looked solemn and nodded repeatedly, "Sister, I know the priorities of the matter."

"My parents were promoted and received a few hundred yuan extra every month, so they made the neighbors say nasty things every time they met, and they even made trouble behind my back."

"If they knew we made millions a day, they would eat us up."

Su Anyang hummed: "Everything has two sides. It's not necessarily a good thing that we won so much money. Since ancient times, it is a crime to harbor a treasure, and we must be careful and cautious."

Especially since Huang Chengkun was reborn, she couldn't let him discover her identity.

Su Yueyang nodded seriously again, "Let's just keep silent and make a fortune."

After being delayed at home for a while, Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang walked side by side when they came out, nervously shaking hands and feet from time to time.

Su Anyang pursed her lips and smiled, and asked, "Tang Xiaolong, how much money do you have?"

"Tonight is the World Cup between France and Brazil, and I want to bet on that."

Tang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "Daughter-in-law, how much do you want?"

Su Anyang blinked: "Of course, the more, the better."

"Do you believe me? I have a hunch that if we buy France to play Brazil [-]-[-], we will definitely win. I just don't know if you dare to bet."

Tang Xiaolong chuckled: "What's there to be afraid of? As long as you, my wife, are by my side, I'll be happy even if I become a pauper."

Su Anyang looked slightly dazed, wasn't it? In the last life, the two of them became a wandering couple begging along the street.

This proud man of heaven was implicated by her and fell from heaven into the abyss.He enjoyed all the glory and wealth before, and then experienced the misery and despair of life.

When Su Anyang heard what he said, he lost his previous confidence.

She didn't know if the world would change, but knowing that the odds were [-] to [-], it was hard for her to give up the chance to win gold.

Su Anyang thought for a while and took him back home.

Su Yueyang has already gone to the hospital.Su Anyang found the jade-carved Avalokitesvara, found a piece of rag, and lifted it with a hammer.

"Tang Xiaolong, if I say that there are [-] Buddha relics inside, one Buddha relic can be sold for [-] million at the weekend auction. Then can we raise a lot of money?"

Tang Xiaolong was stunned for a moment and looked at Su Anyang seriously.

No one is so sure.

He knew something about antiques. This Guanyin Guanyin was not from recent decades, it was at least a hundred years old, so how did she know what was inside?
Thinking about Su Anyang's behavior in Jubaozhai and her 180-degree change in attitude towards him, he had a ridiculous guess in his mind.


No matter what happened to her, she was the only woman he wanted in his life.

Even if she wants to reach for the stars in the sky, he will satisfy her!

Su Anyang smiled and used a little force to smash the jade carving. Sure enough, there was a universe inside.

The shiny relics were scattered out one by one. Tang Xiaolong's eyes tightened, and his hands trembled slightly as he picked them up and counted them one by one. No more, no less, they were indeed one hundred and eight.

The problem is, this is really a Buddha relic!
Tang Xiaolong has seen real Buddha relics, so he can naturally distinguish the authenticity of the relics in front of him.

Even he couldn't help but feel his breath hitch with excitement.

"Daughter-in-law, what do you want to do?"

Su Anyang took out a handful of Buddha relics and said, "Let's raise money!"

As she spoke, she named a list of people, all of whom were now wealthy and had helped the Tang family or both of them in the future.

"I've heard about them in newspapers and magazines, and they're all pretty good-hearted people."

"It is up to them to get the Buddha's relics."

Tang Xiaolong reviewed these people in his mind and nodded in agreement: "They are indeed very principled people. Businessmen pay attention to interests, but they never forget their roots and often lend a helping hand to their friends."

Time was running out, so Su Anyang had to go to Jubaozhai with Tang Xiaolong again and show the relics to Mr. Xu.

After receiving the call, Mr. Xu hurried over and followed him.

These two are also among the best in the world of treasure appraisal!
What kind of treasure is the Buddha relic? Mr. Xu didn't bother to introduce them to each other, and just stared at the bag in Su Anyang's hand.

Su Anyang handed the bag over and said with a smile: "Grandpa, the gift I told you was a Buddha relic!"

Mr. Xu took a handful of Buddha relics wrapped in a handkerchief and looked at them over and over with his two friends, "Yes, they are really Buddha relics!"

"This is a rare treasure that can only be found. It can drive people crazy..."

They kept sighing, and it took a long time for them to calm down.

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