Chapter 491: The vain ex-fiancée in the reborn male video (22)

The last few years of Su Anyang's life were miserable.

Not only she, but also Tang Xiaolong were suppressed in all aspects.

They turned out to be such arrogant people, but their dignity was crushed to pieces.

In order to survive, they cling to life.

After Tang Xiaolong passed away, she gritted her teeth and continued to live, for no reason, just for her to take another breath. If she didn't kneel down and beg for mercy from Huang Chengkun, she was just trying to spite him!
And she only had this humble way to take revenge on Huang Chengkun in a ridiculous and self-righteous way.

Just like Huang Chengkun said, after Tang Xiaolong left, no one protected her. Even if she was dirty and smelly, there were many homeless people thinking about her.

But what Huang Chengkun didn't know was that her body was still clean. She only had one other man, Tang Xiaolong.

She had learned kung fu from Tang Xiaolong, so she could avoid being abused.

She hates Huang Chengkun and will return everything he has done to the Su family and the Tang family!
Su Anyang was still a clerk in the finance department of the electronics factory at this time.

She relied on her vague memory to find the office.

The Kyoto Electronics Factory is quite large and produces TV parts. The tasks every month are heavy. Naturally, the factory has many employees and is quite profitable.

There are more than a dozen employees in the Finance Department, each responsible for a part of the work.

She has always been a person who has plans for study and work. In her free time, apart from reading, she just plans, summarizes, writes diaries and excerpts of deeply touching sentences.

Su Anyang only found the diary in his room and had a general understanding of his current situation.At least she could call everyone in the office by name, but it would take some time to match the name with the person.

She came a while ago, found her desk, opened the drawer, and looked through her work diary.

Since the death of his family members, Su Anyang resigned and became the financial director of the Tang branch.

The work of a director is more comprehensive and more complex than that of a section officer.

It can be said that she has solid professional knowledge and can complete the work of a small clerk well even if there is a gap of several years.

Soon the big guys arrived one after another.

Su Anyang has finished sweeping and mopping the floor, running hot water twice and opening the windows for ventilation.

There was a faint floral fragrance in the air, which lifted everyone's spirits.

Who doesn’t want to work in a clean and fresh environment?
"Xiao Su, why didn't you rest at home for an extra day? Look at the injury on your forehead. It's really serious. Didn't you go to the hospital and get two stitches?"

"...will it leave scars...I have to take advantage of the lack of time to ask which ointments are effective in removing scars..."

Su Anyang has a cool white complexion and doesn't sweat much. He wears a white short-sleeved shirt with a lotus leaf collar, military yellow suit breeches, silver sandals, and a high ponytail.

What a beautiful and spirited girl, but the shocking scar on her forehead is scary.

Everyone couldn't help but come up and express some kind words of concern.

Su Anyang smiled and answered softly.

The electronics factory and the clothing factory are next to each other, so they can communicate with each other on the same day if anything happens.

What's more, the matter of Su Anyang and Huang Chengkun was separated by two days, and five or six versions had already been fermented.

Everyone looked at her and hesitated to speak. They had a lot of questions but couldn't open their mouths.

However, one aunt smiled enthusiastically: "Xiao Su, although you are a well-known college student, your eyesight when picking out men is really bad..." "Huang Chengkun is an unreliable pretty boy at first glance... He has no ability. , blaming this one and that one, shouting at you... We all feel pity for you when we look at it..."

"Isn't this just a flower stuck in cow dung?"

"But it doesn't matter. Fortunately, you are not married... But, hey, from now on, Comrade Su's business situation will be affected by Huang Chengkun, which will be greatly reduced. It will be difficult to find a partner..."

"You have been delayed by Huang Chengkun for several years...Do your family members urge you? Auntie, there are many suitable candidates here. Although their education is not as high as yours, each of them is energetic, has a good workplace, and can care for others and be responsible... …”

This aunt was quick to talk, and in a big circle, she began to promote her nephews.

The other people were not to be outdone and told her about the suitable young man among their relatives and friends.

Su Anyang hurriedly said helplessly: "Auntie, aunt, sisters, it's not that I don't want to find someone."

"But when Huang Chengkun and I were talking about a partner, there was someone waiting around me... It was only after Huang Chengkun showed his true face that I realized that Tang Xiaolong was still waiting for me."

"I didn't want to start a new one right after I ended one relationship... It's just that he is a domineering person. If he knew that I was on a blind date, he might do something bad..."

Many people know that Tang Xiaolong is the second generation ancestor of the Tang family.

He is a very high-profile person, who doesn’t know about him?

Su Anyang is beautiful, and everyone doesn't find it strange that he cares about her. They just feel sorry for her.

Sure enough, beautiful women are trouble and cannot escape the fate of being controlled by men.

"Xiao Su, please don't let go and agree to that person from the Tang family... We are all ordinary people, how can we have a relationship with a wealthy family?"

"The thing about flying up a branch and turning into a phoenix can only be seen in TV and novels... The reality is very cruel. It's okay for him to play with you, but he will definitely not marry you... Don't be stupid..."

Everyone looked at Su Anyang's obedient and docile appearance, and couldn't help but start to persuade her to wake up and not fall into another fruitless relationship.

Su Anyang responded with a smile, "There is no hierarchy in love. I will judge who I marry with my heart."

"At the moment, Huang Chengkun has made me frustrated. At the same time, I also want to test how much emotion the person who has been waiting for me for ten years has poured into me and how long he can sustain it."

"I hope you guys can be witnesses of our happiness!"

Everyone sighed, understanding that there is no clear explanation for feelings. People who dive headlong into it may not be able to pull back eight cows.

However, their work was quite heavy. When the work whistle sounded, they all began to immerse themselves in their work.

The first half of the year has just ended, and they have to conduct a thorough accounting of various accounts.

When the music played on the speaker, it was time to get off work. Su Anyang rubbed his sore neck and quickly packed up the things on the table, not giving anyone else time to talk.

By the time everyone came to their senses, she had already walked out with her bag on her back.

But when she was halfway downstairs, she heard the arrogant sound of a motorcycle coming from far and near!
Su Anyang held her forehead, she didn't need to look, she knew that it must be Tang Xiaolong who got stuck and came to pick her up.

Sure enough, when she walked out of the hall, she saw a man leaning in front of a cool motorcycle, playing with a pink helmet with a cold face at the people who frequently came up to talk to him.

Seeing her coming down, Tang Xiaolong smiled and waved. Where was the coldness and impatience from before?

"Anyang, here!"

(End of this chapter)

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