Su Anyang wished he could hold his bag to block him.

"How did you come?"

Tang Xiaolong smiled and put the helmet on her, fastened the buttons carefully, admired her appearance with satisfaction, buttoned her helmet and said:
"In addition to the huge commotion last night, half of the people in Nan City know that I became rich overnight. Even the old man held it in all night. He couldn't bear it anymore and called me at five o'clock in the morning to call me over for a talk."

"I just said that I met a little lucky star who casually showed me a clear path. I never thought that this path was inlaid with gold."

"I couldn't hold it back and told him that I would take you to see him another day. I also said that his grandson-in-law-to-be had prepared a big gift for his birthday party..."

"Many people saw it last night and knew that it was you who decided my choice. Those friends of mine want to meet my sister-in-law!"

"No, I'll take you to see the world... Although they are just as playful as me and haven't seriously taken over the family business yet... But each of them has some skills, money and connections..."

"I'll take you to get to know them. From now on in Nanshi, you can walk sideways!"

Su Anyang pursed her lips, smiled and nodded.

Tang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled, "I thought you wanted to blame me for killing him first and then showing him off."

Su Anyang glared at him, "You knew I wanted to blame you, so you came to pick me up?"

Tang Xiaolong looked at her angry look at this moment, with a silly smile: "Am I not looking for an excuse to pick you up?"

"You really expect me to come see you only on the weekend?"

"Then you have to question your own charm and my feelings for you!"

Su Anyang patted him: "Let's go quickly, I don't want to be the focus of everyone's attention."

"After eating, I have to squint for a while, otherwise I won't be energetic in the afternoon."

Tang Xiaolong responded repeatedly, got on the motorcycle, turned around and helped her with one hand.

Su Anyang had already pressed his shoulders and sat on him neatly.

Although Tang Xiaolong is the second generation ancestor, he has his own judgment and persistence in dealing with people.It can be said that the friends he has made are those who can give each other their backs with their heart and soul.

It's a pity that they were also involved in the last life, and the ending was not good. They died, were injured, or had to be painful deserters in friendship for the sake of their families.

But they tried their best to help them.

Su Anyang and Tang Xiaolong were grateful and guilty to them. If she could live her life over again, she would definitely not let Huang Chengkun attack them again.

"There are only five people in total. They are all my close friends since childhood. You have already met Zheng Jiuqian and Jiu Ge, and Xiang Zeming. Their family is in real estate; Yu Xiaxia's family sells various cars; Liu Ziming's family They make home appliances; Wu Xianghe’s family makes medicines..."

Su Anyang listened carefully.In her heart, she also thought of their ending sadly.

Zheng Jiuqian was very loyal and always protected Tang Xiaolong.

However, a spy appeared among Zheng Jiuqian's subordinates and leaked his whereabouts. As a result, he was injured in a car accident and his eyes were permanently blinded.

The era of Zheng Jiuqian's underground kingdom has become a thing of the past, and his position as a local leader was quickly replaced by Zhang Aimin.

In order to save Zheng Jiuqian's life, Tang Xiaolong had no choice but to send him abroad quickly.

The Xiang family’s real estate business was the number one in Nanshi, but they were framed by Huang Chengkun at two land auctions and had to declare bankruptcy... The Xiang family brothers knew that Huang Chengkun was targeting Xiang Zeming, so they sent someone to interrupt Xiang Zeming. Legs, sell them to Huang Chengkun...

The Yu family sells cars, but there is a problem with one of their shipments, causing heavy casualties to customers.Yu's father was sent to the police station, while Yu Xiaxia was forced to jump off the building by the victim's relatives...

The Liu family opened a home appliance mall, and business was in full swing, but Huang Chengkun also opened a home appliance mall opposite the Liu family, and he came with sales tactics one after another, forcefully attracting most of the Liu family's customers.

Moreover, many employees of the Liu family were poached, resulting in a significant decline in the Liu family's sales and after-sales service levels, and a serious loss of customers.Furthermore, the fire at the Liu's Home Appliances City caused serious damage. Liu's father was sent to the hospital in a state of rage, and Liu Ziming's wife was threatened when she was about to give birth.

He had to choose to temporarily cut ties with Tang Xiaolong.

But the Liu family's difficulties came one after another, and Liu Ziming couldn't cope with it, and he suffered from uremia at a young age...

The Wu family runs a pharmaceutical company, but it was found out that many of the drugs were not up to standard and delayed patient treatment, so they had to close the company for rectification.And there is no time limit for this rectification.

It was revealed that Wu Xianghe was not a biological child of the Wu family.The Wu family then pretended to let him inherit the family business, used a shell company with his name on it, and after borrowing tens of millions, disappeared in Nanshi and went to other cities to develop!

Carrying so much debt, Wu Xianghe was depressed. After being sued, he struggled to find a job. He suffered from depression and completely left this world...

Seeing them young and lively, Su Anyang trembled slightly.

Tang Xiaolong smiled and put his arms around her shoulders: "Don't be afraid, wife, they are not tigers and don't eat people! As long as I am here, I will eat their share."

"Come, call sister-in-law..."

The big guys also suppressed all their aggressive auras, and introduced themselves like the little brother next door, smiling extraordinarily warmly and friendly.

Su Anyang took a deep breath and greeted each one with a smile.

"Daughter-in-law, you can order whatever you want to eat. Brother Ninth is treating you!"

With that said, Tang Xiaolong handed the menu to her.

Su Anyang is not polite. There are many things he wants to eat.She couldn't finish the meal and there were six grown men taking the spoils.

She said directly: "Waiter, bring up all your popular signature dishes."

"Just fill the table!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. This girl is so bold and bold.

This was the first time they had seen someone ordering food like this.

The waiter also twitched the corner of his mouth, but this table was filled with people who were not to be trifled with, so he responded with a smile.

While drinking tea, everyone looked at Su Anyang curiously.

This girl is so beautiful and so well-behaved. No wonder Tang Xiaolong has fallen in love with her so early.

If they were classmates with Su Anyang, they would have to think about it all day long.

However, they all knew what was right and looked away after a few glances.

They are now curious about her luck.

Zheng Jiuqian asked: "Brother and sister, how did you know that Miss Murong would win?"

"Is it possible that there is something shady about the results of the World Cup? And Miss Murong found out the news in advance?"

Su Anyang smiled and shook his head: "It's impossible. Playing in front of so many fans, if France hadn't shown its strength and brought such a wonderful game, it would be difficult to fake it and crush the Brazilian team with a three-to-zero advantage... "

"And this is a world-class competition. It is impossible for anyone to manipulate the results... I thought Miss Murong and the man next to her were lucky, so I bought it."

"I know that you all have gone to school and believe in science, but you don't quite understand and experience the power of our Xia Hua metaphysics..."

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