Several men looked at each other and Zheng Jiuqian said: "Brothers and sisters, it's not that we don't believe in metaphysics."

"Look at me. I am known as the underground king of Nan City. I live a life of licking the tip of a knife every day. I don't know how much blood is on my hands. If I believed this, I would have become a monk long ago to atone for my sins."

Yu Xiaxia said with a smile: "We men are very yang-y, bold, and rough-hearted. Maybe we really didn't notice anything special around us."

Wu Xianghe also raised his eyebrows and said funnyly: "Sister-in-law, please stop being so secretive and just tell us."

Su Anyang cleared his throat and said in a pretentious manner: "Actually, I have been different from others since I was a child. I have been able to see some luck-related things, and I have learned something from others by chance."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to pick up antiques in antique stores, and I wouldn't have been able to predict that I would have good fortune and actively prepare money. I wouldn't have bought golf balls with the Murong girls."

"It seems that you can only believe what I say, right?"

But no, Zheng Jiuqian was a witness, which is still unbelievable to this day.

He became interested, "Sister-in-law, how do you think I am? Am I having good fortune recently?"

Su Anyang smiled lightly and said, "I only know a little bit about it. Whether I can see your problems depends on fate."

"Ninth brother, you..."

In the early stage, Huang Chengkun just concentrated on doubling the funds in his hands to avoid their attacks. It was not until the end of the month that he bought crude oil futures, and the money in his hands increased fifty times, and he began to pounce back.

As a powerful member of Tang Xiaolong, Zheng Jiuqian became the first person Huang Chengkun had to deal with.

She frowned and looked at Zheng Jiuqian, making everyone hold their breath.

Tang Xiaolong couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Daughter-in-law, do you see anything?"

"Yes, isn't that good? We are all brothers, you have something to say!"

Su Anyang sighed slightly, "Brother Ninth, you have been a villain in the past two months."

"If you can find this villain, and then follow the clues to find out who is trying to deal with you, then you will hopefully be able to escape from the circle of Nanshi."

Zheng Jiuqian was very concerned about his life and asked quickly: "Brother and sister, what if I didn't find this villain?"

Su Anyang said calmly: "It can range from being blinded in a car accident to death!"

With just one sentence, several men sitting there were so frightened that they broke into cold sweat.

"Daughter-in-law, are you kidding?" Tang Xiaolong's back felt cold.

Su Anyang raised his eyebrows: "Do you think I'm joking?"

"These are the only words I can reveal to Brother Ninth. Also, Brother Ninth, you should pay attention to the most unlikely person around you."

Zheng Jiuqian felt bitter in his mouth. The brothers who could follow him till today are all life-long friendships.He thought he could follow them for the rest of his life.

But Su Anyang's words gave him a hard blow.

Regardless of whether what she said was true or not, Zheng Jiuqian was very smart and could sense that some of his men were ready to make a move.

It is said that the power of the world will unite if it is divided for a long time, and it will divide if it is united for a long time.

Just two years after their comfortable life, some brothers were dissatisfied because of his conservative behavior.If someone outside instigates me again...

Zheng Jiuqian was a little restless, thinking that anyone could do it, and his heart was bleeding.

Wu Xianghe pointed at himself, "Sister-in-law, can you show me?"

Su Anyang waved to him.Tang Xiaolong was a little dissatisfied and muttered: "Daughter-in-law, just take a look... How can they be as good-looking as me?"

Su Anyang slapped him funny, "We are talking about serious things, what are you thinking about?"

Tang Xiaolong held his chin up and looked at her intently: "If I weren't afraid that you would be angry, my wife, I would have put you in my pocket and carried you around without letting anyone see you!"

Su Anyang smiled and said, "That's a shame for you to accommodate me."

If he hadn't accompanied her as a tramp and homeless woman, he would have even starved to death for her.She really thought that she was just a toy to him.

Knowing that he was telling the truth, Su Anyang felt warm in his heart and hoped more and more that he would live well and enjoy a good life in this life.

And his friends!
Wu Xianghe looked at Tang Xiaolong speechlessly: "Brother Long, I didn't expect you to be so bored when you fall in love. Where were you who used to be handsome and turned a blind eye to women?"

Tang Xiaolong hummed: "You don't know the feeling of love at first sight and deep love. Really, if you can meet someone like this in your life, your life will be worth it!"

At this moment, Wu Xianghe had moved a stool, sat in front of Su Anyang, and stretched out his hand.

Su Anyang waved his hand, looked at him seriously, and asked his birthday.

Wu Xianghe was frightened by her nagging look and announced his birthday.

"Is this date accurate?" Su Anyang asked.

Wu Xianghe nodded: "That's right, my mother gave birth to me in the hospital... The baby's appearance and weight change a lot when the baby is born one day apart..."

Su Anyang squinted his eyes slightly, fiddled with his fingers for a while, and frowned more and more.

"Sister-in-law, don't scare me, just say something!"

Wu Xianghe kept swallowing his foam.He is a man, but he is not very courageous and has weak psychological endurance.Looking at Su Anyang's expression, he thought that if Zheng Jiu committed a crime, he probably wouldn't get anything good to say.

Su Anyang let out a long sigh, "Is it possible that I am shallow?"

"The wealth and seals in the five elements of human numerology represent parents. Your wealth seal is a taboo god, and you are far away from the Lord of the Sun. Your relationship with your parents is shallow... Such people are not close to their parents, or even regard them as strangers... …”

"But I see that you must have been pampered and grown up..."

Wu Xianghe nodded repeatedly: "Yes, I have two sisters at home. I am the third eldest and the only male in the family. Naturally, I am favored. How can it be possible that my parents are not close friends?"

"Unless I'm not born to my parents..."

The tension in his heart dissipated, and he just laughed at Su Anyang's alarmist remarks.

Su Anyang stood up suddenly, "Yes, why didn't I think of that?"

"Since your mother gave birth to you in the hospital, could you have been held in the wrong arms?"

Wu Xianghe, who was still laughing, choked on his own saliva and coughed violently.

When everyone heard this, they shook their heads: "Isn't it possible? The chance of holding the wrong child is very small, how could it happen around us?"

"Ah He is over 20 years old. If he is not a child of the Wu family, then why would Uncle Wu and Aunt Wu spend so much energy and money on cultivating him?"

In the previous life, Huang Chengkun found the real child of the Wu family through the hospital files. He purposely approached that person and got on well with him before leading him to discover his own life experience.

Wu's father is a businessman, and he is stingy even when it comes to family affection.

After knowing that Wu Xianghe was not from the Wu family, he was completely emotionally drained. He even used Wu Xianghe to borrow tens of millions, pretending that Wu Xianghe had repaid the kindness of raising him for more than 20 years...

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