After Wu Xianghe calmed down, his smile was a little forced: "Sister-in-law, are you kidding me?"

"What horoscopes and destiny are, may not be true. If you believe it, it will be true. If you don't believe it, there will be nothing, right?"

Su Anyang shrugged: "I believe that people's destiny is predetermined. It has been written the moment you come to this world, just like an ant does not know that it is walking on the map you drew with a stick. Follow the sunken lines and keep walking..."

"Actually, it's easy to verify whether my words are true or false. You secretly collect the hair from your parents with hair follicles and go to the relevant agency to do a paternity test."

Wu Xianghe shook his head and almost cried: "I don't dare. If I am really not a Wu family member, then who am I?"

Tang Xiaolong patted him on the shoulder: "You are our brother!"

"We grew up. Not only do we have similar family backgrounds, but more importantly, we share the same temperament... Now that we have grown up, we can create a career on our own without a family."

"It's because we are too lazy. We always feel that time is still too long and we haven't been able to work hard to make money... If my brother has a good way to make money in the future, he will definitely take you with him..."

"If you are afraid, then we will accompany you to do the appraisal. This matter should be done sooner rather than later. When the appraisal results come out, we can discuss how to deal with it..."

"To be honest, if your parents know that you are not their biological child, with their patriarchal attitude, you should break away from the Wu family as soon as possible..."

Zheng Jiuqian and the others also warned him one after another.

Wu Xianghe had already begun to cry at this moment, "Brothers, are you sure that I am not a member of the Wu family?"

Yu Xiaxia sighed: "What do you think? You look nothing like your parents."

"How could they give birth to such a handsome son with ordinary looks? Looking at the appearance of your two sisters, do you think genetic mutation can explain it?"

Wu Xianghe gritted his teeth: "Then I will go home after dinner and collect my parents' hair!"

Liu Ziming warned: "It must be done secretly, don't be discovered."

Wu Xianghe nodded, but he didn't know what he wanted the appraisal result to be.

Yu Xia Tian looked at Su Anyang, "Sister-in-law, what about me? Can you help me take a look?"

Su Anyang glanced at him twice, and his expression suddenly changed.

Everyone's heart was raised again.

"Daughter-in-law, if you have anything to say, just say it. We are so scared..." Tang Xiaolong couldn't help but tremble.

Su Anyang didn't show off, and said straightforwardly: "Your family may be involved in a lawsuit within the next six months, and you...may not be able to bear the pressure and do stupid things..."

Yu Xia Tian was stunned for a moment.He was mentally prepared, but he didn't expect Su Anyang to speak even more brilliantly.

"Sister-in-law, what you mean is that I am a short-lived ghost? Will I not survive this year?"

Su Anyang nodded, "Look at your palms. Has your lifeline stopped abruptly?"

She heard about it from Tang Xiaolong in her previous life.

The first time she saw Xia Tian in this life, she didn't look at his hand.

Everyone looked at Tang Xiaolong, who waved his hands repeatedly: "I didn't tell my wife anything."

"It seems that my wife-in-law does have some abilities!"

The more this happened, the more hairy Yu Xia Tian felt, "Sister-in-law, what should I do?"

Su Anyang thought for a while, "Your family sells cars. Could it be that there was some quality problem with the product, causing serious casualties?"

"Anyway, go back and tell your family that you must be more careful in the next two or three months and don't let any oversight ruin your future."

"Besides, you can't mention this to the outside world. What if it's man-made?"

"Only by catching the person behind you will you be completely out of danger..." Yu Xiaxia nodded seriously.

Liu Ziming took a deep breath and said, "Sister-in-law, can you take a look for me too?"

Su Anyang nodded, looked at his face, and then looked at his prime minister twice.

"Your wealth luck is not very good, there is a serious fault, and your future is not satisfactory. It is also very likely that you will suffer from physical problems due to hard work..."

Wu Xianghe couldn't help but ask: "Is it possible that Ziming, like me, was adopted and was kicked out of the house by his parents?"

Liu Ziming kicked him angrily, "Do you think this is a TV series? You can get together with the wrong child?"

He looked at Su Anyang with burning eyes, hoping that she could give him some advice.

Su Anyang said: "In the next three months, you must pay attention to the dryness of the sky and prohibit all open fires... You need the help of noble people for your financial luck... You must have a comprehensive physical examination in advance, and then you must balance work and rest. You cannot rely on your youth to overdraw your health... …”

Liu Ziming took out his notebook and wrote on it one by one.

Tang Xiaolong pulled Su Anyang and said, "Daughter-in-law, can we two live together for a long time?"

Su Anyang's eyebrows curved, "Of course, as long as you have me in your heart, we can grow old together!"

Tang Xiaolong said with a smile: "I can only pretend to be you in my whole life. Wife, it is the greatest luck in my life that I can be with you."

Su Anyang pursed her lips and glared at him, then smiled and whispered: "Glib tongue!"

Next is Aizawa Ming, whose family runs a real estate company.

"Brother and sister, wouldn't something bad happen to me in the past few months?"

Su Anyang nodded, "Your health and financial fortune are not very good."

"Besides, you have to beware of blood relatives!"

Aizawa Ming thanked him and fell into deep thought.

At this time, the food was served, and everyone was still immersed in what was going to happen to them.

To know the credibility of Su Anyang's words, they only need to wait for Wu Xianghe's paternity test report.

Except for Su Anyang who was eating happily, everyone was in a lack of interest and wished they could leave now.

After eating, Su Anyang suddenly remembered something and reminded Wu Xianghe: "You'd better find someone to check how many babies were delivered in the hospital where you were born that day."

"Follow this clue, maybe you can find the real son of the Wu family."

"The child's genes are given by his parents. Based on that person's appearance, you can make a rough judgment and do another paternity test..."

Tang Xiaolong looked slightly solemn: "Ahe, your family runs a pharmaceutical factory. Your father should know many friends in the medical system..."

"In order to avoid alerting the enemy... I suggest you only collect samples from your parents and leave the rest to us."

"We go to other provinces and cities to do paternity testing reports. To be on the safe side, we do it at three institutions..."

Wu Xianghe responded dejectedly, believing Su Anyang's speculation half a dozen times in his heart.

"Ah He, cheer up," Zheng Jiugan patted his shoulder, "Without your parents, you and our brothers will not starve to death no matter what."

"Now that the economy is liberalized, there are more opportunities to make a fortune... What do you do as a second-generation ancestor? Isn't it better to be a self-made boss?"

Wu Xianghe took a deep breath, smiled and nodded vigorously: "Yes, I still have brothers and sisters-in-law."

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