After saying goodbye to his brothers, Tang Xiaolong looked at Su Anyang with unconcealable fear and worry.

Why didn't Su Anyang understand what he was thinking.

Tang Xiaolong has been paying attention to her since he took her into his heart, and would hang out in her life from time to time.

Sometimes he would smoke cigarettes and talk to a group of idle rich second-generation people in the place she must pass on her way to and from get off work; sometimes he would appear at various event venues in the factory; or he would go to the cafeteria to eat with his friends.

The two of them were junior high school classmates after all. When they met, they would always say hello with a smile and say a few words.

It can be said that he knows better than her whether she has apprenticed as a disciple and how many abilities she has.

So Tang Xiaolong knew that she didn't know anything about metaphysics.

Su Anyang had no idea of ​​hiding anything from him, but at this moment she pretended that she couldn't see him, put on her helmet and got on the motorcycle.

They talked for a while while eating, and because she ordered a lot of food, everyone took a long time to eat so as not to waste it. They barely cleared the plate and came out one by one with a full stomach.

There was no time for lunch break, so the two of them hurried to the unit.

When he got downstairs, Su Anyang pointed to the open space and asked Tang Xiaolong to stop the car.

After taking off his helmet, Su Anyang chuckled and asked: "Tang Xiaolong, are you curious why I suddenly became so powerful and became a half-fairy? I can pick up leaks in my grandpa's shop and hold my helmet during the World Cup football match." More than 1 million won without hesitation, France beat Brazil [-]-[-], and you can tell the fate of your friends again."

Tang Xiaolong nodded hesitantly, "Yes, I'm quite curious. But my wife..."

Seeing Su Anyang glare at him, he quickly changed his words and chuckled: "But if my girlfriend doesn't want to say it, I won't listen. If you say it, it will have a bad impact on you, I won't listen either!"

Su Anyang took a step forward solemnly with his hands behind his back and looked at him, "What would you do if I said that I changed the core and it was not the Su Anyang you have been paying attention to?"

Tang Xiaolong was stunned for a moment and chuckled: "Anyang, are you kidding me?"

"Whether you are you or not, I can tell if I close my eyes."

Su Anyang raised his eyebrows: "Then how do you explain that I have so many skills?"

Tang Xiaolong clenched his fist slightly, "Perhaps you have experienced these things, you," he said with difficulty every word: "Are you reborn? From the future?"

"I didn't protect you in the future?"

Su Anyang tilted his head and nodded with a smile: "Tang Xiaolong, this is the first time I've noticed that you are so smart, and you dare to guess everything."

When she said this, her tone was slightly sad, "Indeed, I was reborn."

"I have experienced all this, and I still remember it very clearly... It's just that in the last life, we were designed by Huang Chengkun to have a physical relationship. He brought my parents to arrest us with evil intentions, and my father was angry at that time. No more, then my mother couldn’t bear the reality and public opinion caught up with her, and something unfortunate happened to my brother too..."

She told him the events of her previous life in a relatively concise manner.

Tang Xiaolong had a gloomy face the whole time.

Indeed, Huang Chengkun is a man.He was reborn and knew many opportunities to make a fortune. He was also good at making connections and using his strength to suppress the Tang family and the Su family in all aspects.

No matter how powerful the Tang family is, they are only the richest man in Nan City. Above Nan City there are provincial capitals, and above that are several first-tier cities.

There were so many rich and powerful people that the Tang family was suppressed, which was easy for Huang Chengkun who had already completed the deployment.

Whenever he thought about Su Anyang's life like that, Tang Xiaolong only regretted that he didn't frame Huang Chengkun more.

Su Anyang poked his frowning brow with a porcelain-white finger, "Okay, everything is over. Now he is showing the light and we are hiding it. Who knows who will be the big winner in this life?"

"You see, after I was reborn, I cleverly avoided his plans and kept my parents and brother alive. I also robbed him of several opportunities to make a fortune." "We will definitely be better in the future!"

Tang Xiaolong nodded solemnly, restraining the thought of holding her in his arms, "Anyang, I will definitely not let you suffer at all in this life."

"In the past, I was immature. I thought I would live forever and didn't study hard and hone myself... From now on, I will become stronger and be able to completely protect you and your relatives and friends!"

Su Anyang smiled and nodded: "Xiaolong, I believe you."

"You have always been very smart, but your mind is not on studying and running the family business."

"You haven't grown up in the last life, so naturally you don't have much ability to fight against him."

"It's different this time, Xiaolong. Huang Chengkun is a complete evil person. He likes to wear the skin of hypocrisy and watch all the people who have bullied him die of despair."

"We cannot have the slightest contempt for him. Since we are already at the top of his blacklist, it is a life-or-death relationship."

"Xiaolong, we must make more money and build more powerful people!"

Tang Xiaolong responded solemnly, "Anyang, don't worry, I'll just catch up..."

Su Anyang quickly covered his mouth, "Bah, bah, bah, don't say such things."

"Xiaolong, you know how lucky I am to be reborn and see you again, to be able to stand next to you as a serious girlfriend, instead of being blinded by hatred and unable to see your dedication and affection."

"I want you to live, and I never want to hold your cold body through the long winter again!"

Tang Xiaolong's heart ached and he closed his mouth and said nothing more.

The bell rang for work, and Su Anyang hurried to the office building, "See you on the weekend!"

Tang Xiaolong waved his hand and watched her skip away.

As a person who has lived two lives, he found that instead of leaving a trace of gloom on her face, she was more cheerful and lively than before, with a contented and bright smile on her face.

That's right, after experiencing darkness and bathing in the sunshine again, can she just work hard to live?
Everyone is alive.

The more this happened, the more Tang Xiaolong felt sorry for her.

He wanted to know what she had experienced in her previous life.

There was so much cruelty and despair hidden in this woman's understatement.

For the first time, Tang Xiaolong's heart was full of hostility, what a Huang Chengkun!

Fortunately, he really likes Su Anyang, he has pretty good looks and family background, and he cares deeply about her. What if it was someone else who was plotted to get drunk with Anyang...

Thinking of this situation, Tang Xiaolong wanted to kill someone!

He took out his mobile phone and called the brothers: "Emergency gathering, we must do a good job and strive to be ranked in the national rankings."

"Otherwise, we will only be crushed by others!"

Those brothers were quite content with the status quo.

Money is just a number to them. Without any effort, they can have money that they can't spend all their life.

But after just a meal, they realized that they were nothing if they left their home!

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