They are like flowers in a greenhouse, they have not yet tasted the bitter taste of life, and they have not even thought of going outside the glass house to sharpen their skills.

Not to mention these second-generation ancestors, even Zheng Jiuqian, who worked hard on his own, would feel complacent and relax his vigilance from time to time after achieving small achievements, and this is the most important thing!

Tang Xiaolong made a phone call and they gathered together again.

Naturally, he would not lay the matter of his wife's rebirth in front of them equally, even if he could help them.

But he can discuss with them how to combine the strength of their respective families and start their own business.

They will inherit the family business in the future. Even if they are idle, they are still forced to learn many things that they need to learn.

Economic developments across the country and around the world are also fed into their minds without filtering.In such an environment, they naturally have some business acumen.

The group discussed for a long time and came to the conclusion that real estate and the Internet will dominate people's future wallets.

The Xiang family is engaged in real estate, but their industries are all in the province, and the land prices they control vary. However, Xiang Zeming can still spread some basic knowledge to everyone in detail.

Tang Xiaolong's hand knocked on the table a few times, "Now that I have some money, we can invest in a few pieces of land first, get a thorough understanding of this industry, find ways to raise financing, and then expand the scale..."

Zheng Jiuqian continued: "Xiaolong, I made a lot of money from buying football before. I only keep a small part as working capital for the project at hand, and the rest can be used..."

Xiang Zeming nodded: "There will be a land auction in the provincial capital next month. I will help you get some invitations."

Yu Xiaxia touched his chin: "My family sells cars. When we sell houses, we can give customers discounts on cars... and even get a chance to win a car prize when buying a house..."

"In terms of sales promotion, our family has done quite well..."

Not to be outdone, Liu Ziming said: "We can provide all-inclusive housing construction, decoration, furniture and home appliances, allowing customers to move in with their bags..."

Wu Xianghe still couldn't figure out who he was at the moment, but he still said: "I will study hard to build a house... If I am not from the Wu family, then I will supervise the work and stand guard for my brothers at the construction site..."

Everyone is working together, trying hard to accomplish something and get rid of the fate of being easily threatened and crushed by others.

Su Anyang entered the office, ignored the ambiguous looks from everyone, and concentrated on his work.

As soon as she gets off work, she runs faster than anyone else, making people want to catch her and gossip without even reacting.

After returning home, Su Anyang washed her hands, took a shower, put on comfortable home clothes, ate watermelon cross-legged and watched TV series with a fan.

Su Yueyang also came out of the room, and slumped down on the sofa, gnawing on watermelon and squinting at the fan, "Sister, it's a good thing I've passed the college entrance examination, otherwise you'd be enjoying it so much. For me, who was sprinting in high school, it would be a waste." Lingchi-like cruelty!"

Su Anyang glared at him, "Don't say such bad words in the future."

"Did our parents go to the hospital at noon? What did the doctor say?"

Su Yueyang nodded, "Their precious daughter has spoken, how dare they not go?"

"My dad usually likes to drink and smoke, and he eats with heavy taste. Now he has a lot of problems, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high blood lipids, and moderate coronary heart disease... The doctors have suggested that he be hospitalized for injections and medication, otherwise he will be cured. God, once he gets into a mood, it's easy to fall over..."

Su Anyang nodded heavily: "No!"

"Has he gone through the hospitalization procedures? Don't tell me that his professionalism has returned again. He feels that the entire factory cannot produce normally without him?"

Su Yueyang nodded: "No!"

"He is serious and responsible about his work. He feels that he is in good health now. It is the doctor who is spreading alarmism."

Su Anyang took a deep breath, "Where is our mother?"

"How is her health? Why doesn't she care about dad?" Su Yueyang replied: "Our mother has high blood pressure and anemia, so it's not a big problem."

"Our mother also saw that our father was in good health, so she wanted to ask him to hang the hanging bottle again on Sunday."

Su Anyang chuckled twice, just as the old couple pushed the door open and came in. ,

She glanced at them, then entered the room and rummaged through the cabinets, making a lot of noise.

Su's father felt a little guilty and followed him to see: "Daughter, what are you doing?"

Su Anyang hummed: "Some people start acting rogue before they are too old to walk. They promised others to be good before, and they do whatever the doctor says."

"The doctor's words cannot be trusted, but the data measured by the instrument cannot deceive people, right?"

"How come the data compiled by so many of us in Xia Hua is not worthy of belief?"

"I don't dare to live at home anymore. What if one day you are deceived by your own eyes and you faint without waiting for me to explain..."

"I can't bear such a big responsibility!"

Father Su's face darkened: "Where are you moving to?"

Su Anyang smiled at him: "Of course I am looking for someone who can take me in, such as my boyfriend."

Father Su gritted his teeth in anger: "No, you haven't even decided to get married yet, how can you live together?"

Su Anyang looked at him eagerly, "Why don't I want to live at home, but I don't feel like I'm a member of the family, and my words have no weight at all."

"What's the point of me staying here?"

Father Su rubbed his nose awkwardly, "Aren't I afraid of delaying my dowry money for you?"

Su Anyang hummed: "I don't lack your three melons and two dates."

Su's mother heard this from outside and was dumbfounded: "Now that you have made your own money and found a rich boyfriend, why don't you look down on your parents' salary?"

Su Anyang glanced at Su's father without saying anything, "Dad, your health is so bad now that you can't bear any exciting news."

"My brother and I have good news, but we can't share it with you. I'm afraid that if you're happy, you'll be like that crazy Fan Jin who got the lottery... Maybe you're not as good as him..."

These words made Su's father and Su's mother scratch their hearts, "What kind of good news is this?"

Su Anyang smiled and shook his head: "I won't tell you until when you are released by the doctor. We will tell you."

"Anyway, dad, if you don't ask for sick leave tomorrow, I will lose my own future and disrupt your work. Do you think I dare to do that?"

Dare, his daughter was so pampered by them that she would not look back on anything she was determined to do.

Father Su reluctantly compromised: "Okay, okay, I'll take sick leave and go through the hospitalization procedures. Is that okay?"

"But I'm in good health. You don't have to accompany me. You can just go to work as usual."

Su Anyang chuckled, "Let mom accompany you for a hundred days, and Xiao Yue and I will take turns accompanying you at night."

(End of this chapter)

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