Su Anyang chuckled, she felt quite accomplished if a man could be charmed by her.

At this moment, she nestled in his arms without feeling too hot and repeated the question just now.

Tang Xiaolong nodded: "That's true. My sister-in-law married in Kyoto, but she grew up in my family and has developed a habit of calling home every weekend to chat."

"My sister-in-law is suppressed over there. She needs to be a dignified young lady Jiang in front of others. In her husband's family, she is gentle, virtuous and not too busy, but at home she is very lively and talkative."

"So when she called her family, she couldn't help but recount the events of the week... We know a lot about the Jiang family."

"The third uncle of the Jiang family and his wife are in a business marriage. His wife is very ordinary... and he is a playboy. His secretaries and assistants are all young and beautiful lesbians..."

"When I picked them up in the morning, I really didn't see any other women except my sister-in-law... So, you are saying..."

Su Anyang nodded: "Could he find it inconvenient to drive in Nanshi without a comfortable car, so he couldn't resist his family's wishes and take a plane, but he could let his secretary bring someone to drive here?"

Tang Xiaolong took a breath, "Isn't that..."

Su Anyang nodded solemnly, but also felt a little annoyed: "We should call in advance to warn the comrades responsible for public security along the way."

Whenever she thought about the fate of those people, she couldn't help but tremble.

She has experienced the departure of her relatives and friends one by one, and is particularly afraid of death.

Tang Xiaolong patted her back to comfort her, and whispered into her ear: "Anyang, it doesn't mean that you start over. This is because even God can't bear to see that a beautiful and kind-hearted person like you was ruined by a disgusting thing. ."

"Don't bear everything on yourself. I hope you can relax, be happy and enjoy the present moment seriously."

"We don't want to be led by the nose just to be wary of certain people, but ignore the joy of our own lives. We don't do things that put the cart before the horse."

"We only provided them with a chance to survive, and we have done our best. What's more, you don't know where they are in danger, how can you warn them in advance?"

"They don't care about the people involved, so how can you convince the comrades in the bureau to believe it? I'm afraid the bandits haven't been found yet, so you were invited to the bureau to drink tea first..."

"Don't think so much. Life or death is determined by fate. It would be good if we live our own lives clearly. If we have the spare capacity, we can secretly pull others out."

"But Anyang, remember, helping others is a matter of affection and not helping others is a duty. Don't feel any psychological burden, you know?"

Su Anyang nodded: "I know, after going through so many things, I don't have many expectations for people other than relatives and friends."

"I'm very selfish, I just want you to be well!"

Tang Xiaolong smiled and patted her head, "Good boy, it's okay for us to be selfish. If we don't do it for ourselves, we will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Soon they arrived at the gymnasium in the suburbs. It was built in the late 70s and was not small in scale. Many large-scale auctions and trade fairs in the city were held here.

Surrounding the gymnasium is a large flower bed, with patches of white and pink crape myrtles, large red lilies, sunflowers facing the sun, and lotus flowers in full bloom along the moat.

Every flower is in full bloom, and the floral fragrance in the air brings a touch of tenderness and romance to the heat of July.

The street outside the stadium was already full of vehicles. The driver put Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang at the main entrance and went to find a parking space.

Su Anyang held Tang Xiaolong's arm, straightened his back and raised his chin slightly, walking on the red carpet with a chuckle.Many reporters took pictures with their cameras. When they saw the flowing waves, their eyes were stung and they narrowed their eyes slightly.

Su Anyang seemed to have a halo of his own, moving forward step by step in the rising sun.

Her elegant and exquisite dress and exquisite and perfect facial features instantly made the flowers behind her lose their luster.

It seemed like she was the flower fairy stepping out from the flowers, or like a mermaid stepping on the snowy waves from the river.

Then everyone clicked the shutter frantically to capture her beauty.

Tang Xiaolong subconsciously covered Su Anyang's face with his big hand, held her in his other hand and walked quickly towards the hall.

Su Anyang pursed her lips and smiled, "It's not fair. You just covered mine, and you will be the one who will be published in the newspaper tomorrow. When you look at so many young and beautiful girls, oh, whose son is this? Qingjun is tall and handsome..."

Tang Xiaolong said angrily: "Then they can see more clearly. I am protecting my girlfriend. They are not the ones who can shamelessly worry about me."

As soon as they arrived in the lobby, Wu Xianghe and his party walked over quickly.

After they separated that day, Wu Xianghe went home and obtained genetic samples from Wu's father and Wu's mother.

Xiang Zeming and the others went to the provincial capital and asked people to conduct appraisals at three relevant agencies.

However, the appraisal certificates issued by the three institutions clearly stated that the probability of Wu Xianghe and the two being related by blood was almost zero, which was inconsistent with the laws of biological inheritance.

If an agency's identification is not correct, they can still say that there is a false positive in the identification.

However, the results given by the three institutions were the same, and Wu Xianghe was very sure that the sample he gave was correct. There was only one possibility: Su Banxian's words were correct.

Wu Xianghe is not a child of the Wu family!

Although Wu Xianghe was not very courageous in the past, he could still have fun in front of his brothers and had a bright smile.Nowadays, his whole body is filled with a kind of unhappiness. His face is pale and his smile is forced, just like when he was recovering from a serious illness.

Tang Xiaolong stepped forward and punched him in the chest, "Ah He, what's the big deal? How worried are you?"

"This is a simple matter. We will issue you a case report of late-stage cancer, which is just in line with your state... You hide it from your family and let them find out that something is wrong with you... Then we will meet again by chance. , leading them to discover that you are not a child of the Wu family..."

"In this way, they should take the initiative to abandon you... Be mentally prepared to be abandoned, survive this difficulty, and then you will be able to jump into the sea!"

As soon as his idea came out, everyone applauded.

"Yes, if Ah He is terminally ill and the Wu family still insists on you, then you can treat them as your biological parents and continue to be filial..."

"If they can't wait to throw you away, then you can act out the drama of love again. After getting the divorce letter, we brothers will make money together and pay back the money the Wu family spent on you plus interest..."

"At that time, you will no longer owe the Wu family anything!"

"We will all be your brothers from now on. If we have everything to eat, you will never be missing... No one can bully you beyond us..."

Wu Xianghe took a deep breath, looked at the earnest and encouraging eyes of his brothers, and nodded vigorously with emotion. (End of chapter)

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