Wu Xianghe said with a smile: "In the future, my brothers must not think that I am a drag."

Everyone waved their hands: "It's not easy to have a good friend who is not a real brother, but is better than a real brother. How can you give up a lifelong friend?"

"We all grew up with money. The material world is rich, but the spiritual world is extremely scarce... We cherish every friend and brother..."

"Aren't you burying your brothers? My brothers don't speak the same language!"

The group of them talked and discussed in low voices how to get Wu Xianghe to break away from the Wu family.

As soon as the topic ended, Tang Xiaolong looked at Xiang Zeming, "Zeming, what do you think?"

His words turned everyone's attention to Aizawa Ming.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite.

Xiangfu was once a famous playboy in Nan City. He couldn't stand people's clever brains and knew how to make money.

While others were holding dead wages or working in the fields, he began to secretly collect goods from the countryside and sell them door to door in the city.

He didn't spend the money he earned, but converted it into a house bit by bit.

He can almost make one set a month.

And he has only been interested in women for three months. Think about it, he bought a house as soon as he sold it, and he is very good at coaxing people... There are many beautiful women who have been beaten by society, but not many can resist the temptation of being knocked unconscious by money.

They each get what they need, and the father-in-law has made it clear from the beginning that he only talks about men and women, not about love, let alone marriage.

Even if the father-in-law obeys the family's arrangements for getting married, it still does not hinder his happiness.

All preventive measures are not [-]%, so other families treat their boys like eyeballs, and the boys in their family can form a football team.

There are only three Xiangjia boys who are actually named.

Xiang Zeming has no mother and is a transparent person in Xiang's family. He is often bullied by several brothers and sisters.

The husband has many children, and he doesn't treat them as warmly as the women outside.

Xiang Zeming is so old, Xiangfu can still call him other people's names sometimes.

He hated having that person's blood on him from the beginning.

If it weren't for the sugar-coated bullets from Xiangfu, his uninformed mother would not have been able to hand over her innocence easily and then become pregnant out of ignorance.

Pregnancy out of wedlock was a serious matter in that era. Before he was born, his mother was already driven crazy by public opinion.

Everyone in the Xiangxiang family thinks that his mother is mentally ill, and he will definitely inherit it to some extent.

If he hadn't been smart and outstanding enough, he wouldn't have been registered in the same household register by the Xiang family.

When he was a child, he really wanted to become a fortune teller and receive a good education. However, when he actually came to the fortune teller's house, he realized that it was a place that cannibalized people.

Fortunately, he still had such a group of brothers. In order to live and study well, he learned to disguise himself and use a nonchalant look to avoid the excessive attention of those in the Xiang family.

The Xiang family was a huge mountain on his body, making him almost breathless.

Why doesn't he want to display his ambition and prove himself with his strength?

But he knew very well that if he behaved abnormally, he would probably not survive tomorrow.

Furthermore, the money he earned would be confiscated.

He is not stupid, how can he work for nothing?
"Anyway, I'll eat a lot of it, wear a lot of it, and just live in a muddle."

He shrugged.

Everyone can't stand him like this. "Zeming, we used to be playful when we were young, but we can't stay like this forever. We have to think about what we want to do, and we can't live this life in vain..."

"Yes, if something happens to our family, we are capable of supporting it..."

"Are you giving up so quickly? This is not like the Xiang Zeming we know... You have survived until now, and as long as you are out of the control of the Xiang family, aren't you the same as the sky?"

Xiang Zeming's mouth was filled with bitterness: "How easy is it to leave the Xiang family?"

"If I could really leave the Xiang family, how could I wait until now?"

"Other people care about the Prime Minister's money, but I don't care about it. Even if I move bricks and earn a hundred or eighty a day, I'll be happy!"

However, he remembered the idea Tang Xiaolong gave Wu Xianghe just now and couldn't help but look at Tang Xiaolong.

"Brother Long, do you have any tricks?"

Tang Xiaolong smiled and said, "I also figured out a way from my wife's words."

"Since there is a possibility of your family going bankrupt, let's make preparations secretly, and let the troops take over the situation. On the other hand, let nature take its course."

"In this way, when the Xiang family goes bankrupt, we will fish you out!"

"Does the Xiang family want money to make a comeback, or do they want you?"

Xiang Zeming was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he chuckled: "How can I compare with the Xiang family's ancestral business?"

The creases between his brows were much lighter, "I'm looking forward to that day."

While they were talking, Tang Xiaolong squeezed Su Anyang's hand and whispered, "Anyang, did you see the middle-aged man in a blue and white striped suit walking towards the door?"

Su Anyang nodded: "Is he the third uncle of the Jiang family?"

Tang Xiaolong hummed: "Let's say hello to my sister-in-law and uncle."

As he spoke, he tilted his head towards Xiang Zeming and the others, and took Su Anyang's hand and walked towards Yan Pengyu.

"Sister-in-law, little uncle, this is my beloved girl Su Anyang!" Tang Xiaolong raised their interlocked hands and said with a smile: "I'm going to take her home next week to show my grandparents and parents. .”

Yan Pengyu couldn't help but exclaimed, "I finally know why you do all kinds of naughty things. We all guessed that you would be a playboy. Changing girlfriends is like changing clothes."

"I didn't expect that your innocent child has reached this age. It turns out that he has his own heart and is guarding his body for a beautiful little girl?"

Tang Xiaolong's face instantly turned red, and even Su Anyang's cheeks were flushed with heat.

"Sister-in-law! Anyang is thin-skinned!"

Yan Pengyu smiled and glared at him, "Su Anyang, right? I am Tang Xiaolong's cousin, Yan Pengyu, and this is my man, Jiang Zhicheng."

"If you don't mind, call us aunt and uncle."

As she spoke, she put the jade on her wrist onto Su Anyang's hand.

"This kid Xiaolong is good at everything, but he just hides everything from us. I just saw you holding hands and entering the hall, and I didn't know that this kid was dating a girlfriend!"

"Otherwise, my aunt will definitely prepare a formal meeting ceremony for you..."

Su Anyang looked at the transparent and shiny bracelet on her wrist, and she saw it was a good thing.

The Jiang family was once an imperial merchant, and now their business is very large. As the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family, Yan Pengyu naturally has no shortage of good things.

How could the bracelet she brought to such an occasion be of ordinary quality?

And Su Anyang is also Dong Yu, so she knows that in this era, the bracelets on her hands start to cost seven figures!
"Little aunt, I can't..." (End of chapter)

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