Tang Xiaolong smiled and held her hand: "What can't you do? Just take what my little aunt gave me. Anyway, when my little aunt got married, all the winnings I won from racing were used as her dowry."

"From now on, our meeting ceremony, engagement, marriage and childbirth will all have to be taken back from Benjili."

Being interrupted like this, Su Anyang could only accept it with his lips pursed, and thanked him obediently.

Tang Xiaolong then asked his younger uncle Jiang Zhecheng, "Uncle, did I just see the third grandfather of the Jiang family leaving in a hurry?"

Jiang Zhecheng frowned and nodded: "Yes, I just found out about it. Although my third uncle took the plane with us, he sent his secretary and two bodyguards and still drove here."

"Secretary Xiao Zhao and the others set out earlier than us. Even if they are delayed on the way, they should be here by now."

"When my third uncle got off the plane, I contacted them there and everything was normal. But when I got to Nanshi, when my third uncle called me again, all those people's mobile phones were turned off!"

"Combined with your previous reminder, I'm afraid they..."

More bad luck than good luck!
"But my third uncle doesn't believe in evil. He thinks it may be Secretary Xiao Zhao and the others who are walking in a relatively remote area without signal. After all, those two bodyguards are very skilled and he spent a lot of money to get them."

"Without us being a drag, the two of them are protecting a secretary. Even if they can't escape on their own, the whole army won't be wiped out, right?"

"What's more, Third Uncle is not someone who can't listen to advice. Since he knows that bandits are frequently active, how can he not be prepared?"

"No matter how tough a person is, can he be as tough as this?" He made an eight sign.

"Anyway, the real situation is that so far, no information has been transmitted from there. My third uncle couldn't sit still, so he went out to face the scorching sun, holding on to a sense of luck..."

Several people looked at each other and had [-]% answers in their minds.

Jiang Zhecheng and Yan Pengyu had cold sweat on their foreheads.

If Tang Xiaolong hadn't heard some news and given them countless instructions, then they wouldn't be on time now. To put it more cruelly, they would never be able to catch up!
Who doesn’t cherish his own life?Especially people who are not lacking in the material world can, to a certain extent, enjoy life as much as they want.

Then they don't want to leave this world.

Besides, they are so young and have great enthusiasm for the world and life. Their life has just begun, so how can they be willing to stop it suddenly?
Jiang Zhecheng took a deep breath and suppressed the promise for the time being. The matter was not at its worst.

Soon it was eight o'clock, and suddenly there was a commotion at the door. Listening to the shouting, Su Anyang and Tang Xiaolong looked at each other, and couldn't help but step forward to see the excitement.

A waiter blocked someone in disgust:
"Where does this country bumpkin come from, dressed like this, and still wants to enter the grand national antique auction held every five years? You don't even have the money to buy the shoes of the bosses there, why are you here to join in the fun?"

The manager in charge of the venue was waiting at the door to greet the distinguished guests, looked sideways, and sneered:

"I just said that the blooming flowers have a strong fragrance, but they can't hide the sour smell. So it's rhubarb here?"

"This pheasant can't turn into a phoenix even if it flies on a branch. When you were in college, you were the president of the student union of our School of Electrical Engineering, and you were married to the school beauty from a dual-income family. Who wouldn't envy you?"

"But you don't cherish your blessings, and your good days are ruined... I heard that you shot yourself in the foot. For money, your scheme failed, and instead you got yourself into trouble?"

"Why are you here? Look at your slovenly appearance. Could it be that there is something wrong with the stimulation here?" "Then you shouldn't come here. You have to go to the Sixth Hospital. Are you here to ask for some medical expenses?"

As he said that, the man took out a penny from his pocket and threw it in front of him, "I don't expect you to be grateful. Pick it up and lick it for me. Shoes, hurry up and get out..."

Huang Chengkun clenched his fists angrily, and slowly bent down to pick up the money in the eyes of everyone's ridicule and contempt.

"Who is this? How come you can't even pick up a penny? You are so poor and crazy..."

"One penny can make him lick a shoe, and I can give him a few sacks and one penny to smash him to death..."

Su Anyang was behind the crowd, standing on the edge of the pillar, holding Tang Xiaolong's shoulders, watching with gusto. This is the most common face-slapping plot in male videos.

I don’t know why, but the male protagonists are obviously rich, but they always wear clothes that look like street stalls and appear in various high-end places.

This is not to say that you look down on street stalls. Everyone has different aesthetics and preferences, and their pursuits are also different. However, in formal places, everyone should dress decently and neatly, which is a kind of respect for others.

She didn't believe that Huang Chengkun, who had earned more than 2000 million for Murong Qinqing and was fished out of prison by the Murong family, would not give him money to buy clothes, cut his hair, and shave his beard.

Do you need to look like an unkempt homeless man to come to an auction held by a high society?
Isn't this embarrassing to Nanshi?Whoever is here can't let him in, right?
The problem is that the male protagonists in many novels and short plays will appear in this image without even changing their clothes, and they will appear for half the story!

The readers and viewers were heartbroken when they saw the male protagonist who obviously had money. If he changed into decent clothes, he would avoid the trouble of being embarrassed by the minions, but he didn't have personality.

Everyone complained that it was the author or the director who refused to change it.

What's more, there is no reversal, how can we highlight the power of the male protagonist?
Huang Chengkun held the penny in his hand, walked up to the manager, held the manager's hand with one hand, and stuffed the penny stained with green phlegm into his hand with the other.

"Comrade, I know you are the manager and you may look down on this penny, but this is not just a penny, but the dignity of our motherland. You are insulting your own country!"

"Maybe you didn't study well in the ideological and moral class at school, and you don't know such an important thing. How can you serve as a manager and stand here to greet distinguished guests?"

"You are now representing Nanshi's face..."

At this moment, the person in charge of the venue was called over. Hearing this, his expression changed.

Someone around me has already briefly explained the matter.

This matter can be big or small, but there are so many onlookers, and they come from all over the world, so this matter can only be dealt with in a big way, so that the impact can be controlled within a small range.

The person in charge said coldly: "This comrade is right, a penny is not much, but this is a symbol of our country and cannot be discarded or damaged casually."

"You are still a graduate of a prestigious university. Why don't you have any ideological awareness?"

"Who assigned you to receive distinguished guests here? Take off the sign on your chest and go where you came from!"

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