Chapter 506: The vain ex-fiancée in the reborn male video (37)

Tang Xiaolong held Su Anyang's hand domineeringly, frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "Anyang, don't care about other people's eyes that are simply misled by a few words."

"I have identified with you in this life. If the two of us live a good life, that is the real good thing. What does it have to do with others?"

As he spoke, he held up the sign with a cold face: "100 million!"

The big guy curled his lips. Is there no one in the Tang family, so let this prodigal son be embarrassed at the auction?
Huang Chengkun twitched the corner of his lips: "Tang Xiaolong, as a man, even if I bet on this, I will fight for my financial resources with you!"

He continued to hold up the sign and quote: "200 million!"

Crazy?Everyone couldn't help but look at the stone lion on the screen. Is there any difference?

The starting price was obviously 200, but the price was raised to [-] million. Either there was something wrong with their ears, or these two people were raising the price stupidly because of a woman!

Huang Chengkun knew that hidden in the stone lion was the imperial seal, which was a priceless treasure.

Stone lions are generally heavy and are difficult to be washed away by floods. Even if the river changes its course and submerges the Yamen, it will at best sink in the mud.

But the stone lion was found at the mouth of the river. What does this mean?
The weight of the stone lion is wrong!

This is a big thing. It is difficult to carry it. No one knows its true weight, so the stone lion will naturally flow into the market.

Although it is a new era, the imperial seal still has a strong influence and is more precious than any cultural relic.

This is the only item that has not been priced among the many treasures he has encountered in his previous life.

Even if he spent everything he had on photographing it, it was still his luck.

But he was not in a hurry, preferring that the Tang family would take advantage of him and spend a huge sum of money to buy it.

After all, he is bound to win over the Tang family!

The jade seal passed down from the country was in the stone lion, so it was naturally kept properly and treated with many means.

Unfortunately, that person never thought that there would be floods where the Yamen was located, so hundreds of years later, someone questioned the weight and knocked the stone lion open.

The jade seal that has been hidden for hundreds of years has finally been revealed!
Tang Xiaolong held up the sign calmly: "300 million."

Huang Chengkun tugged at the corners of his lips: "500 million!"

Not only Tang Xiaolong participated in the auction, but also other members of the Tang family.

They were very angry at the way Tang Xiaolong spent millions on a woman and bid farewell to his love rival.This prince is really good!Taking the Tang family's money is not considered money.

From now on, if the Tang family is in his hands, it will go bankrupt sooner or later!
They sent messages to Tang Xiaolong one after another to stop him from embarrassing himself by continuing to raise prices.

But Tang Xiao kept his head high and continued to hold up the sign, "1000 million!"

Huang Chengkun remained calm and said, "2000 million."

Tang Xiaolong raised his sign: "3000 million, I wonder if you can still follow Huang Chengkun? Do you still have so much money in your hand?"

Huang Chengkun was not upset when his background was exposed. He said in a gentle tone: "I am just an ordinary employee. How can I have so much money?"

"Since the young master of the Tang family likes her, I will give it to you...after all," he glanced at Su Anyang. This woman has a really good figure, but it's a pity that she is too conservative and won't let him touch her without getting a certificate.

"After all, the young master of the Tang family has taken things from me more than once."

"I want to tell you that money is very powerful, but it is not everything... Some things bought with money may be cheap in themselves and not worth the money you spend..."

Tang Xiaolong sneered: "Huang Chengkun, do you think of yourself too much as an adult?"

"What does it mean to let go? As long as the auction hammer doesn't fall, the baby doesn't belong to you. I got it at a high price!"

"Besides, the matter between you and my girlfriend is a thing of the past. No one will spend their whole life's happiness just for a gambler..."

"When people go to higher places and water flows to lower places, who do you think you are?" Huang Chengkun was so angry that he was shaking all over.

When he was young, he went astray for a while, but he later corrected himself.After he had a lot of assets in his hands, he also played with restraint, basically having a [-]-[-] winning rate.

He has enjoyed the glory and wealth for most of his life, and has long forgotten the feeling of being pressed to the ground and rubbed.

"Oh, then do you dare to take a gamble with me?"

Tang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows, "I don't dare. I'm not stupid. I was provoked by you to make a bet. What's the essential difference between me and you?"

"My girlfriend left you because you were a gambler and had no humanity. I won't fall for it..."

Everyone was speechless for a while. Is this second generation ancestor of the Tang family being manipulated?

Huang Chengkun was choked, "You have no idea!"

At this moment, the auction hammer has come down, and the stone lion belongs to Tang Xiaolong.

Tang Xiaolong chuckled: "Do I need to prove to you whether I have a seed or not?"

"If you don't have money to take pictures of your treasures, then stop yelling about it, it's so shameless!"

"Oh, I see, you call it sour grapes when you can't eat them."

"Are you particularly fond of the stone lion?"

He waved to the door, and immediately a bodyguard from the Tang family came forward with a hammer.

Huang Chengkun's expression changed.

Tang Xiaolong said proudly: "I am the only heir to the Tang family, and I will inherit all the Tang family's companies. I spent 3000 million to buy a stone lion just to make you angry. Ha, the world of rich people is not what you can imagine. of."

It's so arrogant. The heir to the richest man in Xiaonan City is just such a thing?

Is he justified in spending 3000 million to buy a stone lion?
That's right, what kind of intelligence can someone be who can pick up a fiancée from someone else as a treasure?

Tang Da Congming continued to laugh wildly: "I'm angry, so I'm going to smash this lion in front of you today... I bought it for 3000 million and I'm happy, and you're jealous to the point of distortion, and angry to the point of madness..."

"I don't know how to cherish it, so I just smash it and play with it. What can you do to me?"

I owe a beating!
The Tang family members had dull faces, indicating that they did not recognize this Tang Sansui.

Anyway, the old man will never let Tang Xiaolong do whatever he wants. As long as he is not afraid of his butt and balls being ripped open, he can just spend money to make beauties smile!

Huang Chengkun only had time to say no.

The bodyguard swung the sledgehammer and hit the stone lion, hitting Huang Chengkun in the heart.

Su Anyang was so happy to see it that he wanted to dub it: "Eighty! Eighty!"

The stone lion was originally fished out of the river mouth for a long time. The bodyguards smashed it with all their strength more than ten times before it cracked in the middle.

At this time, everyone discovered that the stone lion was hollow, with a wooden box wrapped in a special layer of something that looked like cotton.

The bodyguard paused, carefully picked up the wooden box, wiped off the dust on it, walked to Tang Xiaolong and handed it over.

Tang Xiaolong exclaimed, "Oh, what kind of luck do I have?"

"Isn't there a golden knot hidden in it? It's quite heavy."

"It's not a good thing, and it can't be hidden in the belly of a stone lion, right?"

This is what everyone thinks too!They all craned their necks to get a first look at what was in the box.

(End of this chapter)

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