Chapter 507: The vain ex-fiancée in the reborn male video (38)

Some people couldn't hold it anymore and urged Tang Xiaolong: "Master Tang, what exactly is in the box?"

"Yes, it must be a good treasure to allow the ancients to seal objects in stone lions and guard them at the yamen gate. Maybe you can get your money back..."

"If it's really a golden pimple, it will be crazy..."

"I can't see it. Maybe it's some pickled stuff that the craftsman himself hid inside..."

Everyone was curious and guessing.

Tang Xiaolong took a deep breath and slowly opened the box, and the jade seal carved from Lantian white jade appeared in front of everyone!
"The emperor's seal is made of jade, tiger and tiger buttons... The ancients respected and humbled them... This, couldn't this be the jade seal inherited from the Qin Dynasty that has never been found?"

"Impossible, more than 2000 years have passed since the Qin Dynasty, and it is impossible for the imperial seal to be preserved. This stone lion is only a few hundred years old..."

"Master Tang, please take a look at it. Are there any eight characters carved in small seals on it, 'Ordered by Heaven, I will live forever'?"

"What is on display in the museum now was made in the Qing Dynasty. The one in your hand..."

Tang Xiaolong took out the jade seal, and everyone saw the first anti-counterfeiting mark in the jade seal that was said to be lost and recovered by Emperor Qin, the golden horn!
Everyone gasped, and their blood was boiling.

Already a leading figure in the antique world trembled and came forward, wearing reading glasses, craning his neck to look, "I saw the second anti-counterfeiting mark, 'The Great Seal of the Great Wei Shou Han'!"

The people on the other side also shouted: "This, this is the third anti-counterfeiting mark 'Destiny Stone'!"

Many people couldn't help but sneer when they heard this: "This must be a fake. The first piece of imperial jade seal sank to the bottom of the lake. Who knows if the one that appeared later was made by Emperor Qin to cover up his shame..."

"Even the jade seals that were later passed down to several emperors were burned and disappeared when the emperor of the late Tang Dynasty self-immolated!"

"These are probably people with ulterior motives. After studying the history, they forged a jade seal and sealed it in a stone lion. Are they planning to rebel?"

The jade seal passed down from the country is really too precious. In ancient times, this thing could despise the bloodshed when it appeared in the world.Thinking about the things that emperors of all generations often played with, no one is not excited.

It is very precious in itself, and coupled with its cultural specificity, the jade seal passed down from the country is priceless.

Even now, the Jade Seal of Chuan Guo cannot just wander into the world.

Almost the moment Tang Xiaolong took out the jade seal, someone sent photos and messages.

This news became a hot search topic in minutes!
It was also at this moment that Kyoto sent people to come here in a helicopter.

"Tang boy, I don't care whether the jade seal in your hand is real or fake, I'm willing to pay double the price for it!" A wealthy man shouted in a hoarse voice.

Huang Chengkun secretly scolded Tang Xiaolong for being an idiot.

Isn't it good to keep the jade seal of the Kingdom by yourself?

Once this treasure is known to the big guys, it can only be handed over to the organization.

Xiahua people are somewhat superstitious. It is said that there is dragon spirit on the national jade seal. Whoever gets it will have their luck skyrocketed!The discoverer of the Jade Seal in the previous life rose rapidly in his own field and became a national scholar respected by everyone!
Although Huang Chengkun eventually became the richest man in the country in his previous life, he was eventually killed in revenge.He feels that he has the ability to make money, but the only thing is that he is not very lucky, and he especially needs the blessing of the Chuanguo Jade Seal.

But idiot Tang didn't understand the value of this treasure at all, so he stupidly took it out in front of everyone!
This is no less than cutting off his heart.

At this time, the general manager in the office received the call, strode over, and nodded to Tang Xiaolong, "Comrade Tang, can you allow our experts to identify it?"

"Let's see if the jade seal in your hand is real or an imitation."

Tang Xiaolong nodded with a smile and stuffed the jade seal into the man's arms nonchalantly.The originally calm and mature person almost jumped up and hugged Yuxi tightly for fear of falling.He looked slightly pale and smiled bitterly: "Comrade Tang, you are quite cheerful."

Tang Xiaolong said with a smile: "To me, 3000 million is just a waste of money to tease someone, without any thought of getting back the money. It is a bit unreal to me to unexpectedly get a jade seal passed down from the country."

"It must be fake, right? All my luck was spent on chasing my girlfriend."

That's what he said, but he was also surprised in his heart.

Not only him, but also Su Anyang's heart was beating very fast.

She only knew that this stone lion was included in Huang Chengkun's collection of real and fake pictures in his previous life.At that time, she and Tang Xiaolong thought they had turned against Huang Chengkun and made him spend millions just to buy a stone lion with obvious flaws.

It was only later that, in order to annoy them, Huang Chengkun revealed that there was a universe inside this stone lion, and the treasure inside was so precious that it shocked the antique world.

But he didn't say what kind of treasure it was.

I didn’t expect it to be the imperial seal!

Since Huang Chengkun said that, it should be true.

The experts didn't go anywhere. They carefully passed the jade seal one by one under the glare of everyone's eyes. There were even staff members holding cotton mats to pass it on below.

After nearly a hundred authoritative experts in the antique industry read it through, they gathered together for a heated discussion and finally reached a unanimous conclusion.

"I am honored to announce here that this is the legendary national jade seal with three anti-counterfeiting marks!"

Everyone was shocked.They actually had some guesses, but their guesses were confirmed, which made them feel a little elated.They are the witnesses to the emergence of the Imperial Seal!

All of a sudden, everyone was rushing here like crazy, wanting to soak up the dragon energy and take pictures along the way.

At this moment, two teams of young brothers carrying guys ran in uniformly and protected Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang.

The person in charge of the venue looked at Tang Xiaolong seriously: "Comrade Tang, this is the national jade seal. The ability of the Tang family in Nanshi cannot protect it."

Tang Xiaolong turned his head and looked at Su Anyang, "My wife can't bear to see Huang Chengkun attending the auction like a dog, so she asked me to raise a sign to bid."

"Otherwise I would have missed such a rare and special treasure."

"So, Anyang, I listen to your arrangement!"

Su Anyang pursed her lips and chuckled, "I'm just an ordinary citizen. I don't understand any big principles. I only know that if you can't protect something, then hand it over."

"But before handing it over, I wonder if we can let the elders in the family feast their eyes?"

"In order to prevent accidents in the imperial seal..."

The person in charge immediately answered honestly: "We will send the most elite comrades to guard the national jade seal, and we will never let anyone with ulterior motives succeed!"

These elite comrades can carry out those who are allowed by the organization in an upright manner.

The safety of the Chuanguo Jade Seal has been greatly guaranteed!
Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang smiled and felt relieved. It was their fault to harbor the jade!

(End of this chapter)

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