Chapter 508: The vain ex-fiancée in the reborn male video (39)

At this time, Mr. Xu and others also squeezed through the crowd and looked at them with bright eyes.

In fact, they were members of the treasure appraisal expert team just now, but how can we never get enough of treasures?

Su Anyang smiled and said: "Grandpa, hurry up and put the Imperial Seal in your hand and let the reporters take some photos of you!"

Mr. Xu was embarrassed by what she said, but he was moved. People around him were also envious and jealous, and they all discussed with Tang Xiaolong whether they could take a group photo later.

Tang Xiaolong looked at Su Anyang.

Su Anyang said with a smile: "Today is the first day of the auction that is held every five years. We should all take photos together."

Everyone had no intention of participating in the auction, so they all clamored to go outside. There were flowers and beautiful scenery outside.

Everyone moved outside and took a photo for every fifty people.

Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang, who were holding the jade seal, were tool men.

Everyone who took a photo was gracious enough to give them a thick red envelope!

After such a toss, the buzz of an airplane appeared in the sky, and everyone looked up.

A helicopter landed slowly and landed on the lawn not far away.

Soon there were five people walking quickly this way.

The person in charge hurriedly introduced to Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang: "This is Secretary Hua from Kyoto, the secretary to our second-in-command!"

Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang were dizzy and shook hands.

"Sir, he is very busy with his affairs. He couldn't get away and come immediately. He had to send a few of us to meet Mr. Tang and Ms. Su." Secretary Hua said with a chuckle.

The person in charge also informed Su Anyang and his wife of their decision.

Secretary Hua was very pleased and grateful and said: "Thank you two comrades for your profound understanding and righteousness."

"My husband told me when I came here that I must explain the seriousness of the matter to you clearly. It seems that both comrades are smart people and good comrades who have the righteousness of the country at heart."

"On behalf of sir and on behalf of many people, we would like to thank you two!"

As he spoke, he took the lead and bowed to Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang.

Tang Xiaolong hurriedly stopped the person, "Secretary Hua, just like my girlfriend said, we are all ordinary people with limited abilities and cannot protect the national jade seal."

"We don't have any lofty sentiments. We just understand that holding a jade is a crime. You can't put yourself and your family together for fame, wealth and other illusory things, right?"

Secretary Hua smiled and said: "Yes, for you two, this is a hot potato. For our country, the existence of the national jade seal can easily be snatched by people with evil intentions to make a fuss and destroy the current big guys. calm life."

Too many people have been sacrificed for the current peace and happiness.

Everything in front of them is hard-won, and none of them are qualified to destroy it!
Having said this, Su Anyang also felt that there would be many safety risks if he took the imperial seal home and showed it to his family.

She and Tang Xiaolong simply called their families and asked them to come over immediately to pay homage to the jade seal, take a photo with the imperial seal, and wish them good luck.

After receiving the call, the Tang family and the Su family did not dare to delay at all, and rushed over as quickly as possible to take photos.

Soon, Yuxi was taken away by Secretary Hua.

Before leaving, Secretary Hua smiled and whispered to Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang: "You two can think carefully about what you want in the past few days."

"The value of the Imperial Seal is immeasurable. Our organization attaches great importance to rules. We bought this from you. The previous 3000 million will never be wasted by you."

Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang naturally waved their hands and said no.Secretary Hua laughed softly: "Sir, if you speak, that means you can discuss it with your family."

"Our organization is not rich, so we certainly can't give you 5000 to [-] million in cash right away, but we can still ask for equivalent value..."

Tang Xiaolong smiled and said, "I listen to my future wife!"

Su Anyang pursed her lips and thought for a while: "We want the land in the fishing village. How much do you think this piece of national jade seal can qualify for?"

"Of course, we are willing to spend the money to buy it at the original price!"

Secretary Hua looked deeply at Su Anyang and said with a smile: "The fishing village is developing very well now, especially since the port city has returned. The land prices there have fluctuated greatly recently."

“There are many bosses who want to enter the real estate industry in fishing villages, but our organization has begun to be strict.”

"Ms. Su is very discerning. Okay, I'll mention it to my husband later. I can't guarantee whether it will be successful or not."

When the plane left, Tang Xiaolong gave her a thumbs up, "My wife, you really dare to ask for it."

"Now the land price in fishing villages is higher than that in Kyoto. The amount of land being released is getting smaller and smaller. If you don't have a particularly strong relationship, you can't get it."

"Even if you find connections, the land area you get is not large."

Su Anyang chuckled and pursed her lips. "Anyway, the Imperial Jade Seal is so rare that we spent 3000 million to buy it. No matter what the organization says, it has to provide us with the 3000 million, right?"

"And as long as you follow the rules, you all know that everyone who comes to the auction is either to take back precious collections or to pick up missing items."

"Without the protection of the stone lion's skin, the Imperial Jade Seal would probably cost nine figures, right?"

"Xiaolong, do you think sir will agree?"

Tang Xiaolong nodded, "Land in fishing villages is tight, and it is difficult to obtain development rights, but there is still a lot of land that can be transferred. The organization needs to slowly release it."

Su Anyang hummed: "Yes, the spring breeze has only been blowing for less than ten years. This year has only been recorded as the first year of commercial housing. Housing prices have also risen rapidly since this year."

"If we can get the land in the fishing village, we will be rich in the future!"

"Ah, my biggest wish is to be a charterer in a fishing village..."

Seeing the lack of fascination on Su Anyang's face, Tang Xiaolong smiled and said, "Since it is what my wife likes, I will definitely work hard to achieve it."

"Let's just wait patiently for news from Kyoto!"

They returned to the auction site again.

Huang Chengkun's face has never been very good, but he is afraid that Tang Xiaolong will keep staring at him. When he encounters the collection he wants to auction, won't it be picked up by the man and woman again?

Therefore, after Huang Chengkun picked up Tang Xiaolong and the others and sat down, they actively participated in the bidding process.

The people who come to the auction are all wealthy people and shrewd businessmen. They all see the collection information in advance when they participate in the auction. They auction with a purpose. Unless it is a matter of life and death, few people will raise the price maliciously.

And when the price reaches a certain height, if the bidder doesn't particularly like it, he will basically give it to others politely and stop bidding.

And in order to lure Tang Xiaolong into action, Huang Chengkun couldn't care about anything else?

However, Tang Xiaolong only focused on talking to Su Anyang with a smile on his face!
Huang Chengkun instead made others look at him angrily.

For a vase worth tens of thousands, he sold it to 10,000+.

They have money, but they don’t waste it like this!

(End of this chapter)

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