Su Anyang was reborn, hoping that he could withstand all the storms on his own so that his parents and younger brother could live a safe and smooth life.

So the less they know, the better.

Su Anyang did not go to the auction the next day, but continued to go to work step by step.

Tang Xiaolong came over early in the morning to report and brought breakfast to the Su family.

"Uncle and auntie, good morning! I passed by the steamed stuffed bun shop when I came here and bought roast mutton buns, sesame seed cakes and rice porridge. These are famous delicacies in Xinjiang. You guys can try them while they're hot..."

Seeing the young man smiling so hard that his teeth were blinded, Su's father, who was already very angry, couldn't say anything.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? Why don't you come in quickly?"

Tang Xiaolong sighed, carried his things into the house, and saw Su Anyang who had just gotten up, rubbing his eyes.

The women in his impression were all neatly dressed. Whatever clothes she wore were used to modify her beauty, and they could always outline a different kind of beauty.

Having seen so much of her exquisite beauty, Tang Xiaolong has become accustomed to it. Wherever she is, that's where he sees her.

But today's woman was wearing pajamas, she had just woken up, her eyes were bleary, and she still had little hair on her head. Her soft and cute look made him stare blankly, and he didn't know where he was thinking.

Father Su patted his head angrily, "What are you doing?"

Su Anyang said with a smile: "Dad, please pat her gently. She was so stupid and stupid, but I broke it. Where can I find such a good partner for your daughter?"

Tang Xiaolong became energetic and giggled.I really like how much she cares about herself.

Father Su's face darkened, "You girl, you don't know how to be ashamed!"

"Hurry up and wash up. What time is it? You're still lingering here. Do you want to go to work?"

Su Anyang hummed: "I don't want to go to work..."

It was true that she had not been at work for too long, so she was suddenly restrained and felt uncomfortable all over.

What's more, she is now a billionaire, but she can only make money in silence and share it with Tang Xiaolong.She was so anxious that she didn't want to go to work.

And she doesn't really like the working atmosphere.

She didn't want to be the subject of observation or the center of conversation among the aunts and sisters-in-law in the office!
Su's father glared at her, his expression rarely serious, "Su Anyang, I know you made some money playing antiques."

"But how old are you? You'll be here for a lifetime. Antiques are a one-time deal... Money will depreciate quickly in the future. You must have a stable and reliable job as your retreat..."

"Besides, if you go to work and get paid, if you don't do anything after retirement, the organization will also pay you..."

"People, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. How difficult is it to find a job now... You can't just have two dollars in your hand..."

It's not a matter of two girls, she has many, many boys.

But she couldn't say it, it would scare the old man into fainting.

Tang Xiaolong touched her head sympathetically, "Anyang, just listen to your uncle and go to work."

"My grandpa said that after we get married, I won't have to play anymore and will slowly take over the family company."

Su Anyang hummed, "Okay, okay, I just complained for a while. If you take it seriously, you just chanted to me... Those who didn't know thought it was Tang Monk chanting sutras..."

Su's father looked at Su Anyang's figure rushing into the bathroom and couldn't laugh or cry, "No big or small!"

The roasted mutton buns bought by Tang Xiaolong were indeed very fragrant, and pepper and onions were added to add extra flavor.

After eating, Su Anyang and Tang Xiaolong walked side by side to work.

Ever since the two confirmed their relationship, Tang Xiaolong always liked to buy her all kinds of clothes, shoes, hats and jewelry.

She very much doubted whether he had been ready for it!It's summer now, so much so that she wears a different dress every day.

To match the dress, her hairstyle, makeup and jewelry are also different.

She is considered young in the office, but it is a woman's nature to love beauty. No matter what age they are, they will pay attention to what they wear.

Seeing Su Anyang change her clothes again, their eyes turned red.

"Anyang, you've been changing your clothes very frequently recently. You don't look the same every day. You really have found a rich boyfriend, and you dress much more luxuriously..."

These words were so sour that it made me cry. I just pointed at Su Anyang's nose and said she sold it.

Su Anyang smiled and nodded: "Yes, there is no holding back. I have my own salary, my parents dote on me, and my brother has started to work in the summer."

"If I don't buy something to reward myself, how can I be worthy of the hardships I've endured over the years?"

"Of course, there are also gifts from my boyfriend."

An aunt curled her lips and said, "Anyang, it's not my aunt telling you that when a girl falls in love, you must not be short-sighted, or your future husband will say you are snobbish..."

"You can't let the man pay for everything..."

Su Anyang pursed her lips and smiled, "Auntie, you are being narrow-minded. My boyfriend is not from an ordinary family. And we will get engaged in nine days and get married in another month."

"Is it normal for a man to buy clothes for a woman before marriage? When you married your daughter, did you also tell her that she didn't want the man to pay for it?"

Everyone gasped, "Xiao Su, are you saying that something good is about to happen between you and the young master of the Tang family?"

No, Su Anyang is just good-looking and a college student.

What kind of family is the Tang family that can fall in love with her, an ordinary girl from a dual-income family?

Su Anyang nodded: "Why did I lie to you? When I get married later, I will give you wedding candies."

Everyone still couldn't believe that she, a sparrow, could fly up a branch and turn into a phoenix!
But since Su Anyang said that, he shouldn't be lying for the sake of face, right?
It's time to go to work. Everyone suppressed their curiosity and devoted themselves to work.

Tang Xiaolong continued to participate in the auction.

The things Su Anyang selected in Jubao Pavilion at that time were all put on display at the auction.

As expected, the price of the long-neck gourd bottle was over 2 million.

But when the host was about to hit the hammer, he was suddenly stopped. The reason was that the owner of the long-neck gourd bottle did not want to sell it.

It's a pity, everyone. This is a royal treasure and has a different meaning.

Although Mr. Tang was not at the scene, he was watching the live broadcast on a special channel at home.

That bottle is so beautiful, especially since it was a birthday gift from the emperor to the queen mother, and because of this filial piety, the queen mother had both good fortune and longevity.

As he is getting older, he is particularly eager for this blessing.

He almost called the Tang family to take a photo of it for him, but he didn't expect that the owner of the baby wouldn't sell it!

Mr. Tang thought, if he asked the Tang family to call the nine-digit number directly, would he be able to take pictures of the pair of jade bottles before their owners did?
Just when he thought about it more and more and regretted it more, Mr. Xu came to the door with the pair of jade bottles.

"Brother Xu, are you the owner of these jade bottles?" he asked happily.

Mr. Xu laughed and nodded, "right or wrong, to be precise, my granddaughter is the owner of these jade bottles."

(End of this chapter)

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