Under the puzzled gaze of Mr. Tang, Mr. Xu said in detail:

"This pair of long-necked jade vases were sold from the treasure gathering pavilion I opened."

"The seller is my newly recognized granddaughter Su Anyang. This girl has such a sharp eye for movies that she stared at her as soon as she walked in... She knew the price of the pair of jade vases at that time, and without even thinking about it, she prepared to give away the pair of jade vases. It’s a birthday gift for you.”

"I was afraid that there would be too many people on that day, and it would be bad for these treasures to be bumped into. I also knew that Brother Tang was watching TV at home and was thinking about them, so I sent them over."

Mr. Tang felt so relieved in his heart, "The first time I saw Su Yatou, I knew she was a good person. My grandson has a very high vision. If he doesn't like her to the core, how could he hang around in front of this little girl every day?"

"We who are in business, not all of us put profit first. Only when we can jump out of the circle of profit can we truly enjoy the joy of making money instead of worrying about gains and losses every day."

"If we have the ability, let's earn more. If we can't, we can earn less... There is no reason to risk your whole life's happiness just to make money... What a good match. As long as the children get along and like each other, we as the elders can only be happy. …”

Mr. Xu nodded repeatedly, "That's not true...but," he sighed slightly, "At that time, I never thought that these long-necked jade bottles would be so liked by this big guy, and the price was raised to more than 2 million..."

"This pair of long-necked jade vases is too precious. The Tang family is afraid..."

Why didn't Mr. Tang understand what he said? He smiled and said, "Hey, what's the big deal for me?"

"This jade bottle was given to me by a junior. It's a blessing. Old man, I feel happy... Speaking of which, these things belonging to the emperor are all national treasures and need to be handed over to the organization..."

"As long as I feel lucky..."

Mr. Xu smiled and said: "This jade bottle will be sent to the Kyoto Museum for exhibition. Although it stays in the museum, it still belongs to you, Brother Tang."

Mrs. Tang was even more happy.

At this auction, the pair of animal-faced door knockers was sold for 450 million yuan.

In the afternoon, the fifty Buddha relics that Su Anyang asked Mr. Xu to auction were sold for around tens of millions.

A person's life is long, and there is no time to make all the money.

For Su Anyang now, money is just a number.

So she kept more than 30 of them for her family to wear or to give away.

This is a rare treasure.

So Su Anyang earned [-] million after tax.

Adding in the money she made from buying football balls, she now has [-] million in hand!

In fact, the money was quite a lot, but Su Anyang still felt the pressure from Huang Chengkun.

Taking advantage of the few money-making opportunities she knew about, she ate them all and digested them slowly.

Next, she is waiting for the international crude oil futures at the end of the month!

At this time, Wu Xianghe had become a "stomach cancer patient." His recent poor mental state, coupled with the fact that he ate less and deliberately disguised himself, made him really look like he was terminally ill.

The Wu family was extremely anxious. This was the only Miaomiao in the family.

The Wu family's property is waiting for him to inherit. If he kicks off his legs, where will the Wu family couple, who are over fifty, find another son, let alone spend a lot of effort to train him.

Wu's father and Wu's mother used connections everywhere to consult Wu Xianghe.

Tang Xiaolong and the others also have many evil ideas.

Wu Xianghe was "infected with contagious acne" on his face because of his frailty, so he could only wear a mask.

In this way, they can subvert the situation and let a real patient perform a series of examinations and treatments on his behalf.The sick man did it voluntarily.It would be a happy event if he could be cured without spending a penny.If he passes away without fighting off the disease, his family can still receive a large amount of compensation.

Because the patient is real and the condition is extremely serious.

The doctor invited by the Wu family was helpless and only told Wu's father and mother to let Wu Xianghe spend the last days of his life happily.

At that time, Wu's father and Wu's mother burst into tears.

Wu Xianghe, who had been wearing tight clothes, looked at them expressionlessly, saying in his heart that it was impossible not to have fluctuations.After all, they are his parents who have doted on him for more than 20 years. Even though they are always busy with their own affairs, they have never lacked him for food and clothing.

However, he did not dare to let all his feelings be released.

He was afraid that if he devoted all his feelings to them, when they knew that he was a fake, it would be difficult for him to face their ruthlessness.

At this time, one of the doctors said: "Mr. Wu, Ms. Wu, are you sure this is your child?"

Father Wu and Mother Wu had tears in their eyes. They looked at each other and asked with a choked voice, "Doctor, what do you mean?"

The doctor frowned and said, "In our rush to treat patients, we neglected a lot of things."

"As doctors, we are very sensitive to various characteristics of people. Judging from my many years of medical experience, this child may not belong to you two... Could it be that you carried it wrong back then?"

Wu's father and Wu's mother were stunned for a moment, but they did not deny the guess at the first time.

Rather, they expect this to be a fact.

The more they thought about it, the more it felt right.

The two of them have good-looking and energetic looks at best, which are not linked to handsomeness and beauty. They have very ordinary looks, the kind that would not be noticed at a glance if they were thrown into the crowd.

However, Wu Xianghe has been fair-skinned and beautiful since he was a child, with a boyish-female appearance. If Wu's father and Wu's mother hadn't followed him throughout the hospital, insisting that this was his child.

In fact, over the years, they have heard many people say that they don't look alike, and they even joked that they had the wrong baby in the hospital.

Now that I think about it, it’s not impossible!

Thinking of this, they ignored the patients in the room and rushed directly to the hospital where Wu's mother gave birth to investigate the files.

The real young master of the Wu family has been found by Tang Xiaolong and others in advance.

Moreover, they also sent people to contact the other party in advance, and intentionally or unintentionally instilled in them some ideas such as doves occupying magpie's nests.

After the appraisal report came out, Wu Xiangzhen, the young master of the Wu family, yelled at the fake young master who occupied his position to leave the Wu family as soon as possible.

Father Wu and Mother Wu stopped him meaningfully.

Wu Xiangzhen said angrily: "Mom and Dad, you are my biological parents. You didn't think much of me at the beginning and let people with ulterior motives replace me."

"He lives a luxurious life in the Wu family, while I, for the sake of livelihood, dropped out of school early to become a car mechanic... Can't you just favor him and ask me to accommodate him just because he is sick?"

"We must return to our respective lives...otherwise, you can just live by his memorial tablet!"

Wu's father and Wu's mother couldn't stand his threats.

This is their biological son.They couldn't bear to lose him a second time.

So the three of them rushed to the ward aggressively and directly paid Wu Xianghe's medical and accommodation fees.

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