Wu Xianghe thought about many possibilities, and the worst one was just before his eyes.

He still looked at Wu's father and Wu's mother in disbelief, "Mom and Dad?"

Wu Xiangzhen pulled Wu's father and Wu's mother behind him and snorted coldly, "Boy, that's wrong, these are not your parents, but mine!"

"Your father is a bad gambler. He beat and kicked your mother when she was pregnant, otherwise he wouldn't have given birth to a frail person like you.

"On the contrary, I, the righteous young master of the Wu family, am well fed and fed by my own mother, and I am living a healthy life!"

"Your mother was afraid that your father would get mad and sell you, and she was also afraid that you wouldn't have a good life, so she replaced us with a vicious thought."

"Oh, her son came to Wu's house to eat well and enjoy a good life. On the contrary, I followed her to eat rice bran, and I had to make money for that bad gambler, otherwise I would be beaten and kicked!"

"You are getting retribution now! Anyway, the Wu family has exhausted all their kindness to you. Your illness has not been cured, so you'd better go back and live with your gambling dad and poor mom."

Wu Xianghe pursed his lips tightly and looked at Wu's father and Wu's mother stubbornly, "Mom and Dad..."

Father Wu said with a cold face: "Don't call us parents, we are not your parents."

"God has eyes and allowed us to find our biological son in time. Otherwise, if you were to die, would we still have to send you away?"

"Our Wu family has not been sorry to you. On the contrary, you have owed our Wu family a lot from birth to now. You will never be able to repay the education of our family A Zhen for more than 20 years!"

Wu Xianghe chuckled, "Is this really what you say?"

"Mrs. Wu, tell me!"

Mother Wu, who was named, trembled all over, "That's what happened. We investigated clearly!"

Wu Xianghe said calmly: "Actually, I heard the doctor talking to you that day."

"When a person is about to die, he can see a lot of things. I'm quite curious about what my biological parents are like."

"But my health is too bad. I just regret that I can't go and find out the situation myself."

“So I commissioned a professional to do a run for me.”

As he spoke, he took out the file bag from under the pillow and handed it to Wu's father: "Mr. Wu, do you want to see the contents of my investigation?"

Wu's mother and Wu Xiangzhen looked at each other and were about to rush to grab it.

But Father Wu took this matter very seriously and got the portfolio faster than them.

Mother Wu said nervously: "Old Wu, don't believe him. This child is afraid that he will jump over the wall. Knowing that he is not a child of the Wu family, he wants to destroy our happiness."

Father Wu had a bad guess in his heart, "I would like to see how he destroyed it."

As he spoke, he tore open the document bag and took out various documents from it.

One is a certificate proving that Wu's father is infertile. The certificate was issued one year before Wu Xianghe and Wu Xiangzhen were born.

In other words, how could Father Wu, a man who was medically judged to be infertile, give birth to a son, let alone a son who was confused.

His hand holding the document turned pale, "Impossible!"

A man's infertility is related to his face and ability.

For someone like him who is relatively traditional, quite capable, and has some family business, this is no less than a slap in the face!If he has no heirs, to whom will his huge family fortune be passed on?
What can he rely on when he is old?

Another report was that on the day the child was born, Wu’s mother made a paternity test report. The problem was, there was more than one report.

What does this mean?
Father Wu is not stupid. He is able to run the family business on a large scale and has a wide network of contacts, so he is naturally very shrewd.So, this shameless bitch cuckolded him several times without him knowing, and because she didn’t know who the father of the child was, she made a special identification?
In other words, Wu's mother was afraid that Wu's father would find out the secret, so she changed the child on purpose.

In this way, Wu Xianghe has no blood relationship with the couple, and no one will suspect her!
In fact, this is indeed the case. Wu's mother has hidden herself for more than 20 years.

Wu’s mother didn’t expect Wu Xianghe to even get this report!

Her face was pale and her lips were trembling. What could she say?
Wu Xiangzhen is not Wu's father's child. This is a fact. As long as Wu's father makes another appraisal report, he will definitely be able to find out.

Wu's father was so angry that he slapped Wu's mother in the face, "Divorce!"

He gritted his teeth and said, "Besides, you won't get a penny from me, otherwise I will publicize your scandal to the entire Nan City..."

Wu's mother was stunned, but when she heard this, she was so angry that she scolded Wu's father: "Just get divorced. You don't have the ability to have a son... If you are smart, just pretend that you don't know anything and you can still have a son." You will retire and die..."

"How can you, a person who has no children or grandchildren, confidently ask for a divorce from me?"

"I just gave birth to a child that is not yours... Do you think you are clean? I have a lot of photos of you... Let's see who is embarrassed then..."

Father Wu was so angry.

But Wu's mother had had enough and now she was making a divorce: "You are a bad old man and you still dislike me for this and that. Why don't you talk to me for a few minutes?"

"If you can't do it yourself, you still go out to have fun, and I'll be embarrassed for you... Divorce, you must divorce, and you must give me half of your family property, otherwise I will let you clean up and leave the house..."

"After I got the money, I can find a young man...heh, isn't he a thousand times better than this old guy like you?"

Wu's father knocked Wu's mother to the ground, and the next moment he was punched in the face by Wu Xiangzhen...

The commotion here was too loud, and the medical staff quickly pulled them away, ending the farce.

After everyone left, Wu's father looked at Wu Xianghe conspiratorially, "Don't think that I don't know what you are planning."

"Don't you just want to say that Wu Xiangzhen is not my son, or even the humiliation my wife has brought to me?"

"And you are the child I have trained for more than 20 years, so you are more qualified to inherit the Wu family?"

"Ah, no one of you can get any benefits!"

Wu Xianghe said lightly: "I didn't think so. Don't you think I am the most innocent in the whole thing?"

"Originally, I had a happy and complete family. Although this family was not rich and powerful, it did not deprive me of food and clothing, and allowed me to receive a good education. The most important thing was that it allowed me to feel the love of my parents. Leng Bingbing stays alone in such a big house."

"It was your wife who chose a good family for her children for her own selfish reasons. She exchanged Wu Xiangzhen and me..."

"It's just that she never thought that Wu Xiangzhen's adoptive mother had a difficult delivery and was stillborn, so she stole Wu Xiangzhen."

"Is this retribution?"

"My parents lost their child for more than 20 years. They have been running around looking for me without giving up. In the end, they fell ill and died... I don't owe you, but the Wu family owes me!"

(End of this chapter)

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