Driver Wang quickly responded with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Tang, I will definitely be able to send Master Jiu home safely."

"When we get home and settle down Master Jiu, I'll give you a call back!"

Tang Xiaolong smiled and nodded: "Although Brother Wang is Ninth Brother's driver, you can be regarded as good brothers through life and death. You have always been prudent in doing things, otherwise Ninth Brother would not take you with him everywhere."

Driver Wang lowered his head slightly and said with emotion: "Yes, Master Jiu has been very helpful to us brothers. Especially when my mother was seriously ill, Master Jiu paid me a large sum of money without saying a word. Use it first."

"It's a pity that my mother is not lucky, otherwise she would just wait to enjoy the blessings of children and grandchildren."

Tang Xiaolong patted him on the shoulder: "Brother Wang, you have to look forward. Life and death are determined by fate, and we living people must cherish the people around us."

Driver Wang responded with a smile.

After saying goodbye, he waved to Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang while sitting in the car.

As the car slowly drove out of the community, the drunk Zheng Jiuqian was already snoring.

Driver Wang saw in the rearview mirror that he was sleeping deeply with his head tilted and his mouth slightly open. He was snoring one after another, which was particularly annoying.

His expression couldn't help but turn cold, and then he started driving seriously.

There were fewer cars on the road now. While waiting for the traffic light, he glanced at Zheng Jiuqian in the rearview mirror. While starting the car, he took out the mobile phone in his pocket and dialed a number.

The hum of the engine covered up the beeping of the phone in the silent night.

The person on the other side didn't answer the call and hung up the phone directly.

Driver Wang calmly put the phone back into his pocket without taking his eyes off the rearview mirror.

But he didn't see the cold curve of Zheng Jiuqian's mouth hidden in the darkness.

The car was speeding on the road, and everything was no different from usual.

Suddenly, a large truck drove up from far ahead, with its high beams on, which shined brightly on people's eyes.

Driver Wang drove smoothly, and even stepped on the accelerator, causing the car to speed up.

But the brakes of the big truck on the opposite side seemed to have failed. The driver eagerly turned the steering wheel aside and headed towards the vehicle.

There was the sound of brakes everywhere. Driver Wang stared at the fuel gauge and silently counted "three..."

But as soon as he started counting down, the back door was opened, Zheng Jiuqian sneered at him, let go and jumped out!
Driver Wang was stunned for a moment. When he came to his senses, the big truck was already close at hand.

He hurriedly opened the door, but he was still calm as before.

The more anxious a person is, the easier it is to make mistakes. His body was still bound by the seat belt. When he opened the seat belt, took out his legs from the driver's seat and jumped out, the truck hit him hard.

When he jumped from the car, he had a lot of forward inertia because of the speed of the car.

For this reason, he wore long sleeves and long pants as if he was not afraid of the heat in summer, with thin knee pads and elbow pads underneath.He can roll on the ground a few times as a buffer.

But his opportunity to jump was delayed, and he lost his composure.

After two high-speed cars collided, he was dominated by fear and forgot to let go. As the car flew into the sky, he fell hard to the opposite side...

Zheng Jiuqian relied on his extraordinary skills to just jump onto the roof of a car behind him.

When the driver saw this, he subconsciously wanted to turn the steering wheel to avoid it and hit the brakes suddenly.However, Zheng Jiuqian had already jumped on the roof of the car, held the steering wheel, and whispered: "If you don't want to die, press the accelerator to the bottom!"

The opponent was so frightened that he lost his mind, his feet were faster than his brain, and he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

Zheng Jiuqian held the steering wheel, and when the car was about to hit the big car, he turned the steering wheel sharply, and the car passed by the truck that was rearing. When he reached the rear of the car, he turned the steering wheel back again, and completed a beautiful move calmly and neatly. The tail drift!

When the car owner reacted, Zheng Jiuqian had already climbed in through the rear window and calmly ordered: "Don't stop, keep driving forward!"

The car owner and the passengers in the car had their hearts in their throats and they didn't come back.

After Zheng Jiuqian got off the car and left, their legs and feet became weak and they knelt down directly and began to pay homage to various gods.

If it weren't for Zheng Jiuqian, based on the driver's reaction ability and the speed of the car at the time, he would have definitely collided with the oncoming truck and become the second car to fly into the sky.

When Zheng Jiuqian returned home, he was exhausted, his hands and feet were cold, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

If it weren't for the warnings of Tang Xiaolong and his wife, he suddenly exposed his flaw and gave the other party an opportunity to take advantage of it. Even if he came back safely tonight, he would be killed or injured in a car accident in the next few days!
With the level of danger tonight, it was impossible for him to be seriously injured.

He waited for a while, then got up and poured himself a glass of warm water with weak legs.

After drinking three or four cups, he took out his mobile phone and called Tang Xiaolong: "Xiaolong, I almost told you that your ninth brother is on the way!"

Tang Xiaolong was saying goodbye to Su Anyang downstairs. When he heard this, he was also frightened, "Is it Brother Wang?"

Zheng Jiuqian gritted his teeth with hatred, "It's him. I never thought that such an honest person, who has been helped by me many times and has led me to escape danger many times, would actually join forces with outsiders to kill me!"

"I'm fine. I just played a thrilling game. My legs are weak at home right now... You guys should be more careful lately. I'm afraid you'll also be targeted..."

"Tomorrow I will send more people to protect you..."

Tang Xiaolong hummed: "Brother Ninth, you must investigate this matter thoroughly."

Zheng Jiuqian nodded, "I heard you remind me before, so I knew this day would come sooner or later."

"The general trend of the world must be divided for a long time, and it must be divided for a long time, not to mention ordinary people like us... Driven by interests, what do the emotions of the past count?"

"I just happened to take advantage of this opportunity to clear out those people who are ready to make trouble... In fact, it would be best to disband everyone... However, in society, many things cannot be controlled by people... From the time I stepped into In this industry, even if I make every penny now, it will still be difficult to get out..."

"Once I disband my brothers, either they will be attacked and persecuted, or I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow..."

Tang Xiaolong sighed: "Brother Jiu, you have done a good enough job."

"The balance is difficult. As long as we survive this hurdle, we will definitely be able to jump out of Nanshi."

"We brothers join forces and go global together!"

Zheng Jiuqian was slightly excited after hearing this, "Yes, I finally understand that brothers can share hardships, but not many share joys... Then we will keep moving forward..."

"There is no end to people's struggle. The goal I set for everyone is too low, so that everyone stops moving forward and can only use the knife to attack the brothers!"

After saying a few words, Zheng Jiuqian hurriedly hung up the phone and started calling one by one for deployment.

(End of this chapter)

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