Zheng Jiuqian is now a soldier, and he doesn't trust anyone.

Nanshi may not look big, but it is also an important prefecture-level city with a large area. It can become the underground king here.His ability cannot be underestimated.

Since he doesn't trust anyone, it's better not to trust anyone, and let them investigate this matter thoroughly by using mutual restraint.

This night, the water in Nanshi was muddied by him.

By the time they searched for clues and found a key person, the other party had already thrown into the river with not many clues.

Both Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang knew that Huang Chengkun was behind these things.

But the other party is too cunning, and he doesn't know what means he uses to make people willing to sacrifice their own lives in order to cover for him!

Zheng Jiuqian sorted out the forces in Nanshi and re-established his prestige.

During this period, Huang Chengkun failed again and again, and Nan City was under martial law, which gave him no chance to take action. He was also afraid of committing crimes against the wind, so he could only endure it for the time being.

Then, a piece of news caught his attention.

There was an explosion in the East O oil mine. He stood up suddenly and looked at the calendar, knowing that his chance to make a comeback had come!

It's just that he doesn't have much cash in his hand.

Even if he buys international crude oil futures with the highest leverage, he can't compete with the assets of the Tang family in Nanshi. So how can he avenge his shame and trample on the Tang family under his feet?

Compared with international crude oil futures with a leverage of [-] times, the profits from World Cup football are not worth mentioning.

He pursed his lips slightly and thought, because of this disaster, the price of crude oil in East O will rise slightly, to 20.00% of the original price, which is equivalent to a price difference of [-]%.

Although the price difference is only 20.00%, when the quantities are added up, it is particularly amazing!

Huang Chengkun wandered around the room anxiously.He found paper and pen and wrote and drew on them.

There are too many ways to make money in my mind, but the implementation of these methods requires abundant funds as support.

Not to mention other industries, the electronics industry and the real estate industry are all money-burning projects, but they are also high-investment and high-profit, and with the rapid development of these two industries, there is no risk at all!
In other words, even a fool can make a lot of money by investing money in it.

Not only did he fail to pick up the pieces at the auction, but he also bought two or three pieces at a price higher than the collection itself.

So much so that the money Murong Qinqing lent him was lost a lot.

To this day, he is still several million dollars older than her!
If he asked Murong Qinqing for money again, she might not give it to him.

Huang Chengkun thought about it for a long time, and there was no way to make money in his mind that would allow him to get a lot of money in minutes.

However, he narrowed his eyes slightly.When the Murong family members attended the Nanshi auction, because of his reminder, they did not take private cars and avoided casualties.

Originally, he wanted to use such a huge favor on the edge of the sword.

But he is not allowed to hesitate now!
When he thought of killing a chicken with a knife, he hated Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang.

A good game was ruined by these two people.

He can only pile up the money first, and then use other methods to repair the relationship with the Murong family.If possible, he squinted his eyes slightly, it would be great to become the son-in-law of the Murong family!

So he picked up the phone and called Murong Qinqing.

When Murong Qinqing heard that he had once again repaid a favor, she angrily asked him to wait.

After hanging up the phone, Murong Qinqing called the old man of the Murong family and told him about the matter. "Grandpa, this Huang Chengkun is quite evil. I followed him to buy World Cup footballs before, and I really won. There is no way to fake the game, especially the last goal between France and Brazil was scored in the last minute."

"And he has saved me before..."

Old Man Murong agreed upon hearing this: "It sounds like he has some abilities, but he is too utilitarian. It's good that he can clearly mark the price of his actions."

"Okay, I'll give him 500 million..."

Murong Qinqing couldn't help but said: "Grandpa, he said that if grandpa thinks that the two grandchildren of his Murong family are only worth a few million, you can give them."

Old Mrs. Murong yelled: "This kid has a big appetite."

"Okay, our Murong family is a big family in Kyoto, how can we be looked down upon?"

"1000 million, no more!"

Huang Chengkun is very satisfied to be able to win these, and time does not allow it.

After he gets the check, why rush to the bank to find a more reliable agent he knows in the future to handle the entire international crude oil futures process for him.

"Purchase all 1000 million of these [-] million to the international crude oil futures of Dong O, and increase the leverage by [-] times!"

"Buy at five o'clock in the afternoon and sell them all at [-]:[-] noon the day after tomorrow. Remember not to miss a penny!"

He calculated that the 1000 million in his hand was equivalent to a value of one billion.

If one billion crude oil prices rise by 20.00%, that’s [-] million!

Subtracting his own capital, he can receive 9000 million, and after tax, he can also get [-] million!
The agent carefully wrote down his request, "Comrade, I am happy to serve you, but the value of your purchase of international crude oil futures is too high and the risk is also high. We must sign a knowledge agreement."

"You must know that various force majeure may occur during the transaction process. If this causes you heavy losses, our company will not be responsible for this."

Huang Chengkun smiled and nodded: "I know, as long as you do what I say, you will definitely not go wrong."

Saying this, he briefly read the agreement and then wrote down his name.

Under Huang Chengkun's supervision, the agent opened an account for him and waited for the purchase at five o'clock in the afternoon.

Two hours were extremely painful. At this time, Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang took several brothers to open an account in another bank, also waiting to buy international crude oil futures.

Everyone is particularly convinced of Su Anyang, and they understand that wealth can only be found in danger. When they knew about this opportunity, they were prepared to make a futile effort.

When the time came, they invested all their money.

The trend of futures is still falling, and everyone's heart is bleeding.

Don't look at Su Anyang's investment of 18 million, but Tang Xiaolong gritted his teeth and kept the funds that allowed the Tang family to operate, and then withdrew all other funds, and mortgaged half of the property in his and the old man's name, and prepared to [-] [-] million.

As for Aizawa Ming, he received a lump sum of 5000 million in advance on the grounds of family separation.

Yu Xiaxia spent 5000 million with his father.

Liu Ziming also made a fool of himself and got 9000 million.

Wu Xianghe borrowed money from people he knew and raised 500 million.

Su Yiyang was also dragged here by Su Anyang and invested 450 million!
(End of this chapter)

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