The total investment of these people reached more than 30 billion, and with a hundred times leverage, it was equivalent to purchasing crude oil futures worth 3000 billion.

There are many people around the world playing in international crude oil futures. Such a huge amount of investment has also caused the price of crude oil futures to rise slightly.

However, this rising trend did not last long, and the general downward trend continued!
Except for Su Yueyang, the rest of the people know more or less about futures.

One hundred times leverage, how much confidence do you have to fully maximize the leverage?

According to the current downward trend of crude oil prices, they will lose all their money tonight without tomorrow.

They were very anxious in the next two days and could not calm down for anything.

Su Anyang was also nervous and excited. She was reincarnated, and she didn't know if the opportunities she had would be changed because of her little butterfly.

She has a very calm mind. If she loses and has no more than 9 million yuan left, then she will start over.Anyway, she started with a few hundred yuan.

If she wins, Su Anyang feels like she will be floating for a long time.

Even if Tang Xiaolong believes in Su Anyang, futures are affected by many factors, which are not something little people like them can influence or control.

The moment he invested the money, he prepared for the worst.

Not only him, but other people as well. Only in this way, when this happens, they will not have a mental breakdown.

For the rich second generation, this amount of money is not a small amount, it is enough to affect the foundation of their own company!
They can stare at the data all the time, and their minds will rise and fall with it.

But Su Anyang still had to go to work painfully being watched by Su's father.

The decline in international crude oil futures stopped at around [-] p.m. and began to rise!
The rally the next day was even more astonishing.

For example, the price of crude oil has always been relatively stable, and any change in it may affect the global economy.

This time, an explosion occurred at the Dong O Oil Plant, causing turbulence in crude oil prices!

Everyone went a little crazy and began to buy crude oil futures one after another. The larger the total amount of purchases, the greater the increase.

Su Anyang got off work an hour early that day.

Tang Xiaolong was already waiting downstairs. When he saw her coming down, he naturally put on her helmet.

The two of them didn't even say a word and went straight to the bank where they handled futures!
After getting off the motorcycle, Tang Xiaolong took Su Anyang's hand and hurried to the office, "When I left, it was already [-] times the price we paid for it."

"I see the astonishing rise in international crude oil futures. They won't fall in the short term. Do you really want to sell after [-]:[-]?"

“Can’t we wait until there is a downtrend before selling?”

Su Anyang shook his head, "If we follow the rules of international crude oil futures, we can indeed wait."

Tang Xiaolong paused, "Anyang, you mean someone above will intervene?"

Some top international financial tycoons, in order to make money, will hold their own abundant capital, or two, three, or a group will join together to manipulate a certain market and lock up everyone's money.

Su Anyang nodded and shook his head: "It is an international joint department. After all, it involves crude oil, a matter that is closely related to people's livelihood. If we do not intervene early, it will cause global economic turmoil."

"We must sell all the futures in our hands before they take enforcement measures."

By now she had arrived at the office.

She didn't speak loudly, but Aizawa Ming and the others still heard her.

Everyone gasped in unison.

If crude oil futures are allowed to fluctuate according to their own rules, everyone can still adjust the futures in their hands at any time.

If the League of Nations intervenes, crude oil futures will be forcibly controlled without giving people time to react.A single slash is nothing more than that!
After watching the rally for a day, although they were restrained, they had already arranged things in their minds for 80 or [-] years.If Su Anyang didn't give a reasonable reason, it would be difficult for them to break free from the beautiful and gratifying rise.

Her words poured cold water on their heads.

"Sell, sell them all!"

"Yes, we have made a lot of money now. Many people who play stocks and futures don't understand what it means to stop when the good times come..."

"We have to be able to afford it, but also let it go!"

They speak louder, not only for others, but also for themselves.

The agents nodded, stuck at the right time, and sold all their futures with one click.

After all the money arrived and they checked the specific data, their hearts finally settled.

Su Yueyang was completely dizzy. Looking at Kali's data, he fell to the ground.

He's a good boy. He's a child from a dual-income family. He has a few hundred yuan of pocket money and can walk around the entire textile factory compound.

My parents' salary is only 2000 to [-] yuan.

The house they live in now is a welfare house built by their employer, with two bedrooms and one living room, 2 to [-] square meters, and only costs [-] yuan.

He first realized the big step of turning 200 yuan into 450 million through antiques. Now he uses 450 million to buy international crude oil futures, using a hundred times leverage.

This is equivalent to a virtual holding of 20.00 million in his hand, an increase of 840%. Not counting the principal and after tax, there are more than 450 million. Adding his original 290 million, that is [-] million. …

Even if you give him 290 yuan, he will go crazy with joy. Now, after this figure, [-] yuan has been added.

He must be dreaming, right?

Su Anyang pursed her lips and rubbed his head, "Xiao Yue, my sister can take you here."

"With these more than 7000 million, let your brother-in-law send someone to lead you to spend all the money to buy shops and courtyard houses in Kyoto!"

"The money we collect every month in rent from now on will be enough for you to squander..."

Su Yueyang smiled and nodded vigorously, thinking about writing half of the property with her sister's name on it.The rest of the house was divided equally between him and his parents.

Wu Xianghe couldn't believe it either.

He borrowed all the 500 million he invested in futures.He doesn’t even have a million of his own money.

He is ready to pay off long-term debt.

Unexpectedly, after paying off the debt, he now has more than 9000 million!

With this money, he can better start a company with his brothers.

The two invested little money. Liu Ziming bought international crude oil futures for 9000 million, and received [-] billion after tax with principal and interest.

Yu Xia's 23 billion became [-] billion.

Aizawa Ming is over 9 million.

Zheng Jiuqian gritted his teeth and scraped together 16 million, but now he has received more than [-] billion!
Not to mention Su Anyang's 160 million has become more than 5000 billion.

Tang Xiaolong’s 18 billion became [-] billion!
My younger brother’s name is: Su Yueyang. I may have made some mistakes in a few places. Please forgive me... Ouch... I also just noticed that something was wrong when the heroine called her brother’s name...

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