Each of them has gained a lot, adding up to more than 530 billion!
There are many types of international crude oil futures, and the futures they bought have many buyers. But they allocate so much money at once, and the entire futures market has been subject to great fluctuations.

Especially those who were closely following the data were selling their futures as if they immediately smelled something.

However, in just half an hour, the East O International crude oil futures, which had been growing extremely well, followed its own rules and fell sharply!

The decline was also shocking, attracting more people to sell their futures...

While Su Anyang and the others were making a lot of money, Huang Chengkun was taking his parents who came from the countryside to visit relatives to look at houses in the sales office of the newly completed villa area.

"Kunzi, are you really making money?"

"This is a place only for rich people. Hey, can't this house be bigger and more impressive than the houses in our village?"

"If we can live in it, we have to invite our relatives over one by one as guests... Let them see how powerful our Kunzi is..."

"Kunzi's college education was not in vain... Now the young people in the village have begun to work in the towns to make money. They can earn 2000 yuan a month... Your aunt Guihua next door to us keeps saying all day long that Kunzi went to college. What’s the matter? He’s not getting the same salary as his son who went out to work after graduating from elementary school..."

"I think they are just jealous. How big is the gap between college students and primary school students... What knowledge do organizations preach to change your destiny... You sit in the office, work easily, read newspapers and drink tea all day long, and you make money... As for them, The work they do is tiring and dirty, and they all rely on their youth and good health. You see, when they get older, all kinds of diseases will come to them..."

The Huang family was extremely happy, feeling elated and happy.

Huang Chengkun puffed out his chest and said with a smile: "I was lucky enough to make some money...but I will make more money in the future!"

"When the time comes, our family will own a house..."

The family happily chooses a house.

Coincidentally, the manager of the sales office is from the textile factory's family home.

Su Anyang is beautiful and good at studies. She has always been a goddess in everyone's eyes, an existence that can only be seen from a distance.

Who would have thought that the goddess would be embraced by Huang Chengkun, a toad.

When it comes to falling in love with a goddess, he knows how to cherish it.

But Huang Chengkun changed from an aspiring young man to a gambler who also liked to drink and beat people.

The two factories are not far apart, and everything can be blown back and forth with the wind.

Everyone gritted their teeth in hatred for Huang Chengkun, but Su Anyang had been enduring it silently and did not mention breaking up.

Fortunately, Su Anyang's head was clear during this period. After Yu Huang Chengkun broke up, he soon got engaged to the eldest young master of the Tang family.

Manager Cheng still has a deep dislike for Huang Chengkun.

Seeing Huang Chengkun buying a house with his family, Manager Cheng couldn't help but feel sorry for Su Anyang's injustice over the years.

"Hey, who did I think was making the noise here? It turned out to be Huang Gong?"

"How much contribution have you made to the factory that you can buy a house?"

"If I'm not mistaken, are you looking at the villa?"

"Do you want me to take you to visit the site? Tsk tsk, after all, you may only have this opportunity in your life. Thanks to me, an acquaintance, you can go to the rich area for a walk and gain a lot of experience..."

The Huang family loves face, and their faces were turning red at this moment.

Huang Chengkun glanced at the watch on the wall and said with a faint smile: "Brother Cheng, I know you have a good relationship with Su Anyang." "But you are just the manager of this sales center, not the boss. This is how you treat your customers." Attitude?"

Manager Cheng laughed: "Only if you are a potential customer! How can you, a poor gambler with more money in your pocket than your face, have the nerve to be our customer?"

“We especially welcome guests who gain knowledge by visiting. Maybe they will be able to make money and buy one in the future.”

"But you, hey, a person who is addicted to drugs, drinks alcohol and beats women, what can you do..."

There were very few customers viewing houses at the sales center at noon, and the staff had already finished their meals.

They were all laughing now.

Huang Chengkun said lightly: "So Brother Cheng also knows what 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi are? Then you should not look down on me."

"I have washed my face now and live a good life."

"Does your staff here get a commission from anyone who sells a house?"

Manager Cheng raised his eyebrows: "Yes, the basic salary of our sales office employees is not high, but we get commissions from selling houses. This money is more than the salary of a college student like you."

"You understand this, don't you want to apply for the job?"

Huang Chengkun sneered, pointed at the cleaner who was cleaning and said: "Sister, please help me issue the purchase contract. How many villas do you have that have not been sold out now? I want them all!"

Housing prices in Nanshi are not rising as fast as those in Kyoto, but they are still a sure-fire business.

Even if he buys a villa worth hundreds of thousands, how much will it cost?
He is about to earn [-] million today, a mere few million, and he still doesn't care!

Manager Cheng and the others were stunned for a moment after hearing his words, and burst into laughter.

"Hey, Manager Cheng, are you, an acquaintance of yours, here to make fun of you? Even the rich people like us in Nan City didn't say anything about liquidating the house for us with a wave of their hands."

"Perhaps this comrade is not afraid of flashing his tongue when he talks big!"

Huang Chengkun ignored their cynicism, but took out a bank card and handed it to the cleaner. "Sister, use this card to swipe."

The cleaner glared at him as if he were a fool, "Boy, do you think I am a cleaner, so I am allowed to be teased by you?"

Huang Chengkun said quickly: "Sister, you misunderstood. I can't stand Manager Cheng's bullying behavior... If the commissions in these villas are higher, can you replace Manager Cheng and become the next manager?"

Everyone thought Huang Chengkun was crazy.

He treats the company like a house, only looking at the results and not the process?
Is it so easy to be a manager?

Manager Cheng directly ordered the cleaner: "Sister Zhao, since Huang Chengkun has vowed to buy all the remaining villas we have. Then you should work hard and follow the procedures..."

"But," he looked at Huang Chengkun: "How do I know if you are teasing us?"

"We still have twenty or thirty villas that we haven't found a buyer for... It will take a lot of time for Sister Zhang to complete all the villa procedures..."

"You have to pay some deposit first! You have money to buy a villa, so you can't be unable to pay even a small deposit, right?"

Huang Chengkun took out a wad of hundred-yuan bills from his bag and slapped it on the table: "Mr. Cheng, keep your eyes open, this is a deposit of 1 yuan!"

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