Manager Cheng raised his eyebrows and couldn't help laughing: "I said Huang Chengkun, where did you get rich?"

"Want to use 1 yuan to occupy our twenty or thirty villas?"

"What if someone comes to see the villa while Sister Zhang is handling the formalities for you? Should we sell it to them or keep it for you?"

"If you don't buy it, won't we lose a big customer?"

"A villa costs RMB 40 to RMB 1. Your RMB [-] is barely a deposit for a villa."

Huang Chengkun really doesn't have that much money.

He prefers to be competitive. Although he comes from the countryside, he refuses to admit defeat and does not give in to fate easily.

So he went from a small mountain village to Kyoto, studied at Imperial University, and pursued a campus goddess like Su Anyang.What he hated most was the feeling of being stepped on the ground.

Especially before he was reborn, he had already strived to become the richest man in Xia Hua.

Being looked down upon by a small sales manager, Huang Chengkun even had the idea of ​​buying the entire company.

He smiled lightly and said: "My money will not arrive in 10 minutes, so I will write you an IOU now."

Manager Cheng was a little surprised. He looked Huang Chengkun up and down and couldn't help but persuade him: "Since we are acquaintances, I advise you not to pretend to be fat... Is it difficult to admit that you have no money?"

"Your money will be paid in 10 minutes. Let's issue the IOU now... This is 27 yuan... Why don't we wait until your money is received and you can pay the deposit before we negotiate the contract?"

Huang Chengkun sneered, took out a pen and paper, wrote the IOU directly, and patted Manager Cheng's chest.

"When I buy these 20-odd villas, can I remove you as the manager on behalf of the owners, or even fire you?"

Manager Cheng said angrily: "You are really a bitch who bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't recognize a good heart!"

"Since you are so sure and everyone has witnessed it, you couldn't wait for these few minutes and insisted on writing the IOU."

As he spoke, he took out the seal he carried with him, stamped it neatly, and asked Sister Zhang to prepare the contract.

They were talking in vain, and the smart employees had already sorted out the contract and handed it directly to Sister Zhang.

Sister Zhang took the contract to Huang Chengkun to sign.

Huang Chengkun briefly looked through the house purchase contract, then signed and fingerprinted each one without saying a word.

Manager Cheng looked unhappy at the moment and thought he was crazy, so he led everyone to follow Huang Chengkun's mischief.

Huang Chengkun is a gambler. Where did he get so much money?

Most likely this kid has some bad ideas in mind.

He looked down at the contract in his hand. He only had to seal it with the distinction between the big boss and the company, and then the deal would be established.

They just waited for Huang Chengkun's money to arrive and then issued the receipt.

Manager Cheng looked at Huang Chengkun, who still didn't realize the impending disaster, "Did I really stamp it?"

"Once I stamp it and you can't come up with enough money, your deposit is gone and you have to bear a 5.00% penalty."

"For 28 houses, that's 49 yuan. Including your 28 yuan deposit, you have to bear a total of 77 yuan!"

Everyone thinks Huang Chengkun is crazy.

Even people from the Huang family couldn't help but tug at his clothes: "Forget it, Kunzi, where do we have so much money?"

"We can't make anything, and we have to bear a debt of 77... This is a sure-fire business, we can't be stupid..."

Huang Chengkun smiled and raised his eyebrows and said: "It's only 77. Why, I'm not afraid, but you still don't dare to stamp it?"

It was so owed that Manager Cheng was so angry that he stamped all the contracts directly.Huang Chengkun continued to hand the card to Sister Zhang: "Please swipe the card for me."

Sister Zhang glanced at Manager Cheng and turned to the finance department.

But not long after, she ran out angrily and threw the card back to Huang Chengkun, "Comrade, is it fun to play with me, a cleaner?"

"There is no money in the card, not even money to buy a villa! How dare you say that you want to buy more than 20 villas?"

Huang Chengkun frowned and looked at the watch on the wall, then at his own watch. It's time!
"It may be that the system is delayed. If you try again later, there is no way you will run out of money."

he said firmly.

Dong O International Crude Oil Futures has been too hot recently, and there are many people trading at all times, so it is normal for the system to get stuck.

He was extremely calm. He was reborn and everything was the same as in the previous life.

He was sure of winning and was just waiting for the money in the card to arrive.

After another 5 minutes, he asked Sister Zhang to try again.

But I still can’t pay for a house in my card.

Huang Chengkun frowned and couldn't help but take out his mobile phone to call the agent.

It was a coincidence that before he could press the button, the other party called first.

"Xiao Li, did you help me sell all the futures at [-]:[-]?"

"Why haven't I received the money yet?"

The corner of Xiao Li's mouth twitched, "Mr. Huang, I confirmed this with you many times, but you said you wanted me to buy and sell according to those two time points. No matter what fluctuations occurred in the middle, I didn't need to ask for your instructions. "

Huang Chengkun had a bad feeling in his heart, and felt that he was overthinking.

He remembered clearly in his last life that he started to intervene in the oil price of East O at [-]:[-].There shouldn't be any problems.

Xiao Li sighed: "But after I finished the operation at twelve o'clock, I felt that Mr. Huang must have wanted to make money by investing so much money in international crude oil futures, right?"

"It's impossible to waste money... You can't even hear or see the sound of this thing... So I called you to tell you that the 1000 million yuan you invested will not be worth a penny." Not taken back…”

High profits correspond to high risks.

One hundred times leverage allows buyers to expand profits with less margin.

Similarly, if a loss occurs, the gap will be filled with margin.

Whenever the price of crude oil is lower than 90.00% of the price when selling, Huang Chengkun's margin will be fully filled in.

Many people will use international crude oil futures to make big profits with small profits, but there are very few people like them who buy [-] times leverage.

So the agent repeatedly confirmed the situation with him and asked him to sign the agreement.

Huang Chengkun shook his head in disbelief: "Impossible. Did you have a bad idea when you saw that I made a lot of money?"

Xiao Li on the opposite side couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Comrade Huang, I advise you to speak ahead of your head."

"You are buying international crude oil futures. You can check the rise and fall of the futures using your computer."

"The price of crude oil is indeed five points cheaper than when you bought it... What do you think I should do?"

Huang Chengkun took a deep breath, held the phone and went straight to the computer in the sales office area.

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