Everyone was fooled by him and chased after him one after another.

The staff member who was sitting in front of the computer was pushed to the ground by Huang Chengkun.

"Comrade, what are you doing? This is our company's computer. You are not allowed to touch it... If any files on it are deleted or important information is leaked, you will be put in jail!"

Huang Chengkun quickly surfed the Internet and entered search content on it.

"I'm going to use the computer and check some information. You're all watching, what can I do?"

Before he could speak, he had already found the website and saw that the decline that had turned green in advance had stabilized.

"Impossible!" He couldn't believe it. "It obviously didn't fall sharply until [-]:[-]..."

Which link did the problem occur?

Huang Chengkun sat blankly in front of the computer.

It had only been a month since he had been reborn, and all the golden fingers that were enough for him to turn over were like wet matches, extinguished with just a pop of light.

Let him watch the opportunities to make money pass in front of him, which is more unacceptable to him than killing him and cutting off his flesh.

who is he?

The future richest man in Xiahua!

Even if he doesn't borrow these golden fingers and take advantage of these opportunities, no matter how bad he is, he will still be at the level of his previous life.The goal he set for himself was to be the richest man in the world.

However, now that he is a multi-millionaire, not only did the 1000 million disappear out of thin air, but he was also too frivolous to bear millions in debt in the past few days.

How could this make him happy?

Huang Chengkun only felt a fishy and sweet taste in his throat.

However, at this time, Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang were forming a group to buy a house.

They have a lot of money and haven't developed to Kyoto yet, so they can buy a spacious villa with good environment and close proximity.

This is a project developed by Xiangjia. Regardless of villa construction, community greening, location, etc., it is a particularly good choice in the entire Nanshi City.

With so much money coming in today, even Su Yueyang is planning to buy a villa and wait for the whole family to come here to play on the weekend.

Su Anyang's eyes flashed when he saw the crowd surrounding Huang Chengkun, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Ouch, what does this mean?
Huang Chengkun suffered a big loss!
The one who knows you best is always your enemy.

Su Anyang knew many things about Huang Chengkun in his previous life.

And based on her understanding of him, she knew that he was particularly determined about crude oil futures.

Therefore, he would leave the crude oil futures affairs entirely to the agent. Of course, Zheng Jiuqian recognized the agent, but told Xiao Li to follow Huang Chengkun's requirements completely, and there was no need to report the rise and fall of the futures all the time.

Without knowing the specific situation, Huang Chengkun would take it for granted that he would make a lot of money.

As for Su Anyang, he led everyone to sell crude oil futures more than half an hour in advance.

Such turmoil pales in comparison to official intervention.

This turmoil can give many people some kind of danger signal, so that by the time the authorities intervene, many buyers have already withdrawn and will not be left with nothing in compensation.

So many families and businesses saved.

But Huang Chengkun, who had lagging information and was too conceited, was trapped!

"Su Anyang? You really don't think about it. We said you were here just now...Are you here to buy a house?" Manager Cheng came up to us with a smile.

Su Anyang smiled and nodded: "Hello, Brother Cheng, this is not a good thing that Tang Xiaolong and I are about to do. My family is urging me to buy a wedding room."

"And Tang Xiaolong has a good relationship with his brothers. Knowing that the batch of villas you just completed are good, he plans to buy them together." "Just... let's buy seven villas first..."

Manager Cheng was a little excited and hurriedly led them to choose a house.

Huang Chengkun clenched his fists and stared at Su Anyang's back.

After not seeing her for a few days, she looked even more beautiful and energetic, like a white fox that had always been proud, pure and yet carrying a fatal charm.

Huang Mu squinted her eyes, "Kunzi, why does that lesbian look so familiar to me?"

"What did the manager call her?"

Huang Chengkun lowered his eyes and said bitterly: "Mom, I'm not afraid of your jokes. That's my ex-girlfriend."

"I didn't expect her. When she was talking to me about a partner, she had already hooked up with a rich second generation... After they confirmed their relationship, they immediately ditched me..."

Huang Mu was furious when she heard this.

Her son is the best, and whoever can marry him is the blessing that the woman has cultivated for 800 years.

How could her son be cuckolded if he didn't want anyone else's share?

"Aren't city girls too bullying?"

With that said, Huang's mother rolled up her non-existent sleeves and walked over with the Huang family in an imposing manner. "Are you my son's girlfriend Su Anyang?"

"Why are you so skinny? How will you give birth to a son for our Huang family in the future?"

"Also, you are obviously in love with my son, why are you so close to this careless and slutty young man from society?"

"After all, you are a respectable girl in the city... Do your parents know that you have two things to do?"

"My Kunzi values ​​​​love. He was hurt so deeply by you and still insisted on waiting for you... He said that no matter what happened between you and this street kid, he was willing to endure it..."

"You will live a good life from now on and give our Huang family a grandson as soon as possible..."

"Otherwise, huh, I will definitely ask your parents for an explanation...ask them what kind of daughter they raised..."

Su Anyang held down the furious Tang Xiaolong and asked calmly: "Your Huang family? Haha, I don't know, you thought that the feudal society has not been destroyed, and Huang Chengkun is needed to inherit the throne of the family."

"I was in love with Huang Chengkun, but I was deceived by his hypocrisy."

"You still want to threaten me?"

"I am now the future young lady of the Tang family, and I am not short of my parents' two salaries. If they lose their jobs due to your troubles, I will be happy for them to retire early."

"You guys, don't know what the village thinks of gamblers who drink and hit women?"

"It seems like the people in your village are the ones who care about face the most, right?"

After being threatened instead of being threatened, Huang Mu's anger weakened for a moment, and then she puffed out her chest and said, "I know best what my Kunzi is like."

"We in the village also watched him grow up."

"How is it possible that you can make people in our village believe just a few lies?"

"You must want to get rid of my Kunzi so you can be with this street kid, so you deliberately spread rumors!"

Huang Chengkun owed a lot of money.That amount was an astronomical figure for an ordinary worker, but for him after rebirth, it was nothing more than a matter of hands.

When he came out of the bureau, he first solved these troubles and tore up all the IOUs.

There is no physical evidence, and there is even less likely to be a witness. No one will bear the risk of being caught as a witness for Su Anyang!
After thinking about this for a while, Huang Chengkun cast an approving look at Huang's mother.

Yes, sometimes one has to be rogue.

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