Huang Chengkun lowered his head slightly, looking pitiful and helpless as if he had been let down.

He had a good image before, as a smart and motivated man from the countryside. Even though he had been hit and become decadent in recent years, only a few people knew about his gambling.

As long as he refuses to admit it and they can't produce evidence, then he can bite back and sue them for false accusations!
Of course, he was just pretending and would never really accuse him.

After all, Su Anyang knew Zheng Jiuqian. He was a ruthless man who could use many means to make those people testify even if they entered the situation.

He didn't dare to gamble.

Su Anyang and Tang Xiaolong laughed angrily at the shameless side of the Huang family.

Without Tang Xiaolong's need to speak, Manager Cheng had already ordered the security guards to drive the Huang family out.

"Huang Chengkun, you'd better pay off the money within the specified time limit as stipulated in the contract, otherwise, you'll have to wait for the court summons!"

Huang's mother was being held up and was very angry: "Hey, is there any justice? You are open for business, how can you kick the guests out..."

When she was thrown to the door of the company, Huang's mother sat on the ground and howled.

Manager Cheng took a deep breath and went over in person and said: "Old lady, if you continue to make trouble, we will call the police. At that time, you will be invited to the bureau for tea for disturbing public order..."

"Don't you see that everyone in your family is standing far away, just because they are afraid of being implicated by you..."

Huang's mother hummed and said, "I am just an old lady from the countryside. It's useless no matter how much you tell me... When you enter the bureau, you enter the bureau. I didn't kill anyone or set fire. I will definitely be educated and let out again..."

"The bureau is in charge of food and housing, am I still afraid? What's more, I'm so old. If something goes wrong with my legs, whose responsibility is it?"

"When the time comes, I will still come here to make trouble and prevent you from doing business!"

"Not only are we making trouble here, but we are also going to make trouble in your villa area. I wonder if your customers will check out by then..."

Manager Cheng has never seen such a rogue person.

They were open for business, and if she continued to make trouble like this, I'm afraid the rest of the villa would really fall into her hands.

Su Anyang smiled and said, "Manager Cheng, she can stay here if she wants to."

"But the flying dust here is a bit heavy here. Do you need to use a flower-watering or car-washing hose to wash it down?"

Manager Cheng's eyes lit up and he asked the security guard to get the pipe.

Although they are a sales office, in order to better serve the owners, they provide many supporting services, including car wash business.

Not long after, the security guard brought the pipe and shouted: "Hey guys, please give way, we are cleaning..."

As he said that, the water pipe in the security guard's hand began to spit to the ground.

Everyone retreated into the house and closed the glass door tightly.

But the Huang family outside the door was miserable, with a lot of mud splashed on them!

It was the end of July, and the weather was hot. They used water for watering the flowers. The temperature was neither cold nor hot, and they wouldn't catch a cold or fever even if it got wet on them.

No matter how uncouth Mrs. Huang is, she can't sit in the water.

She got up angrily, but wherever she went, the water would leak out.

Huang's mother hid directly behind the pillar and played hide-and-seek with the security guard, thinking that the security guard had a water pipe and could not do anything to her.

However, another security guard also joined in and directed two pipes towards the pillar, giving Huang Mu a natural shower!
"Ah, you guys are so bullying, I, I'm having a heart attack..." Huang Mu said painfully, covering her chest.

Huang Chengkun and Huang's father looked at each other, hurried over, and said viciously: "If there is anything wrong with my mother, I will make you lose everything!"

Su Anyang raised his eyebrows and smiled.This mother Huang is a selfish person.Everything she did was to make a good life for herself.

Therefore, such people usually do not wrong themselves. What kind of heart disease does a person who can eat and sleep suffer from?
At least in the last life, before Su Anyang closed her eyes, the old lady was still alive and well!
This is just the most common method used by Huang Mu to threaten people and cheat on her because she is the elder.

Su Anyang looked at Manager Cheng: "Brother Cheng, isn't your villa area equipped with all the facilities?"

"Is there a doctor? Check the old lady's health quickly."

Manager Cheng had already taken out his cell phone and called.

Huang Chengkun also knows what his mother is like.

He definitely wouldn't wait for the doctor to come. He winked at his father, and the two of them carried Huang Mu and left.

Su Anyang secretly pulled Tang Xiaolong.

The latter calmly ordered the security guards to stop the person: "Since this old lady was frightened here and had a heart attack, we definitely can't let you go."

"What if you didn't get sick but did get sick after you went out, then whose responsibility is it?"

Huang Mu tried her best to pretend she was out of breath.

Father Huang gritted his teeth and said, "You called the doctor. Who knows if he will lie about his condition."

"In order to evade responsibility, even if my wife is sick, she will be judged as not sick!"

Tang Xiaolong chuckled: "It's simple. We just call the emergency number and use the hospital's equipment for examination. Science can't lie, right?"

"It's just that some people are pretending to be sick and are afraid of being found out, so they deliberately delay their cooperation."

At this moment, the doctor had already jogged over with a medical kit on his arm.

Huang's mother hid behind Huang's father uncooperatively and said weakly: "I don't want him to see... He is too young. I don't know if you just randomly pulled someone in, put on a white coat, and acted as a doctor... I, I Even if you are not sick, you can still be killed by him..."

Su Anyang smiled and said: "Actually, there is another way, that is, everyone spends time here."

"Let's see who can't bear to compromise first. Rather than being slandered by others, I would rather stick here for the sake of innocence."

Everyone nodded in response: "We have nothing to do recently, so we are just watching the monkey show at the door."

"I just don't know if some people can withstand the consumption?"

Tang Xiaolong took out his mobile phone directly, made a call and reported his address.

Huang Chengkun looked at him warily, "Who did you call?"

Tang Xiaolong played with his mobile phone and said with a smile: "No one, I just think this is a very good news, so naturally it should be widely publicized."

"I hope there are still people in Nan City who will encounter such bad luck as us."

Huang Chengkun's face turned pale when he heard that he called the reporter.

He is very concerned about face, how could he be published in the newspaper at this time?

"What do you want?" He took a deep breath and stared at Su Anyang word by word.

Tang Xiaolong protected the person behind him and looked back at Huang Chengkun coldly: "I don't want to do anything, we just don't like trouble."

"It is better to wait until the reporters come, understand the cause and effect, and you sign a statement before you can leave."

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