Some people don't like other people's kindness, and dislike sour grapes when they can't eat them. "...Don't look at her glamor now. The Tang family gives her everything... Is the young master of the Tang family loyal to his marriage?"

"I think the Tang family probably married her because they thought she was beautiful and had good academic performance, so they improved her genes..."

Su Anyang has long been accustomed to all kinds of gossip.

She looked around indifferently and smiled: "I think you guys are quite leisurely, right?"

"I didn't spend any of your money, so I won't bother you chanting my name."

"We are all old neighbors. Now that you are driving this car, I can only envy and congratulate you. I am definitely not bitter... Everyone has his own destiny, why not be yourself?"

"If you have to worry about other people's housework, be careful of getting wrinkles!"

The big guy shut up when she said it and smiled coquettishly.

"Anyang, where did you buy this car? What brand is it and how much does it cost?"

"Yes, it is convenient to have a car. Your brother Dong in Anyang has learned to drive a tractor. Is this the same principle? Let him practice with your car later. When he finds a job as a taxi, my aunt will make buns for you. eat……"

"Anyang, as the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. My aunt's family lives far away and I haven't been back for several years. I will use your family's car another day when your uncle is on annual leave... I will bring you specialties later..."

Each of them spoke more confidently than the other, without asking Su Anyang's opinion at all.

Su Anyang waited calmly for them to finish, then said with a smile: "Grandpas and aunts, uncles and aunts, I'm not stingy for not lending you my car."

"This car is really too expensive. It costs six figures. Just scraping off a piece of paint as big as a fingernail. The beauty of the whole car is greatly compromised. It needs to be repainted. It costs hundreds of dollars... The tires and glass are all imported. Yes, if you want to change, you have to make an appointment..."

"We are all acquaintances, and when I talk to you, I always say whatever I want. As long as you think the cost can be afforded, I'll welcome you at any time..."

Just as he was talking, Tang Xiaolong changed into his own car and drove over.

Su Anyang smiled and said, "Well, Master Tang is here. He is afraid that someone might do something to my car, so he brought someone to install cameras in our factory for free."

"From now on, no one will have to worry about thieves coming in... The comrades in the bureau will be able to catch the person as soon as they look at the surveillance!"

Tang Xiaolong always dressed casually, and coupled with his casual and dignified appearance, ordinary people couldn't bear it and left with a smile.

"I'm not a ferocious beast, why should you be so afraid of me?" He couldn't help but muttered.

Su Anyang smiled and said, "I think Tang Xiaolong, your aura is just right, and it's particularly useful in bluffing people."

"I was so noisy by them just now that my skull almost lifted..."

Tang Xiaolong knocked her forehead angrily, "What kind of metaphor is this?"

"And my wife, we are already engaged, and we just need to get the certificate. Why are you calling me by my first name?"

At this time, Su Yueyang could no longer stand the flirting between the two of them, so she shook herself off and ran home.

Su Anyang pursed her lips and smiled, "What should I call you? Xiaolong? Aaron? Longzai?"

Tang Xiaolong narrowed his eyes slightly, leaned into her ear and whispered: "Just like that night, call me brother!"

Su Anyang blinked.

People in later generations are open-minded, have many forms of entertainment, and information on the Internet is transmitted very quickly.Information is also a kind of experience, and this guy has a special liking for the word brother.

Every time you are intimate with her, you use different tricks to coax her into shouting.

That night she couldn't tell the difference between reality and dreams, and she missed him very much. She was extremely enthusiastic and couldn't help but take the initiative to give him a lot of benefits.

As a result, she seemed to have dug a lot of holes for herself and opened the door to his new century in advance...

Faced with his expectant look, Su Anyang couldn't bear to refuse. He chuckled and called his brother softly with his hands behind his back.

There was a hint of breathlessness in the voice, which made Tang Xiaolong's whole body numb and his legs weak.

"Stop," he wiped his face with a wry smile, "we'll leave it until we get married."

Now he can only watch her from afar, how can he satisfy his desire for her?
The two talked for a while, and Su Anyang suddenly patted his head and said, "Axiao, I forgot something big."

Tang Xiaolong smiled and raised his eyebrows.Ah Xiao?It was a little weird, but just because she called him that, he felt pretty good, "What's the matter?"

Su Anyang pursed her lips tightly, took a deep breath and said, "In the last life, it seems that the clothing factory caught fire in the past few days, and then a few days later, Liu Ziming's home appliance city warehouse also caught fire!"

The smile on Tang Xiaolong's face disappeared.

Su Anyang's body trembled slightly when he thought of this.

"The weather was hot, and the factory was full of flammable fabrics, threads, and cotton. The fire was in the largest workshop of the factory, which was also the place where my father stayed in his previous life."

"The fire burned very quickly. By the time people smelled the smoke and felt something was wrong, it was already too late... There were countless casualties in that fire, and the family home was in a state of desolation at that time..."

"Just... I have just sent away my relatives. The person who brought something to see me a few days ago to comfort me has fallen asleep forever... There are cries everywhere, and the entire factory is filled with a suffocating sadness. middle……"

"Afterwards, comrades in the bureau investigated the cause of the fire and found that someone secretly smoked and accidentally flicked the ash onto the fabric."

Tang Xiaolong held her shoulders tightly and said, "Anyang, it's okay. Those things happened in the previous life and they haven't happened yet."

"Don't worry, since we know there may be a fire, we must do our best to prevent and stop it!"

"Our Tang family is also involved in the clothing business, and we can speak in the clothing industry... When I get back, I will say hello to grandpa, and jointly organize a safety event with the fire department at various clothing factories in our southern city..."

"We will issue leaflets to each unit to ask them to organize employees to learn various safety knowledge and implement it in the safety construction of the factory... At that time, we will invite relevant experts to conduct inspections in each factory..."

"Being in newspapers, being associated with organizations, having positive activities, and being able to compete well with brother units... Let's prepare some more prizes, I believe everyone will participate enthusiastically..."

"We Xiahua people prefer to follow the trend. Once the safety activities we organize are successful and everyone sees the results of the activities, other industries will definitely follow suit."

"Even if they don't have any ideas, the organization will conduct strict investigations one by one..."

Su Anyang hummed, "Yes, let's raise everyone's safety awareness and conduct a few more escape drills. Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of the worst."

Tang Xiaolong responded one by one.

The two of them didn't want to get bored anymore, so Tang Xiaolong drove to see Mr. Tang to discuss the matter. (End of chapter)

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