Before leaving, Tang Xiaolong comforted Su Anyang a few more words: "Daughter-in-law, let me emphasize once again that although you are reborn, the general trajectory of history will not change because of you, a small person."

"We can only promise to do our best, and if we still fail to prevent tragedy from happening, then we continue to take steps and use these as motivation to move forward, not as a hindrance."

Su Anyang was in a daze, holding his hand tightly, her lips trembled, and her face became even paler!
"Flood... There was a huge flood in [-]..."

She was in a sad mood at the time, and the news was full of bad news. So many young lives had been sacrificed to protect the people and their homeland.

She took a deep breath and tried to think about the news at that time: "Several heavy rains started in June... In early August, the Nanshui River burst! The dam was in emergency... A 50-meter-wide gap appeared..."

"...They used human walls to reduce the impact of the river water and provide opportunities for their partners to work..."

It had been so long ago for her that it was almost forgotten in her memory.

If it weren't for Tang Xiaolong's words, they wouldn't be able to evoke the pain of the whole country.

Yes, she had just been reborn a few days ago. She had been busy urging her father to see a doctor, busy making money and cheating Huang Chengkun, and she didn't pay much attention to the news.

Every time she said a word, her whole body trembled slightly.

How can people who came from that era forget it?

It is also because of this incident that the word "united as one" is deeply engraved in their bones and blood.

"I want to fight floods!" She suddenly said firmly: "We lack relevant large-scale equipment, so we all rely on manpower to transport sandbags one after another... In the turbulent river, the bags of sand have little effect, but they kept doing it. Keep going without giving up..."

"One or two of us are weak, but we have money and can buy a lot of large equipment, deploy it in advance, and even strengthen the dikes first to minimize the disaster..."

Tang Xiaolong's expression was also particularly heavy, "Daughter-in-law, I know that nothing I say may be able to stop you from going this time."

"Then let's prepare together!"

Su Anyang nodded vigorously, "Axiao, we will get married when we come back. Don't choose any auspicious day."

Tang Xiaolong smiled and hugged her tightly, "Okay."

After the two discussed the details, he let go of her and strode away.

Su Anyang did not dare to tell his family what he was going to do, so he could only lie and say that he was going on a trip with Tang Xiaolong and his group.

She tried her best to finally get Su's father and Su's mother to agree.

Su's mother packed her luggage, while Su's father kept telling Su Anyang to protect herself.

Su Anyang nodded repeatedly: "Dad, I can...Mom, it's more convenient for me to wear pants when I go out to play, and I'm afraid of mosquito bites. Please take out your skirt..."

Mother Su had no choice but to pack her luggage again.

After finishing cleaning up, Su Anyang went downstairs with only a bag of buns bought by Su Yueyang.

Tang Xiaolong has already called to arrange everything.

He directly handed over the fire in the clothing factory to Liu Ziming and Wu Xianghe.

Knowing that he was going to fight the flood, Zheng Jiuqian, Xiang Zeming and Yu Xiaxia also firmly stated that they would go with him.

After Tang Xiaolong emphasized the seriousness of the matter, he did not refuse them.

One more person has more strength.

Zheng Jiuqian and his subordinates drove two vehicles, an off-road vehicle and a truck.

Yu Xia Tian and Liu Ziming drove a car.

Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang were in one car.

Since they are going to the front line, they cannot go empty-handed.

While Tang Xiaolong was on the phone contacting various large-scale equipment, he ordered a hundred vehicles of relief supplies along the way.A group of them drove south in a mighty manner.

Of course, Mr. Tang, Mr. Xu, Father Liu, Father Yu and others used all their strength at home to contact relevant experts and send them there together.

Hopefully they can develop the best prevention and reinforcement plan as soon as possible.There is strength in numbers, and there is a saying that the Three Stooges are more powerful than Zhuge Liang!
Su Anyang more or less remembered several key measures for disaster relief at that time.

In addition, various large-scale equipment are transported from all over the country and even bordering countries, and work is carried out 24 hours a day, and work efficiency has been greatly improved.

Before the Nanshui River burst its embankments, they reinforced the embankments in multiple layers in advance.

They also evacuated the people in advance and provided various supplies.

When the heavy rain finally stopped and the river stabilized, Su Anyang excitedly threw himself into Tang Xiaolong's arms, "We did it!"

They saved the lives of many young people and spared the national grief of a previous life.

Su Anyang felt that his rebirth was worth it!

What hatred and humiliation mean nothing in front of these lovely comrades?

There is hope to live!

Tang Xiaolong didn't dare to sleep for three days. Although they said they were well prepared, he didn't dare to relax a little, for fear that if he didn't take it into account, the Nanshui River would still burst its banks.

Hearing the definite news from the experts that the flood warning had been lifted, he was happy and excited, but at the same time, he felt tired.

He hugged the woman tightly, feeling terrified.

But Su Anyang suddenly softened and slid to the ground!

Tang Xiaolong was so frightened that he carried her to the temporary medical shed.

Many people fell down due to the virus in the bad weather.

His legs were frightened by the complicated thoughts in his mind, but he was holding her in his arms.

He ran quickly and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Doctor, nurse, please show my wife quickly..."

Everyone followed anxiously, shouting for the doctor.

Almost as soon as they shouted, a nurse lifted the curtain and said urgently: "Hurry up and put the person on the bed."

After Tang Xiaolong put Su Anyang down, he was kicked out.

Su Anyang and Tang Xiaolong are particularly famous in this temporary base.

They looked so good, they were like auspicious clouds descending from the sky, arriving with so much relief supplies, and even some large equipment got here before them.

They bring hope and warmth.

At this moment, seeing Su Anyang lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed and his face pale, everyone became anxious.

An old Chinese medicine doctor came forward to check her pulse.

He frowned, suddenly stunned, and touched Su Anyang's other hand.

"Doctor Sun, what's going on with Comrade Su? Please say something."

Several nurses put down their work and asked anxiously.

Tang Xiaolong couldn't wait any longer, so he opened the curtain and came in despite everyone's obstruction.

Dr. Sun chuckled and stroked his beard, "It's nothing serious. Comrade Xiao Su caught a cold and had a low fever. She was exhausted and fell asleep these days."

Another younger doctor asked: "Mr. Sun, do you want to give Comrade Su a blood test?"

Mr. Sun nodded: "To be on the safe side, let's get tested. But you can't just give her medicine. She's pregnant!"

Upon hearing this, Tang Xiaolong froze on the spot and looked at Su Anyang stupidly, feeling that his ears and brain could not connect.

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