Tang Xiaolong didn't expect that the two of them would win the prize just once.

He was surprised and happy, and a layer of fearful cold sweat broke out on his back.

His wife, pregnant with his baby, actually came to the flood-fighting front line with him. If something happened to her, Tang Xiaolong couldn't imagine what he would do!

Fortunately, God treats them well. What do you mean? If you survive a disaster, you will be blessed later.

They had suffered too much in their last life. This time, for the sake of his wife and children, he had to do good deeds and accumulate enough blessings, just to exchange for the peace of their little family.

Tang Xiaolong's eyes were red and he sat next to Su Anyang, holding her hand and looking at her intently.

Everyone smiled kindly and shook their heads, leaving space for the young couple.

When Su Anyang woke up again, it was already pitch dark.

Her hand moved slightly, and Tang Xiaolong, who was sleeping next to her, woke up immediately.

"Daughter-in-law, are you awake? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?" His voice was hoarse, and he poured her a glass of water with the silver light cast by the moon that had just revealed its face after resting for a long time.

Su Anyang had slept for a long time, and now he felt lazy all over, so he allowed him to half-hug her up and give him water.

The warm water drove away the last of her sleepiness, and she rubbed Tang Xiaolong's chest, "What time is it?"

Tang Xiaolong chuckled: "You can really sleep, you have slept for a full 26 hours."

"If you hadn't been breathing steadily and all vital signs were normal, Dr. Sun would come here and take your pulse every three to five hours. I would have bought a helicopter and taken you to the hospital!"

Su Anyang was stunned for a moment, "Have I slept for so long?"

She turned to look at Tang Xiaolong, but the man pressed his head against her domineeringly and said sheepishly: "Don't look at me. I'm very sloppy now. I haven't shaved my beard, changed my clothes, and haven't washed my hair in a few days..."

Su Anyang chuckled and turned to hug him, kissing him softly, "Fool, no matter how sloppy and dirty you look, I saw it in my last life."

"Besides, aren't you like this just because you're guarding me?"

"Am I better than you when I just woke up, except that I don't have a beard?"

Tang Xiaolong nuzzled her curiously, "Daughter-in-law, no matter what you are, in my eyes you are the most beautiful."

His hand gently touched her belly, "Do you know how thrilling this time is?"

Su Anyang was also stunned for a moment, looking down at his lower abdomen.

The child's sense of existence is too weak. She didn't feel it much in her previous life, and her relationship with it was over.This time she was only thinking about fighting the flood, and she forgot that she still had a little life in her belly.

"I-I forgot about him."

Tang Xiaolong's heart tightened and he spoke with difficulty, "Daughter-in-law, that means we actually had a child in the last life?"

Su Anyang nodded gently and covered his hand, "Yes, but he was not born."

Tang Xiaolong asked nervously: "What happened?"

He knew his own well. Even if he didn't have Su Anyang's adventure, he also knew that he in that world loved Su Anyang with his life just like he did now.

He was particularly looking forward to the culmination of love between the two of them. How could he allow the child to die?

Su Anyang puffed up his cheeks and said: "We didn't know it existed at that time. I, I was wholehearted about revenge, and I only regarded you as my sponsor and backer." "I was quite self-aware at that time. I miss the young lady of the Tang family." position and stay with you as your secretary."

"Your family showed you your fiancée. Once she saw us acting intimately, so she pushed me to the ground while you were in a meeting, and then she left us..."

Tang Xiaolong hugged her tightly in distress, but gently protected her belly, "What happened next? Did I seek justice for you? Don't we have a second child?"

Su Anyang lay on his chest and said with a chuckle: "No, your fiancée is very scared, and the Tang family doesn't want to lose her as a marriage partner, so they told me that if the child is not born out of wedlock, the child will have a hard time in the future."

"I was very sad at the time, and I felt that we had no fate with the child, and I was not worthy of being a mother. Otherwise, how could the child leave so easily?"

"I agreed, went to the hospital for surgery without telling you, and also got an IUD... We will never have another child..."

Tang Xiaolong was furious, "Why are you so stupid? You only want to avenge your family, don't you think that you can only rely on me in this world, shouldn't you hold on to me?"

Su Anyang chuckled and said: "At that time, I was afraid that I would fall in love with you. You were so handsome and rich, and you were very considerate, caring and loving towards me. But I didn't dare to break the window paper, for fear that we wouldn't have a future."

"And I don't think you, the heir to the richest man in Nan City, would fall in love with me and even be willing to abandon the entire forest."

Tang Xiaolong took a bite of her angrily, "Do you believe it now?"

Su Anyang nodded and held his hand tightly, "I believe it, but I don't like the tragic way. We must be good in this life!"

Tang Xiaolong said with a smile: "Of course, we are already so far ahead of Huang Chengkun, there is no way we can be easily suppressed by him again."

"By the way, I have good news for you. We have contacted Ma Teng's team and signed an acquisition agreement!"

Su Anyang said happily: "This software is almost a key to the Internet for many Xiahua people. As long as our software is done well and publicity is in place, there is no need to worry about the number of registered users."

"What we have to do is to use this platform to quickly build related projects. Games, shopping, reading, videos, education, etc."

"Our software must be in place in one step and seize the market quickly, so our profits will definitely be huge!"

Moreover, the development of their company will also drive Xiahua's economic development. This is to make a small number of people rich first, and then drive others.

Tang Xiaolong nodded, "We think so too. Anyway, we have enough funds, so we will recruit all the top computer science students in the university..."

"I believe we can quickly build these projects and then promote them."

While the two were talking, a strange sound suddenly sounded.

Su Anyang blushed and said confidently: "It's because your son is hungry!"

Tang Xiaolong patted his head, "It's because I'm ignorant. You two have been sleeping for more than a day, and I haven't thought about feeding you yet."

"The millet porridge is always hot in the pot, and there are two hard-boiled eggs... I'll put some brown sugar for you, okay?"

He didn't say it was okay, but Su Anyang was even hungrier now.

After Tang Xiaolong brought the bowl over, she took it and took a spoon and put it in her mouth.

Tang Xiaolong gently rubbed her back and kept saying:

"Daughter-in-law, eat slowly, there is still more in the pot."

"The rain stopped the day before yesterday, the sun was so good yesterday, and the river water receded a bit..."

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