Su Anyang drank rice porridge while listening to Tang Xiaolong report what happened yesterday.

"Yesterday we reinforced the dikes and dredged the Nanshui River in suitable places... The expert team said that if there is another storm, we can still get through it without any danger..."

"We have achieved a staged victory, but as long as the river water does not retreat below the warning line and the rain-rich August does not go out, everyone still cannot relax, and relevant rescue personnel and machinery cannot withdraw..."

"However, we have survived the most difficult stage..."

She frowned, and the stone that was pressing on her chest completely fell to the ground, "Fortunately, I remembered that we have sufficient funds in hand and made many arrangements in time, otherwise..."

Although her power alone is very small, she cannot stay out of it.

Thinking like this, she took out her mobile phone and typed some key times, places and events on it, and sent them to Tang Xiaolong.

"On the premise of protecting ourselves, our relatives and friends, let's do our best to prevent the tragedy!"

If she doesn't know these things, then she can still live her life with peace of mind, pray and donate when bad things happen, and become a united force.

But she knew, then she had to do something.

Tang Xiaolong read it carefully several times and said, "Okay, then we have to work harder to make money."

Like this time, they got a taste of how money can make a difference.

In the last life, we all won this battle thanks to the united will and the persistence of so many young people who did not give up and regarded death as home.

But this time, they had the help of large equipment to eliminate hidden dangers in advance.

With this experience, they can now quietly guide everyone in advance to avoid other disasters!
Su Anyang lay in bed for another day, and the situation here became stable.

The group of them left their equipment and supplies and drove away.

In the past, they made a lot of money by relying on international crude oil futures, and they felt that they were extremely rich because they were particularly worthless. However, after this time, they bought equipment and supplies on a large scale, and their wallets shrank.

They have the urgency to make money again.

Su Anyang was only a few months pregnant, and she had a miscarriage after being pushed in her previous life.

Tang Xiaolong drove the car quickly to the nearest train station, and they took a sleeper car back to the provincial capital.

Su Anyang's physical condition is not bad, she eats well and sleeps well, but she has been a little tired these past few days.

So she also followed them to participate in the land auction held in the provincial capital!
The provincial capital and several nearby towns are still old urban areas. The rapid economic development has made the old urban areas no longer able to meet the needs of the people.

Urban areas are bound to expand.

Su Anyang and Tang Xiaolong own the land of a small fishing village and are not very interested in this auction.

But they won't let Huang Chengkun pick up the slack.

The international crude oil futures purchased by Huang Chengkun did not make him a billionaire as he thought.He was unwilling, but had no choice but to start over from scratch.

Why doesn't he want to start his life from scratch, relying on his own hard work, luck, strength and talent, without relying on any chance, to become the richest man in Xia Hua step by step?

But if a person has been in a high position for a long time, it is easy for him to have high ambitions and low ambitions, and to lose his temper and start from scratch.

Just like someone with tens of thousands of yuan in savings, would they value the one-cent daily check-in task on the software?

After setting up a street stall and selling tapes for a few days, Huang Chengkun was a bit indifferent to customers and kept thinking about the events of his previous life.

On the third day, he stopped showing off and went to the sea market.

He remembered that the youngest son of the Bai family, one of the best in the sea market, was kidnapped in the past two days.After the gangsters took the money, although they did not tear up the child, they threw the child into an unfinished building to make the Bai family afraid. However, they took the money and went abroad smoothly.

The Bai family mobilized all their connections to find the child. By the time they found it, it was already a week later. The child had starved to death in the abandoned sewer of the unfinished building, and his body had been eaten horribly by rats.

He remembered that during that week, the Bai family raised the reward amount from 5000 to [-] million!This shows how much the Bai family likes and values ​​their youngest son.

When Huang Chengkun arrived in Haishi, as soon as he got off the train, he was stuffed with a missing person leaflet. On it was the youngest son of the Bai family who was kidnapped and whose whereabouts are still unknown.

He pretended to look at the leaflet, frowning and pinching his fingers.

The little boss, who was so frightened that he was staring at the big guy at work, came over and said, "Comrade, can you tell fortunes?"

"Have you figured out where the little boy on this missing person notice is?"

"The Bai family's reward is now 200 million!"

Huang Chengkun sighed slightly, "I only have a little sense. I can calculate it, but it consumes too much of my energy."

Hearing this, the little leader raised his eyebrows and said, "Comrade, you didn't lie, did you?"

"Are you really good at calculating? Why don't you go to Bai's house with your buddy?"

Huang Chengkun frowned and was silent for a long time before nodding: "Well, it's fate that we met. I'll meet the Bai family first, and then we'll talk."

The little boss immediately took him in a van and went straight to the Bai family's villa.

The youngest son was kidnapped and the robbers went abroad, but they still couldn't find the child.

The whole family has no time to work, eat or study. They just sit at home and stare at their mobile phones every day for fear of missing a message.

"Sir, madam, Zhao Zhihua brought a gentleman here, saying that there is a way to find the young master!"

The nurse came in to deliver the message.

After hearing this, the Bai family members had numb expressions on their faces.

In fact, they have heard this too many times, and their hopes have been disappointed every time.

Even now, they want that person to leave and stop making them happy.

Father Bai rubbed his eyebrows, sighed and nodded: "Let them come in."

Zhao Zhihua is from the Zhao family in Haishi. He opened his own law firm and is responsible for following up on this matter.

He introduced Huang Chengkun to the Bai family.

When Father Bai saw that Huang Chengkun was ordinary, his face looked unhappy: "Comrade, if you can really help me buy a child, no matter what you want, we will try our best to satisfy you."

"But you have no real ability, but you want to make us happy, so our Bai family is not a vegetarian!"

Huang Chengkun said lightly: "If you delay for another hour or two, the child will definitely not be able to hold on. By the time you find him again, it will be too late!"

Father Bai gritted his teeth, "Then where did you say he is?"

Huang Chengkun did not hesitate and said straight to the point: "If I want to find your youngest son, I need to do something. Moreover, this is a competition with Yama. It consumes my energy and energy and will definitely shorten my life."

"This matter happened to me, which means there is a fate between us. Since you love your son so much, and I have some skills, just take care of it!"

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