Bai's father is a businessman, and his family's business can be top-notch in Haishi. Even if he doesn't start from scratch, he still needs enough wisdom to run the Bai family well.

How could he not understand the meaning of Huang Chengkun's words.

He took a deep breath and restrained his impatience, "Mr. Huang, don't worry, as long as you find my family Kangkang, even if you want half of our Bai family's property, we will give it to you!"

The money is gone, they can still make money, but the child's life is only this once.

As long as this magician can find their child, money is nothing!

This is what Huang Chengkun was waiting for.

What is 5000 million compared to half of the Bai family's wealth?

Baijia Electronics became a tens of billions listed company in 2000!
"Okay, since you are so sincere, I will try my best to give it a try!" Huang Chengkun said solemnly, "I have to trouble you to give me an object that the young master has used."

Immediately, a nanny handed over a stuffed toy and choked with tears: "When the little master goes to bed at night, he can't live without this doll. He always has to hold it."

"When we found out that he had been stolen, the doll fell to the ground..."

Huang Chengkun took it and pretended to pinch his fingers as if he was doing it. Then he bit his fingers and drew a line from the doll, then smeared it to the center of his eyebrows.

He opened and closed his mouth rapidly again, mumbling words, and suddenly he said sharply: "Go!"

Then he let out a long breath and slumped down on the ground with a pale face, as if someone had really sucked away a lot of his energy.But he chuckled and said: "It's done, I can already roughly sense where the young master is."

"Hurry up and help me up, let's go there in the car."

The Bai family looked at each other. At this moment, they didn't care whether Huang Chengkun's words were true or not, and immediately called the driver to drive.

They drove out of the villa area in a commercial vehicle.

Although this was Haishi in [-], Huang Chengkun flew from Kyoto to Haishi two or three times a month in his previous life. In addition to cooperating with many merchants in Haishi and participating in various activities, Huang Chengkun also had several The close woman is here.

He bought dozens of houses in Haishi. Even though Haishi has not yet fully developed, he can still tell which one is which!

“Is there a shopping mall that was going to be built in Chengxi District, but it was unfinished due to various reasons?”

Huang Chengkun asked.

At this time, the driver immediately replied: "Yes, that place is quite evil. It was originally intended to build a hotel, but as soon as the foundation was laid, dozens of skeletons were dug out. It is said that they were buried alive..."

"The developer was superstitious and thought the land was unlucky. Since he won the land at the poker table, he resold it at a low price."

"The boss who took over wanted to build a primary school. He said that many schools used to be cemeteries... But when he was building the main building, something happened to a worker... Everyone said that nothing could be done here... The boss was scared... …”

"The third boss, after specially inviting a mage to exorcise evil spirits, wanted to build a large supermarket. He wanted to use his people to suppress it... but before they could finish building it, the boss' business lost money..."

"Anyway, that place only has two or three floors and has been left there. Not to mention homeless people, there is not even a single wild cat or dog... There is no wind at night, and the place is humming... The people around can only Those who moved away are all gone..."

People from the Bai family also said: "In the past few days, we have also mobilized many people to search, especially in these construction sites, abandoned factories, and even sparsely populated places such as garbage dumps and scrapyards."

"But we didn't find..."

Huang Chengkun said calmly: "Maybe the timing is wrong. The child feels older, especially since he is hungry because he doesn't have enough to eat, and his body is easily tired."

"Everyone is looking in too many places, but not carefully enough. Maybe there are some omissions... This is because of your shallow fate. This child is destined to have this calamity..." "It's a shame that you met me, otherwise, young master I’m afraid it’s going to be more serious than bad.”

The Bai family were all very nervous and didn't know whether they should have any expectations.

Many fortune tellers are charlatans. Even if they swear by their promises, in the end they still fail to help the Bai family find the child.

Old God Huang Chengkun closed his eyes and pretended to rest, "Don't worry, I will definitely lead you to find him."

"There's nothing I can't accomplish if I take action!"

The driver knew the location and drove straight to the unfinished building.

When they arrived, Huang Chengkun was weakly supported by Zhao Zhihua.

"Comrade Zhao, please show me around. The child must be here, but I have to take a look at the feng shui of this place..."

But as soon as he took two steps, he stared wide-eyed at the group of people in front of him who were holding their children.

Why are Zheng Jiuguan and the others here?
Then Huang Chengkun opened his mouth and said: "Okay, Zheng Jiuqian, you actually participated in the kidnapping case. Do you think others can't see through your self-directed and staged actions to defraud the Bai family's trust and money?"

"I didn't expect that the dignified underground king of Nan City would do such a shameful thing..."

Zheng Jiuqian raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Huang Chengkun, aren't you the one calling yourself a thief?"

"I, Zheng Jiuqian, have done a good job. I have washed my hands in a golden basin a long time ago. Moreover, I have a lot of assets in my hands, and I am not willing to break the peaceful life just for the sake of extraneous things."

"It's you, tsk tsk, who followed the trend and bought international crude oil futures and lost all your money. Are you thinking about where to make money?"

"Otherwise, please explain to me why you are here?"

Huang Chengkun was furious: "Assuming what you said is true, do you think I, an ordinary person, can kidnap the youngest son of the Bai family?"

"I came to Haishi to look for opportunities to make a fortune, and I happened to meet the Bai family looking for a child."

"I know some metaphysics, so I brought them here."

I just didn't expect that Zheng Jiugan and the others would take the lead!

Zheng Jiuqian twitched the corners of his lips, bypassed him and handed the child to Bai's father: "The child has been hungry for two or three days. In addition, he is frightened and rained last night. He is somewhat dehydrated and has a fever."

"You take him to the hospital first, and we'll talk about other things later."

The Bai family didn't dare to think too much. At this moment, all their attention was focused on the child in Zheng Jiuqian's arms.

Father Bai hurriedly took it carefully and looked at it greedily, fearing that it was a dream.

It was the driver's reminder that Father Bai said in a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry, we can't excuse you for a moment... Butler Liu, please take my place and entertain the distinguished guests first. We will talk in detail when the child's condition is stable."

Except for the housekeeper of the Bai family, everyone left in the car.

Zheng Jiuqian and the others got in the car and left without even looking at Huang Chengkun.

Originally, Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang wanted to take a train directly to the provincial capital, but on the way they found a few people acting suspiciously, so they teamed up with the police and arrested those people.

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