The most important thing is that they did not let Huang Chengkun reap the benefits!This makes them happy more than anything else.

After chatting for a while, Zheng Jiuqian came out of the room and looked down at the text messages on his phone.

Before coming out of the room to see Mr. Bai, he discussed it on the phone with Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang.

Huang Chengkun must prove his ability to Mr. Bai so that the Bai family can treat him as a guest.How on earth is he going to prove it?
They only guessed a few situations, which were divided into two situations. One was Huang Chengkun's prediction of what big events would happen in the next few days, and the other was what practical actions he could take to seek benefits.

Zheng Jiuqian had already ordered his men to ambush in various places.

Make sure that whenever Huang Chengkun leaves the hotel, he will be under their surveillance.

Just in case, he also applied a powder on Huang Chengkun's body.

This powder can only be smelled by specially trained dogs.

When they went to the front line to fight floods, they also thought that search and rescue dogs would be used in some work, so they borrowed a few specially.

At this moment, text messages were sent to his mobile phone one after another, all reporting Huang Chengkun's route.

Zheng Jiuqian reported Huang Chengkun's affairs to Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang all the time.

Huang Chengkun didn't go far, he just stopped at a nearby lottery station and bought a few lottery tickets!
Upon learning of Huang Chengkun's actions, Su Anyang narrowed his eyes slightly, lowered his head and typed a text message to send.

Zheng Jiuqian raised his eyebrows after receiving it, wondering if Su Anyang was too careful?
However, he still forwarded the text message and asked his younger brothers to continue following Huang Chengkun.

And let them secretly check the boss's computer to see which number Huang Chengkun bought.

Everyone was a little puzzled, especially the people squatting outside the lottery station, who asked, "Master Jiu, can I just go in and ask the boss to put a few numbers that are the same as Huang Chengkun's?"

Zheng Jiugan smiled and said, "Okay, but you still have to try to check the boss's computer to see if the number on the computer is the same as the number the boss printed for you."

"But you are very likely to expose yourselves and alert the enemy!"

The boys didn't quite understand, but they still followed the instructions in the text message and pretended to be lottery players. After a long time, they entered the store and discussed with others which numbers were easier to win. While the boss was out, two or three people cooperated and got the lottery tickets. The number bought by Huang Chengkun arrived.

In this era, surveillance was not yet common, and was only installed in banks, not in small shops like this.

However, Huang Chengkun visited several lottery stations, and the lottery numbers purchased at each place were different.

So the boys had to be busy secretly looking at the numbers.

They were all professionally trained, and their methods of tracking people were so good that Huang Chengkun couldn't notice them at all.

Huang Chengkun felt that he was too suspicious.

After he visited more than ten lottery stations, he returned to the hotel with a thick stack of lottery tickets, waiting for the big prize tomorrow night!

In fact, if he kept buying like this, he almost forgot which winning number was.

"Isn't this Huang Chengkun too capable?"

"He visited a total of fifteen lottery stations, bought ten numbers at each lottery station, and bet a hundred times on each number. A total of 150 numbers!"

Zheng Jiuqian took the number that filled several pages and called Su Anyang.

Su Anyang smiled and said:
"We are richer than Huang Chengkun. We will buy whatever he buys."

"It's only 3 yuan, we can afford it!"

"Each of us buys one, and it's ten times the price of Huang Chengkun's!"

"Just think of it as a bonus for everyone's hard work these days."

The lottery has been issued for 11 years. Nowadays, people's wages are high and their living standards have improved. Many people want to use two yuan to win a big prize, but not many people win the big prize.The welfare lottery is issued by an organization, and part of it goes into the public welfare account, and 50.00% is used to pay lottery players' bonuses.

The maximum limit for each jackpot is 1000 million.

Now the prize pool has accumulated to one billion!

No wonder Huang Chengkun wants to buy one account a hundred times.He wants to swallow a billion alone!
Su Anyang and Tang Xiaolong were in the provincial capital and bought everyone 30 yuan in welfare lottery tickets.

They also bought it themselves, together with their family and friends, a total of 25 people, and spent a total of 750 million.

But Su Anyang chipped in and bought a lottery ticket worth 1000 million yuan.

When the lottery grand prize is announced, I wonder how angry Huang Chengkun will be.

Whenever you imagine that Huang Chengkun's one billion was reduced to less than 2000 million by them, Su Anyang can wake up laughing when he sleeps.

Tang Xiaolong was also evil and told the matter to the penguin group.

Zheng Jiuqian and the others felt that it was too cheap for the big guy to work so hard behind Huang Chengkun, allowing him to still earn more than 500 million after tax.

They had no shortage of money, and each of them poured another 1000 million into it!

This is equivalent to Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang buying a total of 8000 million.

Huang Chengkun's bonus shrank again, becoming one-eighth of the original amount, 220 million!
Although Su Anyang is only one month pregnant, she is particularly prone to fatigue now. After working for most of the night, it is already evening when she wakes up.

After dinner, it’s time to reveal the most exciting prizes!

Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang sat cross-legged on the hotel bed, eating snacks and watching TV.

The bed was filled with lottery tickets.

Zheng Jiuqian and the others were also waiting in front of the TV with papers in their hands.

Huang Chengkun, who was opposite, bought a bottle of beer, sat on the carpet, held the hundred lottery tickets he was sure of, and stared at the TV.

As the balls fell one after another on the TV, he bit his hand excitedly, fearing that he would scream.

I got it, I got it all!

He beat the bed hard and silently. One billion, even after tax, it was [-] million.

He still doesn't believe that this time the money can grow and run away.

During the day today, he went to the store and bought equipment for receiving the award tomorrow.

At this moment, he excitedly put on a hat and mask, put on a large T-shirt and jeans, lowered his head and performed the scene when receiving the award. "Luck, pure luck..."

Zheng Jiuqian and the others found the winning number from among 150 numbers.

Each of them pumped their fists excitedly, each of them could get ten times Huang Chengkun's bonus, which is 220 million!
In addition to more than 2000 million, Zheng Jiuqian and the other brothers who wanted to be the masters would also receive 600 million after tax.

They immediately decided to donate half of their winnings and purchase various supplies to send to flood-prone areas.

The next day, Huang Chengkun was dressed neatly and had a backpack with clothes on his back.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Zheng Jiuqian who happened to come out from the other side.

"Master Jiu, you're not staring at me every day, are you?"

Huang Chengkun frowned and asked while grinding his teeth.

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