Zheng Jiuqian raised his eyebrows: "What do you need me to keep an eye on at all times?"

"I just went out to have a meal with my brothers. What, Mr. Huang, is there something wrong when he goes out?"

"You go out early and come back late every day, are you effective at all? Are you going to another rich man who is easily deceived to tell fortunes or find people?"

Huang Chengkun took a deep breath and said coldly: "You are judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you."

During this period, he pretended to glance at Zheng Jiuqian several times inadvertently. Seeing that there was no expression on his face, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Zheng Jiuqian is the underground king in Nanshi, but when a nine-digit grand prize falls from the sky, everyone will blush with excitement?

Even though he was the richest man in Xiahua in his previous life, he tossed and turned excitedly last night and couldn't sleep well, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

Huang Chengkun specially chose a lottery station not far from the hotel as the place to receive the prize.

After taking several buses, he fully armed himself in a public toilet and went to the lottery station to claim his prize.

However, when he arrived at the lottery station, he did see the banner hanging in front of the store.

Just the billion dollar grand prize turned into 200 million?

Huang Chengkun had a bad feeling in his heart.

He walked in with an ugly face and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Comrade, I'm here to receive the award."

"This is the lottery ticket I bought. There are [-] tickets in total. How much prize should I redeem?"

His words made the shop owner quite excited, "It turns out that sir is the lottery player who won the first prize on our website. Congratulations..."

After saying this, the shop owner looked a little weird again: "That's strange. If the usual first prize bonus is doubled for one bet, it would be several million."

"But there were too many people who won the first prize this time, and each of them bought hundreds or thousands of times. The prize money in the prize pool was divided up. Sir, it was a hundred times, and after tax, it was only 220 million. "

Huang Chengkun was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He bought it a hundred times and rushed to collect the prize pool.

Where did you think that the 200 million grand prize was diluted into more than [-] million!

It's so crazy, he must have opened it in the wrong way.

Huang Chengkun was so angry that he held his chest and burst into tears.

So bullying!
He thought with his toes and knew that it was Zheng Jiu who did it to them.

It's because he's not as skilled as others, so he went through all this trouble, and even had his beard cut off by them.

After Huang Chengkun received the award, he gritted his teeth and found Mr. Bai. He saw Zheng Jiuqian shaking his head and listening to music. He took a deep breath and told Mr. Bai about receiving the award.

"Mr. Bai, this Zheng Jiuqian is so shameless. He was just staring at me. Otherwise, if I had calculated the winning numbers, I would have won hundreds of millions!"

"I bought the first prize a hundred times, and I only received over 200 million... People like this, do you think they are reliable?"

"I'm afraid that if you cooperate with them, you will be deceived into nothing!"

Mr. Bai was also surprised by the methods of Zheng Jiuqian and his team, but he was [-]% convinced of Huang Chengkun's ability.

Not everyone can guess the lottery.

Zheng Jiuqian raised his eyebrows: "It's boring for Mr. Huang to talk like this."

"You are so capable, why don't you continue to calculate the winning numbers in the future?"

"Don't say that secrets cannot be leaked, it will cost you your energy... It is enough to explain this once or twice... Maybe you hit it by mistake this time."

"Unless you win again!"

Huang Chengkun wanted to jump.

The Welfare Lottery is open three times a week. With so many numbers, how does he know which number is open in which issue?And most people only pay attention to how many prizes someone has won, but not the numbers that have already won. After all, the probability of a winning number becoming the first prize again is almost zero.

What's more, he is not a lottery player, so he can't remember the lottery numbers!
Zheng Jiuqian shrugged, "Look, Mr. Bai, he did this by mistake."

"We will not hinder the Bai family's communication, but I hope you can face up to his abilities and don't worship him blindly, so as not to suffer a big loss."

"After watching a big show, Mr. Bai, we are going back. We will see you again when we have the opportunity!"

Mr. Bai quickly stood up and personally sent Zheng Jiuguan and the others away.

Huang Chengkun stood there with a gloomy expression.

Mr. Bai sighed lowly, "Sir, he is a man of real ability, but we in the Bai family believe in being down-to-earth and stay away from things like metaphysics."

"This is Bai's idea, and I hope that Mr. Bai will accept it."

Mr. Bai winked at the butler.

The other party put a suitcase on the table and opened it, which was filled with money.

"This is 1000 million. It's not a lot, but it shows the sincerity of our Bai family."

What does 1000 million mean to a company that is about to be listed for tens of billions?

It's a pity that Zheng Jiugan and the others interfered, and his role was weakened.

Being able to get 1000 million for nothing was just because the Bai family was in a good mood to send him away after they found their youngest son!
Huang Chengkun especially wanted to throw money in the faces of the Bai family.

But he can't. He doesn't have much money now and needs this money urgently.

He closed the box with an ugly expression and said calmly: "Mr. Bai is a courageous and capable person. In a few years, your company's assets will expand a hundred times."

"If my blessing takes effect, I hope Mr. Bai will stop being so stingy by then."

After saying that, he picked up his suitcase and left.

As soon as he left, the housekeeper was so angry that he sighed:

"Does he really regard himself as the God of Wealth who turns stone into gold?"

"Now the economy is developing rapidly and the electronics industry has become mainstream. Our funds are now almost doubling every year. This is obvious. How come he says that our efforts are nothing and the credit goes to him. That’s it?”

Mr. Bai's face didn't look very good either, "I guess he really took me for granted!"

"Even if such a person has real abilities, he is not easy to deal with. It is a shame that we met Mr. Zheng and the others. Otherwise, it would be difficult for us to get rid of Mr. Huang!"

Su Anyang and the others had another beautiful victory!

The land auction in the provincial capital was about to begin, and businessmen from both inside and outside the province who were interested in real estate rushed to the provincial capital.

This time Huang Chengkun only pocketed more than 1000 million and came to participate in the land auction.

He looked at Tang Xiaolong and his group with a gloomy look, gritting his teeth angrily but helpless.

Who would have thought that something as certain as international crude oil futures and lottery would also have variables, so he didn't take much advantage.

However, Huang Chengkun showed a playful expression when he thought of the land at this auction.

He could feel more comfortable when others were unlucky. He didn't know that Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang would watch helplessly as the Xiang family faced bankruptcy because they took pictures at the wrong location.

It would be better for the Xiang family to drag the Tang family into trouble.

Then Huang Chengkun remembered that Zheng Jiuqian and the others had just divided the billion-dollar prize pool, and his heart ached again.

With the development of economy, the existing urban land in various urban areas can no longer meet the development and people's needs for land and various infrastructure.

That's why this large-scale land auction was held in the provincial capital!

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