Many businessmen came to participate in this Dongshan Province land auction, not only Dongshan Province bosses, but also many wealthy people from outside the province.

Housing prices have seen a significant upward trend in recent months, which has allowed bosses to sense business opportunities. In fact, in any era, land is a value-added industry.

In particular, as welfare housing gradually withdraws from the stage of history and commercial housing rises, Xiahua's real estate will usher in its most glorious period in the next 30 to [-] years.

Whoever can master so much land at this time is no less than self-cultivating a golden body!

This land auction was held in the largest exhibition hall in Dongshan Provincial City, and it was extremely grand. Carpets were laid outside the door. The bosses were all riding in luxury cars, with young and beautiful female companions, and they were under the flash of the camera. Under the light, waved and walked down.

There is also a host introducing important guests to everyone.

Although the Tang family is only the richest man in Nanshi, there are a total of seventeen cities in Dongshan Province, so they are naturally among the ones being introduced.

Su Anyang is the future young lady recognized by the Tang family and is also on the list.

She held Tang Xiaolong's arm and stepped on the red carpet, looking slightly dazed.

In the previous life, she was Tang Xiaolong's secretary, and she often accompanied him on red carpets. But at that time, she was just a backdrop. In the eyes of others, she was just a female companion that the Tang family could discard at any time.

A woman's heart is not big, and it is enough to have a sincere heart in her lifetime.

A woman's sense of security lies in the status given by a man.

In her previous life, she was stupid and too obsessed with the past and revenge, and ended up dragging everyone towards destruction.

Tang Xiaolong held her hand, lowered his head and asked with concern: "What's wrong with my wife?"

Men are animals who push their limits. He could feel that Su Anyang was becoming more and more tolerant of him, so he called her wife from time to time. Such affectionate calls made him particularly satisfied.

It reminds him all the time that he is about to achieve success with his first love!

Su Anyang chuckled and shook his head:

"It's okay. Maybe pregnant women are more sentimental and just a little emotional."

"I was so stupid in my last life. Why did I realize how good you are so late?"

Tang Xiaolong squeezed her hand: "Daughter-in-law, it's not too late for you to realize how good I am."

"Let's check later to see if there is any land you like, and I'll take a photo of it for you!"

Su Anyang pursed her lips and nodded, smiling and saying:
“It’s the most appropriate time to buy land before housing prices rise significantly.”

"Even if we hoard nothing and don't build anything, the price will be absolutely shocking in ten years' time!"

Even if Tang Xiaolong didn't know the specific data, he could still imagine it.

In the current peaceful and stable environment, economy and technology drive each other's development, which will inevitably increase the needs of the people in all aspects.

"Then if we don't like it, we can just buy it?"

"The land in our province is not that expensive anyway. We can still afford it."

Su Anyang smiled sullenly: "Land is not a small item, how can it be wholesaled based on personal preferences?"

"Our focus is on small fishing villages, and there are also land auctions in big cities such as Kyoto and Haishi. If you want to enter the real estate industry and achieve good results and huge profits, of course you must focus on those cities. "

"Big cities represent many opportunities, and the speed and space for housing price growth are much greater than those of our second- and third-tier cities!"

Tang Xiaolong patted his head, "As expected of a daughter-in-law who came from the future, the situation is bigger than mine. It's me who is narrow-minded."

His thinking has not changed yet, and he still positions himself as the heir to the richest man in a third-tier city.

In the future, they will want to climb the national rich list, and even have a name internationally.Su Anyang frowned and whispered, "It's not that I'm great, it's that I've seen the rapid development of economy and technology in the future. If you pull someone from the street, they can tell you a thing or two."

"I can give you a general direction, but if you let me get involved, I'm far less intelligent than you."

Tang Xiaolong had already intertwined his fingers with hers, leading Su Anyang to find the place where their names were written and sit down.

"Daughter-in-law, many people are no worse than us. The only difference between them and us is that they have no direction to work hard. Your role is too great. For us, you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

"Who can imagine now that real estate and the Internet will become hugely profitable industries in the future?"

Su Anyang also snorted proudly at this moment, "That's right, I have been tempered and can lead you to avoid detours..."

As they were talking, they felt a vicious gaze.

The two of them looked over and met Huang Chengkun's eyes.

Tang Xiaolong hugged Su Anyang, raised his eyebrows provocatively, and mouthed something rubbish.

Huang Chengkun's face was distorted, he was so angry, but he couldn't defeat them!
Sure enough, the three cobblers were better than Zhuge Liang. These second-generation rich people were not really uneducated, and each one was better than the last in cutting off beards.

Until now, he had no doubt that there was a second person reborn.

He thought that Tang Xiaolong and the others' good luck followed him.

Because they rubbed him so hard that he didn't get much benefit.

He no longer looked at this group of annoying things, but looked around at the people attending the auction with his silver-rimmed glasses on.

Huang Chengkun was well-informed in his previous life, and he could recognize [-]% of the big bosses present.

Moreover, he is also familiar with the character of some people and thinks about how to achieve cooperation with them.

He couldn't just watch some good land pass away and fall into the hands of others, but he only had more than 1000 million in his hands, so he couldn't snatch it away from others.

Soon he locked his target, a man wearing a gold chain and a beard.

He hunched over and walked over, shouting to borrow it.

When he walked up to the man, he said to the female companion next to him: "Hello, comrade, I have business to discuss with your boss."

The man looked Huang Chengkun up and down and frowned:
"What business do I have to discuss with you literary men?"

"What's more, I don't know you. Who are you?"

Huang Chengkun introduced himself with a smile: "My name is Huang Chengkun. I am from Dongshan Province. I have a university degree..."

The man interrupted impatiently: "I don't care who you are, are college students amazing?"

"I'm throwing money away so that a group of college students can work for me. Don't look for any sense of superiority in front of me!"

Huang Chengkun was choked and said, "Mr. Zhao, I am actually somewhat knowledgeable in metaphysics."

"Your family runs a steel factory, right? The steel factory is gaining momentum now, but it will also face challenges in technology, management and other aspects..."

The man directly covered his ears this time: "I just came here to join in the fun. It's enough for me to be chanted by my old man at home. Why am I being chanted by you, a passerby?"

"I don't care about the development of the steel industry! My old man has so many sons. As long as they don't lack me for food and clothing, any of my brothers can go home and inherit the family business!"

(End of this chapter)

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