There was still some time before the auction, so Tang Xiaolong walked over and sat next to Zhao Xiangtian.

Zhao Xiangtian glanced at him and said, "You Dongshan Province people are smart. You are aiming at me because I have money. You have to make me lose money, right?"

Tang Xiaolong smiled: "I saw Mr. Zhao's gangster look on his face, which really won my heart. I want to make friends with him. Is it wrong?"

"And my wife and I bought a large piece of land in a fishing village. Do we look like people who are short of money?"

"One more friend, one more way out."

Zhao Xiangtian couldn't help but laugh: "Others will stay away from me when they see my fierce appearance, unless there is a big profit to be made."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll find someone to do it to you?"

"Our Western Province is full of heavy industries, and the people are very tough!"

Tang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows, leaned over and lowered his voice and said, "Did you see the one with the flowered shirt and the scar on his face? I'm going to be my brother, this one is underground in Nanshi!"

He gave a thumbs up, "Aren't I just looking at that boy Huang Chengkun? I didn't get any benefits from you, and I feel happy. Come here and have fun?"

"Did he tell you that he knew some metaphysics?"

Zhao Xiangtian became more energetic: "Why, he always says this to everyone?"

Tang Xiaolong nodded: "That's not true. In fact, it's not that he says this when he sees someone, but he has to show off when he sees a rich person."

"The Murong family in Kyoto and the Bai family in Haishi were all predicted by him. As a result, he was short-sighted and did not tell these two great families that they owed him favors."

"He was eager to start a career and cash out favors, which made the two owners unhappy. However, he seems to have no business sense. No matter how much money comes into his hands, there is no splash..."

"I guess he has a piece of land that he likes, but he has no money on hand, so he is going to find a few enemies and tell some specious things to scare people, so that he can get a share of it without spending a penny. It’s time to share the soup…”

Zhao Xiangtian clicked his tongue twice: "Then he is also a magical person."

"To scare the Bai family and the Murong family, he needs two brushes."

"I feel a little regretful that I didn't answer his words just now..."

Tang Xiaolong smiled and said, "Does Mr. Zhao believe in fate?"

"Destiny is something that you either believe in or not. Maybe you are destined to get rich, and he wants to take advantage of it!"

"It's a coincidence that I can also do some metaphysics. Mr. Zhao is extremely wealthy, but let me give you a piece of advice. A country is easy to defeat but difficult to defend. Desires are hard to satisfy. Mr. Zhao must know when to stop."

After speaking, he patted Zhao Xiangtian on the shoulder: "Let's have dinner together when we have time."

Zhao Xiangtian smiled and nodded: "Definitely!"

After Tang Xiaolong left, Zhao Xiangtian looked at the podium and pondered.

I think Tang Xiaolong's words are still true. In today's era, as long as people are not afraid of hard work and bending down, they can pick up money. It is rare to lose money in business. At most, the profits are not rich enough.

He won't lose money, but sometimes blindly expanding territory is not necessarily a good thing.

For now, he is on the right track to buy a few pieces of land and build a building to make a fortune!

He looked at Huang Chengkun, who was hooking up with someone else again, and twitched the corners of his lips. What he hated most was being told what to do.

With his mouth open, how much does Huang Chengkun want to cash out from him?
Soon the auction will begin.

The bosses who participated in the auction were all seated according to their provinces and cities.

Tang Xiaolong had Su Anyang on one side and Xiang Zeming on the other.

The Xiang family was two rows away from them.

"What's going on with you and your family now?" Tang Xiaolong asked in a low voice.

Xiang Zeming tugged at the corner of his lips: "Last time I had a falling out with my family over a small matter, and even made harsh words to break up the family." "Brother Long, you also know how popular the real estate industry is now, everyone The monthly house prices are rising steadily, so they are happy for me to be let go."

"It's only tens of millions, but it can send me away. From now on, I won't have a share in the family's property."

"It's just that you also know how shameless they are. If they knew that I have more than one billion in my hands now, I'm afraid they would default on the money and deny that I was separated."

Tang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows: "So, if you want to be prosperous and prosperous, the only way is to break off the relationship?"

Xiang Zeming nodded, "Yes, the Xiang family is a moderate boss in Nanshi, so they need to save some face. Only by announcing the divorce in the newspaper can I completely break away from them."

Tang Xiaolong sneered: "Then let's watch a show and see what kind of land the Xiang family has captured for the family."

Aizawa Ming smiled: "I'm looking forward to it too."

Just as he was talking, the auction began. After a simple opening ceremony, the big shots came on stage one by one to say a few words.

The host then began to introduce the first piece of land to be auctioned.

The first area is on the outskirts of the provincial city. It is said to be a suburb. In fact, the old city is not easy to develop and must be expanded outwards. It is likely to become a key economic development area in the future.

Almost all the guys raised their signs and shouted the price.

Su Anyang was not very interested. With the land of a small fishing village, she even looked down on it in the provincial capital.

Seeing that she was not very interested, Tang Xiaolong held up the sign twice and stopped shouting.

Pieces of land were auctioned off.

Soon we arrived at the town below Nanshi.

Su Anyang looked at the booklet in her hand, and suddenly she narrowed her eyes slightly and leaned close to Tang Xiaolong's ear, "We must take pictures of this land at all costs. After Huang Chengkun holds up the sign, we will follow suit."

Tang Xiaolong was a little curious, "Daughter-in-law, is there anything special about this land?"

As a native of Nanshi, he certainly knows that Zoushi has many mountainous areas and is still relatively backward in development. Big guys would rather take pictures of Yanshi than be interested in Zoushi.

After all, there are several large companies in Yan City, and their tax payment rankings are among the best in Nan City.

There is even a paper mill and a food factory, which are well-known throughout the country.

Su Anyang chuckled and said, "Because there is black gold underground in Zoushi!"

Tang Xiaolong was surprised: "How could it be? Although the coal mining industry is not very prosperous now, the price of coal mines is much more expensive than land."

Su Anyang said with a smile: "There was a layer of special substance on that piece of land, which interfered with the detection of the instrument, so the piece of land was treated as ordinary land and auctioned off."

"This brochure only briefly mentions where the land is. I'm still a little confused, but the size of the land impressed me..."

"In the last life, this underground coal mine had rich reserves and supported a coal mine with tens of thousands of people. Don't you think it's awesome?"

Tang Xiaolong nodded, "But won't Huang Chengkun cause trouble?"

"According to his previous anger and embarrassment, he has a bad temper that he doesn't want others to get when he doesn't get it. I'm afraid that when we are about to take the photo, he will make this matter public!"

Su Anyang blinked at him:

"In fact, Huang Chengkun may not be aware of the specialness of this land now, but if we fight with someone, it is inevitable that he will not think of something."

"So to be on the safe side, you have to temporarily remove him."

Tang Xiaolong thought about it for a moment, then took his cell phone and started tapping.

(End of this chapter)

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