After a while of manipulation, Tang Xiaolong made a gesture to Zhao Xiangtian who was not far away.

The other party nodded, bent down and took the initiative to find Huang Chengkun.

"Comrade Huang, please come out, I have something to tell you."

Huang Chengkun has already acquired two pieces of land that he is satisfied with, and he is wondering how far he can get [-]% of the profit as a military advisor before he can swallow up a coal mine in a few years.

At this moment, Zhao Xiangtian called him to stop, and Huang Chengkun's eyes flashed with pride.

Zhao Xiangtian must have regretted seeing him giving advice to others!
He held Qiao slightly, then stood up and followed Zhao Xiangtian out.

The moment he stepped out the door, the host had already introduced the land in Zoushi. It was a mountainous area where even tourism could not develop. There was nothing worthy of his attention.

After leaving the door, Huang Chengkun asked with a smile: "What does Mr. Zhao want to talk to me about?"

Zhao Xiangtian smiled and handed the cigarette.

Huang Chengkun took it, lit it and took a puff, "This cigarette is good, very strong."

Zhao Xiangtian nodded: "That's not true. Regardless of the leaders or workers in our steel plant, this brand of cigarettes is the most smoked. It's very powerful, especially refreshing and relieves fatigue!"

"If Mr. Huang likes it, I will give you two boxes later. One box for you to smoke and play with, and the other box for you to give will be more respectable!"

These cigarettes are not cheap, a box costs around 200 yuan, a cigarette costs more than 250 yuan, and a box of five standard items is [-] cigarettes!

Even though Huang Chengkun had very good achievements in his previous life, his early experiences still left him with a petty mentality that could not be washed away.

The second generation founder of a certain steel factory spent 10 yuan on his first purchase, but he did not say so generously decades later.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Zhao first," Huang Chengkun said with a smile. "For the sake of Mr. Zhao's arrogance, I wonder what you want to know from me?"

Zhao Xiangtian chuckled and rubbed his hands: "Well, since Mr. Huang knows some metaphysics, can you help me check my marriage?"

"You also know that I just eat and drink at home. I don't have much ability, so I just worry about these few things."

Huang Chengkun was so angry that although he didn't understand metaphysics, he relied on his prophet to pretend to be a semi-immortal.But asking him, a grown man, to calculate marriage for Zhao Xiangtian, isn't it overkill and insulting?
However, thinking that Zhao Xiangtian had good fortune, he could only smile and say, "Mr. Zhao, let me take a look at your left hand."

Zhao Xiangtian stretched out his hand to see what Huang Chengkun could say.

Huang Chengkun looked at it seriously and pointed to Zhao Xiangtian: "Look, the line near your thumb is the life line, the middle is the career line, and the four fingers next to it are your marriage line..."

"You see there is a gold ingot on your marriage starts late...this means that you need to establish a career first and then start a family...your marriage line is very beautiful and regular, which means that you and your wife will definitely be in love after marriage..."

"...If I'm not mistaken, your wife may be a beautiful, good-looking, and famous female star..."

In the previous life, this person indeed spent tens of millions, and a few years later he married a top star at the time, and his ancestors were picked out for eight generations.

Otherwise, Huang Chengkun would not be able to pay attention to all industries and know Zhao Xiangtian so well!

Zhao Xiangtian was really shocked.He does like a certain lesbian on screen.

But he is only the second generation ancestor of a steel factory, and he smells like copper. How can he be worthy of others?

He couldn't help but ask a lot of details.

In order to win his trust, Huang Chengkun told almost everything he knew!
Not long after, Zhao Xiangtian's cell phone rang.

He looked down and said with a smile: "Mr. Huang should really open a marriage agency. If all his children and grandchildren learn your craft, they will have food and clothing for generations to come."

"Okay, let's go in and continue participating in the auction."

Huang Chengkun was stunned for a moment: "Is that gone?" "Mr. Zhao is just asking about marriage? You don't care about your career?"

"Dongshan Province is a big province, and there is a lot of room for land appreciation. Although it is not as good as Kyoto and Haishi, the land prices are also cheap, and it is definitely worth investing..."

Zhao Xiangtian waved his hand, "I just bought a few pieces of land, and I don't have any extra funds."

"Wait for the next time!"

Huang Chengkun thought about it, he had just been serving as a military advisor for the land that Zhao Xiangtian had auctioned in his lifetime.They took down two pieces. Although Zhao Xiangtian took the other three pieces, he spent enough money to buy five pieces.

He felt a little regretful, "Then Mr. Zhao, if you need anything, you can call me and consult me."

As he spoke, he handed Zhao Xiangtian his business card.

Zhao Xiangtian stuffed his business card casually and entered the room.

Two adjacent pieces of land in Zoushi with a large area were photographed by Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang.

This time the land proceeds to another town.

Su Anyang counted on his fingers on the spot, "Axiao, we are going to send it out!"

Tang Xiaolong asked funnyly: "After we developed the small fishing village, we became tens of billions. Didn't we become rich?"

"How valuable are these two underground coal mines that make you almost jump?"

Su Anyang excitedly whispered to Tang Xiaolong about science. From [-] to [-], it was the golden decade of coal. During this period, too many coal bosses were created...all of them spent money like water. It is no exaggeration at all.

"... Let me tell you this, a small-scale unit earns more than 200 million a day, and a large-scale unit earns tens of millions a day... Think about it!"

Tang Xiaolong couldn't help but gasped: "Will the coal mining industry be so vigorous in the future?"

Su Anyang nodded affirmatively: "That's not right. He is called 'Coal Super Crazy', what do you think?"

"Otherwise, how could Huang Chengkun enter the coal mining industry after his rebirth?"

Tang Xiaolong still couldn't digest the concept of earning tens of millions a day.

Isn't that the money they earned by relying on great luck, and others earned it in two or three years?And this situation can last for ten years.

Tang Xiaolong rubbed his forehead: "When I get back, I will find a team of experts to survey the land."

"If there are really coal mines, then we will acquire several coal mines, learn some experience and technology, and then carry out all-round safe and efficient mining..."

Su Anyang hummed, "I don't think we need to be too extravagant, just make a few million every day."

Tang Xiaolong smiled and said, "Okay, I will listen to my wife!"

After the auction ended, Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang bought two more pieces of land.

While going through the formalities, Huang Chengkun saw an entire map of Dongshan Province in the background, including Younan City.He glanced twice and suddenly focused on a small red flag in Zoushi.

This... His heart suddenly beat fast. He grabbed a familiar person next to him and asked, "Comrade, do you know who took away this piece of land in Zoushi?"

The man was also from Nanshi. He took a look and said, "It's from Zoushi. There are only two pieces of land connected together. No one wanted it. In the end, Mr. Tang took it away..."

(End of this chapter)

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