The man was quite talkative and said, "I heard that Mr. Tang is going to build a resort in Zou City for future young ladies..."

"Another place was built as a wildlife park. If there are no profitable projects or enterprises in Zou City, then he will build one and make it the best wildlife park in Dongshan Province..."

Huang Chengkun was so angry. In the last life, this couple didn't say they were interested in this land.

In the end, these two pieces of land were photographed by an unknown boss from other provinces. Because he spent so much money on buying the land, he had no money to continue investing in building a house.

The two pieces of land had been idle for five or six years. When the boss made some money and continued to venture into real estate, "black gold" was dug out of the ground!
It's a pity that the boss kept it secret. He only knew the details and didn't know much about the various values ​​of the coal mine in that place.

So this matter was just a bit of a splash, and there was no follow-up.

Otherwise, he would have been thinking about this land long ago, instead of regretting it like now.

Since "black gold" can be dug out, even a small coal mine will be worth more than the land in a few years1
"Comrade, how much did the two pieces of land cost?" he asked reluctantly.

The man smiled and pointed to the map in front of him, "Zou City has more mountainous areas, so the land auctioned is larger than other places... In fact, this is Zou City exchanging barren land for some money, in case the bosses are smart and make some money. This method attracted rich people and promoted the development of Zou City..."

"Look at this piece of land to the east, which is a total of 2 acres, equivalent to two square kilometers... Every household in the mountainous area has hundreds of acres of back hill, and no one rents it for 5000 to [-] yuan a year... Mr. Tang spent [-] million to buy this piece!"

"Although the land in the west is not as big as the one in the east, it still has more than 2000 acres of land, and it fetched more than 3000 million yuan..."

Huang Chengkun took a deep breath and comforted himself. These two places probably only had a few tons of scattered coal, and the quality was not necessarily that good.

If it is really a coal mine that has become a climate, can we not make some splash?

Little did he know that in his life, the boss had indeed made a fortune by steadily transporting a lot of coal from another road at night, taking advantage of the mountainous area and inconvenient transportation in Zoushi.

In Su Anyang's previous life, that is, Huang Chengkun's current life, because of his curiosity, he paid too much attention to these two pieces of land, thus figuring out and exposing the situation in the coal mine!

The boss has successively acquired a lot of surrounding land.

Huang Chengkun shook his head, putting these troubles behind him, and walked towards the Xiang's house with a chuckle.

As Su Anyang said, the Xiangjia competed with Huang Chengkun for two pieces of land in the suburbs of Nanshi, and bought them at prices with little room for profit.

Seeing Huang Chengkun approaching, several representatives of the Xiang family were so angry that they gritted their teeth.

"Huang Chengkun, right? Where did you come from and insist on making trouble with our Xiang family?"

Huang Chengkun directly expressed his thoughts, raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "I can't help it, who made your Xiang Zeming have a good relationship with Tang Xiaolong."

"I am quite a petty person. If I am cuckolded by someone, I will definitely retaliate. Now that I can't touch the Tang family, I can only start with the Xiang family."

Hearing him say this, the Xiang family members were very angry.

The co-author is "The fire at the city gate affected the fish in the pond."

They were implicated by the Tang family!
"Huang Chengkun, can you please be reasonable? The one who has enmity with you is the Tang family, and the one who has a good relationship with Tang Xiaolong is Xiang Zeming. What does it have to do with us?"

"Don't bite people like a mad dog and disrupt the market order, okay?"

"Our Xiang family is not something you can mess with if you want! Don't you want to stay in Nanshi anymore?"

Huang Chengkun smiled: "As for me, if I don't make a move, I will hit the snake seven inches with a stick if I make a move!"

"I'm afraid your Xiang family will become a thing of the past."

Several people in the Xiangjia family were stunned: "Huang Chengkun, please tell me clearly. Our Xiangjia family is developing well, how come it is a thing of the past?" "Stop lying to people, our Xiangjia family is in the real estate industry in Nanshi after all. Among the best, two community developments have been completed, and three more are under construction. We will soon make back our investment and make a lot of money..."

"Although we spent more money on the land this time, house prices have been rising. Maybe after the community is completed, we will make more profits than we imagined..."

"Besides, if we have land, we can get a loan..."

Huang Chengkun smiled: "You have spent too much money this time. Have you used the budget for the land under construction? I am thinking of getting the land, taking out a mortgage loan, completing the delivery of the project on hand first, and continuing to invest once the money is collected. Newly purchased land?”

"It can be said that you did not take various force majeure into account in your plan, right?"

"Once something goes wrong in any link, not only will you lose all your money, but you will also be saddled with a lot of bank debt, right?"

The prime minister's family became angry because of shame: "You are such a mouthy person. What's the force majeure for you?"

"As long as we manage our finances well and put an end to extravagance and waste, we can still easily sustain the new project until it is completed!"

Huang Chengkun clicked his tongue and said: "I think there is a sentence that is particularly appropriate at this moment, that is, King Yama will let you die at the third watch, and no one will dare to keep you until the fifth watch!"

"What a coincidence..." When everyone was angry and didn't know what he was talking about, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "Five, four, three, two, one... Boom!"

As soon as his countdown ended, everyone felt a swaying movement, but within ten seconds, before they had time to react, the turmoil had passed.

"Is this, an earthquake?"

Everyone was shocked.

Huang Chengkun walked to the TV again, turned it on, and tuned it to the Nanshi channel.

"In 5 minutes, it will be the time when your Xiang family will be sentenced!"

If just now they all thought Huang Chengkun was crazy and was biting the prime minister like a mad dog.

So after experiencing the earthquake that ended his countdown, everyone believed in his ability.

Even Zhao Xiangtian, who had been paying attention to this place, was surprised.

He lowered his head and sent a text message to Tang Xiaolong: "Huang Chengkun really understands metaphysics?"

"He can accurately tell the time of the earthquake!"

Tang Xiaolong curled his lips and replied: "It's fake. The equipment has been tested long ago. It's just that there are few disasters in Dongshan Province, so people don't pay too much attention to it and think it's a false alarm."

"Who would have thought that Huang Chengkun got accurate information... Do you think that the master of metaphysics can accurately detect earthquakes to the second?"

"Only instruments can achieve such accuracy!"

Zhao Xiangtian can accept this explanation.

Just half an hour ago, Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang were discussing that since they knew about this matter, they should do something to avoid unnecessary losses.

They asked the network department technicians to send messages to the experts.

This kind of thing is of great importance. Regardless of whether it is true or false, the organization evacuated the people in time.

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