Half an hour is a bit short, but it is just enough time to allow people to directly execute the order without having time to question.

People also escaped immediately and still had a little time to take out their wallets, valuable jewelry and documents.

After they stood in the open space for a few minutes, they felt an extremely strong shock, and they also saw the old building collapse with their own eyes!
As journalists, it is natural for us to dig in wherever there is news.

After receiving the earthquake information, they called their families and went straight to the place where the earthquake situation was marked in the information as severe.

It can be said that Huang Chengkun just turned on the TV, and before waiting for 5 minutes, there was already a live broadcast coming through.

Everyone can clearly see from the TV that the people at the scene were stunned, disbelieving, grateful, and ecstatic about escaping from death, which was intensely staged in just half a minute.

The cheers inside made the Xiang family feel extremely chilled.

If they heard correctly, the place reported on the TV was one of the two pieces of land they just photographed!
"How is that possible? The forecast didn't say it was so serious. Why are the buildings on TV collapsing?"

The Xiang family would rather believe that Huang Chengkun deliberately posted the video to deceive people.

Huang Chengkun likes to appreciate the ugliness of prodigal dogs.

He explained kindly: "It's very simple. The land you bought is underneath a coal mine that has been hollowed out. When an earthquake hits, won't it collapse if it's shaken so hard?"

"Now it's just collapsing. Soon it will become a vast ocean. Are you building a dragon palace in the water?"

"A piece of intact land, separated from the city by a lake that appeared out of thin air. Who knows what's going on underground? No one would dare to build a villa..."

"Otherwise, if someone spends so much money to buy a well-decorated villa, it will fall apart in another earthquake!"

"Tsk, tsk, how much did you spend on the photo just now? Is it wasted?"

The Xiang family just thought it was a nightmare, but they couldn't wake up.

Isn’t it possible to make a lot of money just by joining the real estate industry?

How could such a miraculous flaw still occur?
"It's just one piece of land. Our Xiang's family has another piece of land. We can keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood!"

The Xiang family was severely damaged by the loss of a piece of land, but it was not hopeless.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

As long as they are given time, they will definitely be able to make a comeback, recover quickly, and even catch up with their previous glory...

Huang Chengkun burst into laughter, "Oh, I'm really laughing to death. Compared to this land being shaken to pieces by the earthquake, you can still raise some fish and shrimp and switch to farming."

"That piece of land is completely useless!"

The Xiang family didn't believe that they couldn't be so unlucky.

The earthquake is force majeure, but there is nothing wrong with the other piece of land.

Huang Chengkun picked up the phone and dialed a number: "Please help me check the vacant land next to Hongdun Village in the eastern suburbs of Nan City..."

After hanging up the phone, he smiled and said, "Let's just wait for the good news."

"It's just an open space, what kind of dirt can be detected?" The Xiang family was very excited at this moment.

Huang Chengkun raised his eyebrows: "I don't know either, but I've heard that many people in nearby villages have strange diseases. I guess some of the diseases are caused by things left by the Japanese in the 40s and [-]s."

"If the test results are really what I guessed, hey, I wonder if you are willing to spend money to buy it, or if you are willing to spend money to develop it?"

"No one will come to visit anyway, right?"

The faces of Xiang's family were all pale at this moment. Since Huang Chengkun was so sure and even called the specialized department, this matter is almost certain!

"Master, since you can calculate these, there must be a way to solve it, right?" "Yes, Master Huang, our Xiang family can't just disappear..."

"We have separated from Aizawa Ming, and we have nothing to do with each other... Please save us..."

"If you refuse to save me, I, we will fight you to the death..."

The Xiang family still remembers that Huang Chengkun was the one who raised the price with them just now.

Huang Chengkun sighed slightly, "Since I told you, I definitely want to help you."

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be better if I just act as a mute and watch your excitement?"

"There is nothing I can do about the contaminated area, but I can buy the other subsidence area at a lower price."

"I think you have no other option besides us?"

"The price in the subsidence area is not the same as before. I only have 1000 million. This is my sincerity. If you want it, we will sign a contract. If you think it is too little, then you will look for a scapegoat."

Now that there is so much land, he doesn't believe that anyone would take the trouble to get this land.

Only he, who has experienced later economic development and commodity diversification in a society, dared to confidently turn this subsidence area into treasure.

The Xiang family hesitated. They had spent a total of 9000 million to buy it, and the price had shrunk so much all of a sudden. How could they lose money?
But if they don’t agree, they won’t even get 1000 million back!

It's a pity that all their money is tied up in the three projects that are under preparation, otherwise their Xiang family's liquidity would not be very low.

Each of those three communities has a large area, many buildings, and complete facilities. As long as it is completed, Xiangjia's assets can be doubled or tripled!
It's all Huang Chengkun's fault. They could have acquired the land for more than 3000 million yuan, but they were suddenly asked to pay more than 9000 million yuan.

No, someone suddenly gritted his teeth and said:

"Aizawa Ming!"

"It's all your fault. If you hadn't been Tang Xiaolong's lackey, our Xiang family wouldn't have been targeted by Huang Chengkun!"

"Yes, you still shamelessly broke up the family... Now that the Xiang family is in trouble, how dare you continue to live freely with 5000 million?"

"It wasn't your plan, was it? You knew Huang Chengkun was going to take action, so you separated from us and protected your own interests."

"Hurry up and take out the money...or will you just watch the Xiang family go bankrupt?"

"If the Xiang family is gone, I will stay in your house and let you take care of me..."

Thinking about the lack of wealth and honor, what kind of face would the Xiang family have?

They all surrounded Aizawa Ming aggressively.

Xiang Zeming looked coldly and looked at his father behind the Xiang family brothers:
"You think so too?"

"What did you say when we separated?"

"I have a share in the company, but you didn't want me to take advantage of the rising housing prices, so you took 5000 million to let me leave."

"Now you are turning your back on your fault?"

"Huang Chengkun actually just wants to pick up the slack and spend a small amount of money to buy land. Do you really believe that he is going against the Xiang family for me?"

The father-in-law said with a cold face: "I am your father, and it is only natural for me to spend your money."

"At the beginning, I gave you 5000 million because you were a relative. This is a lot of money no matter where you put it."

"What's wrong with me borrowing it now?"

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