Xiang Zeming raised his eyebrows: "Is it just for borrowing?"

The prime minister felt that his authority had been challenged, and he still emphasized with a cold snort: "I am your father, even if I take it, it is only natural that I will not return it!"

"Half of my blood is bleeding in you. You will never escape your responsibilities in this life..."

"Hurry up and get the money, otherwise the three communities being developed by the Xiangjia will be stopped... If the Xiangjia is held accountable and goes bankrupt, do you think you can get some relief?"

There was a sarcastic smile on Aizawa Ming's lips.

The 5000 million in his hand is just used by Xiang's family to silence him.

Even if the Xiang family didn't have this crisis, they would still find ways to get the 5000 million back.

If they knew he had more than a billion in his hands, they would be crazy.

he was thinking.

Huang Chengkun gloated: "Huh? I forgot that Xiang Zeming had money."

"The prince of the Tang family has been making a lot of money recently. The lottery alone has emptied the prize pool of one billion in cash. I wonder how much of the one billion you, as his brother, can get?"

Xiang Zeming said calmly: "You also said that Brother Long earned it, what does it have to do with me?"

"But one thing I know is that the 5000 million in my hand is much more than the 1000 million in your hand."

Huang Chengkun's face sank, "What do you mean?"

Xiang Zeming chuckled: "You don't think that I would really give up 5000 million for nothing. And then let you buy the subsided land with 1000 million, right?"

"In this way, the Xiang family can receive 6000 million?"

Huang Chengkun nodded, "I think the Xiang family won't get much money if they use this land for mortgage loans, and they will have to bear interest."

"Ten million is not a small amount, the starting price is only 1000 million."

The Xiang family thinks so too!

Xiang Zeming looked at his father-in-law, "I can give you 5000 million, and you don't need to pay it back."

"The condition is that I want the collapsed land, and please publish a newspaper to disown me!"

The father's face changed: "Impossible!"

"You are from the Prime Minister's family. If I announce the divorce, am I no longer your father?"

Aizawa Ming shrugged: "Then let's just spend it."

"Anyway, I have 5000 million. I just need to wait until you are 60 years old to fulfill your support obligations and give you [-] yuan a month."

"Even if you make trouble everywhere, the worst I can do is not work and eat 5000 million in interest."

"On your side, liquidated damages for delayed construction are not cheap, right?"

"For these two pieces of land, you allocated more than 1 million at once... Tsk, tsk, you were too extravagant at the beginning. The budget was already tight, and there was such a big funding gap..."

"Who do you think can kindly give you money other than my 5000 million?"

"They are all waiting to take a bite out of you!"

"Besides, 5000 million is a lot. I don't think our direct blood relationship is so valuable..."

As if he thought his words were not harsh enough, Tang Xiaolong led Su Anyang over and said with a smile, "Zeming, I think your method is not safe enough."

"What if they frame you?"

"I'll kidnap you morally from now on... Listen to me, I'll take the 5000 million and donate it... From now on, if I have a mouthful of food, you will never be hungry!"

Xiang Zeming's eyes lit up: "Yes, why didn't I think of that?"

"If you donate this money, the Xiang family will spend it, and you won't get it back even if you ask for it!"

"Brother, sister-in-law, do you know which agency is more reliable?"

Seeing that Aizawa Ming, this fool, would rather donate the money instead of giving it to them.

The Xiang family was very embarrassed, but they also knew his decision.

Aizawa Ming is no longer the young boy who was allowed to be manipulated and rubbed by them when he was a child.

He has grown up, and when his wings are strong, he can fly away from the Xiang family!Seeing that Xiang Zeming was about to call someone, Xiangfu gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, very good, like mother, like son, they are all wolf-hearted things!"

"Okay, I agree to your conditions. Let me see how far you can go without Xiangjia."

"But there is one thing," Xiangfu said with a smile: "I need to find a professional to liquidate your assets first!"

He listened to Huang Chengkun's words.

The prince of the Tang family values ​​brotherhood the most.

Can he not take care of his brothers after making money?

So this little brat must be hiding money behind his back.

Since they want to tear each other apart, they might as well do it more thoroughly!
Aizawa Ming smiled and shrugged indifferently: "Whatever!"

Tang Xiaolong and his party had long been on guard against their attack.

When Xiang Zeming bought international crude oil futures, he transferred 5000 million to Tang Xiaolong, and he helped him operate together.

Even the money he won was still lying in the card that Tang Xiaolong specially handled for Xiang Zeming.

Tang Xiaolong also took the initiative to sign an agreement with Xiang Zeming.

Therefore, no matter how Xiang's family checked, Xiang Zeming only had 5000 million in hand!

The Xiang family was slightly disappointed, but felt that this matter was reasonable.

If it were them, no matter how generous they were to their brothers, they wouldn't give them real money. At most, they would pay for them when they go out to play.

Everyone is not stupid!

Under the witness of everyone, Xiang's father signed an agreement, agreeing that when the divorce announcement is published tomorrow, Xiang Zeming will pay 5000 million to the Xiang's family's public account.

At the same time, the collapse area of ​​the auction venue fell directly on Aizawa Ming's head.

Huang Chengkun looked gloomy.

The subsidence area, which everyone originally avoided, later became a famous tourist attraction in Dongshan Province.Even people outside the province have heard about it.

Dongshan Province is a province with a large population, and tourists from this province alone are enough to make a lot of money.

It's a pity that he didn't have any money, otherwise he would have invested [-] million to take pictures of the subsidence area, which would have been extremely worthwhile!

Now he could only turn around and leave.

The Prime Minister's family waited for the money and got the job done quickly the next day.

Aizawa Ming felt that the boulder pressing on his heart finally disintegrated and disappeared, as if he had been reborn.

To celebrate this event, he made a special trip to the bureau and changed his last name to his mother's Liang.

"Brothers, from now on, I, Liang Zeming, am reborn!"

"Let's roll up our sleeves and get started..."

Everyone gathered together to drink and celebrate him.

Su Anyang looked at their lively appearance and felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, one step ahead and one step ahead. After eliminating all kinds of hidden dangers, Tang Xiaolong and the others, with Su Anyang as their compass, quickly established their own business empire.

Although Huang Chengkun was reborn, he had long since lost his fighting spirit. His ambition was too high but his skills were too low. The more he tried, the less he made any noise, and the faster he lost the opportunity.

In the end, he could only watch in anger as Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang took their business to an international level.Looking at Tang Xiaolong and Su Anyang's family of four, they looked happy.

Huang Chengkun couldn't help but feel regret in his heart.

If he had not been involved in gambling, nor had he vented all his negative emotions on Su Anyang in anger, would they also have a future?
Such a beautiful and beautiful person made him love and hate her so much!
Unfortunately, there is no if in the world.And after he was reborn, he personally pushed Su Anyang towards Tang Xiaolong...

Dear friends, it’s the end of the month... Use your little hands to get rich, no matter what kind of ticket you want, just throw it at the author like crazy...

After the conflict is resolved in this plane, all that remains is for the princess and the prince to be happy together...

Let’s start on the next plane!

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