The door creaked open, and tiny bits of morning sunlight poured into the dim room.

The girl lying on the bed was pale, and her forehead was wrapped in thick gauze, which was soaked in blood and caused a few flies to buzz.

The girl groaned and opened her eyes, looking blankly at the dusty thatched roof that was fluttering away as she opened the door. She subconsciously closed her eyes and raised her arms to cover her nose and mouth.

"Tong Zhiqing, are you feeling better?" the woman who entered the door asked in surprise.

Tong Anyang turned his head to look at the person coming, holding his painful head, and shouted in disbelief: "Hu Laiying?"

Hu Laiying was stunned for a moment and said funnyly: "Why did Tong Zhiqing almost forget about me after taking a nap?"

In the Educated Youth Center, they all call each other a certain educated youth. Only those who are close to each other will drop the surname or refer to them as elder brother or sister.

Leng Buding heard herself being called by her first and last name, and she was not used to it.

Tong Anyang blinked his eyes and smiled: "My head hurts and I feel a little sluggish."

Hu Laiying sighed, poured a glass of water and put it on the Kang table, "Doesn't it hurt?"

"Young educated youth, you only have one life. You, even if you lose your innocence, you can't be so extreme as to end your life?"

"Actually, Comrade Han's family conditions are pretty good in the village."

"You have to accept your grievance for now and get married with him. With the relationship between the Han family, maybe after you give birth to a big fat boy for the Han family, I will get you a place as a worker and peasant college student."

"We missed this time, isn't there a next time?"

There were too many things in Tong Anyang's mind, and memory fragments came up one after another, making her already aching head even more unbearable from Hu Laiying's narration.

"Stop, Hu Zhiqing, I want to be quiet for a while."

Hu Laiying nodded: "You drink water first, and I'll make you some millet porridge and boil an egg."

Tong Anyang hummed and closed his eyes.

Even when she was lying on the bed, she still felt dizzy with nausea and discomfort.

She took a deep breath, massaged her head slightly with her hands, and stroked her memory bit by bit.

I obviously set up a stall selling candied roasted chestnuts and various snacks in the winter of 2023. When I got home, I was so exhausted that I fell asleep in bed.

Who would have thought that when I woke up, I would go back to more than 40 years ago, when I went to the countryside to work as an educated youth!
This can't be a dream, right?But everything about her felt too real.

It was so real that it seemed as if her memories of the past 40 years were nothing more than Zhuang Sheng's dream!
Thinking about the new round of virus, she, a lonely old lady, might not survive this winter.

Thinking of his life, Tong Anyang's mouth showed bitterness.

Her mother died when she was ten years old, and her father turned around and married her stepmother.

Everyone praised her father as a good man.

Because her mother was in poor health and was a drug addict, the child father worked hard and took care of his daughter-in-law who spent half the year lying in bed, raising her up as both father and mother.

No one can be like a child father.

Even if it hadn't been a hundred days since the child's mother passed away, the child's father would have brought the widow with the oil bottle home, and the neighbors would only say congratulations and say that the child's father's good days were coming.

Tong Anyang's stepmother is a sweet-faced and bitter-hearted person.How can a ten-year-old girl play tricks with adults?
It turns out that she was well-behaved and sensible, but had a particularly bad reputation. She was jealous of her step-sister, stole the family's money, couldn't tolerate her step-mother, and almost caused a miscarriage, etc.

Tong Anyang himself didn't know why these things happened.

But everyone believed in the kind and soft-spoken Widow Guo.

When she finally reached the age of 14, she almost poisoned her father to death because of buying poisonous mushrooms, so she was forced to replace her step-sister and go to the countryside to become an educated youth.

At that time, she already knew that no matter how much she said, it would be useless.

It was good to be away from that family, so she didn't make any noise, took her thin luggage, and got on the southbound train and left Tianjin.

The conditions in the place where she went to work in the countryside were pretty good, at least as long as she worked hard she could fill her stomach.

There is no need to play tricks on others, Tong Anyang works hard and enjoys the life of exchanging labor for food, money and meat.

However, she was beautiful, and after eating, her whole body became plump.

She has cold fair skin and cannot get tanned no matter how hard it is. As the saying goes, one white skin covers all ugliness, not to mention her beautiful features!

The male educated youths in the information center and the young men in the village were all thinking about her and would come to her from time to time to show their courtesy.

But Tong Anyang is young and has a deep psychological shadow on his family, so he never talks to gay men.

The little girl is good-looking and works hard. She will help anyone who has difficulties.

After the village had a quota for worker, peasant and soldier college students, everyone recommended her to go.

Because of this incident, everyone in the educated youth center hated her and felt that she must have used shady means to get such a precious place.

She was isolated. Later, she went to the village to have a banquet and was drunk by several aunts. When she woke up, she was found lying on the same bed with Han Yiming.

Tong Anyang's reputation was ruined, and he had to choose another place for natural workers, peasants, and soldiers.

After more than 40 years, she still remembers that the spot was originally grabbed by Li Huawen, but for some reason, Li Huawen suddenly gave up the spot and gave it to Hu Laiying from Kyoto!
From that day on, Li Huawen stopped studying and stopped working in the fields. He said that he had found a job at home, but it had not yet been implemented.He was not in the mood to work in the fields, so he read a book and prepared to get a good score in the job recruitment exam.

However, just after he had been studying hard for three months, and everyone had just finished their autumn harvest, the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination came over the loudspeaker.

Hu Laiying, who was already studying in the provincial capital, mailed a set of precious review materials to Li Huawen.Later, Li Huawen was admitted to Imperial University and was the provincial champion.

I heard from other people that when Li Huawen was a graduate student, he was recognized by the Bai family, a big family in Kyoto. The meeting gift alone was enough to move him into a courtyard house!
As for Tong Anyang, he couldn't bear it after waking up and hit the wall on the spot.

Although she didn't die, she suffered from migraines her whole life and couldn't think too much.She lived in confusion. Even when she heard the news about the resumption of the college entrance examination, she felt that her life was not improving.

Two years later, when the educated youth could return to the city, she did not return to Jin City, but went to the provincial capital to work odd jobs.Because of her good looks, she got into a lot of trouble...

Tong Anyang has always felt that death is a relief for her, but people who have died once will never have the courage to try it a second time.

After all, she also wanted to live well, but fate was so unfair to her.

She took a deep breath, maybe she was reborn because God couldn't stand the life she had to live in.

There are many people in the world who are worse off than her, but at least she has sound hands and feet and a healthy body!

In this life, she wants to live a serious life, like everyone else, get married and have children for a complete life, instead of raising a glass to invite the moon to make three people!

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