Tong Anyang lowered his eyes slightly, with a sarcastic smile in his eyes. Without them exploring the truth of the matter, would Han Yiming be sent into trouble again just because they were lying on the same bed?

She has already missed it once, and because of this blow and the lack of correct guidance from relatives and friends, her life will be miserable.

She raised her head and shook it slowly, staring at Hu Laiying's expression and twitching the corners of her lips:
"I just agreed to marry Han Yiming."

"Speaking of which, the two of us were secretly dating each other. I don't know who was so eager for quick success and wanted to destroy me just for the sake of a quota for a worker-peasant college student."

"Why is it that you are blocking me in the room when others are fine?"

Hu Laiying was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "As you know, the people in our Educated Youth Institute have always been at odds with each other. Who knows what kind of dirty thoughts are underneath the hypocritical faces."

"Actually, I think your choice is right. It is the most effective way to eliminate all negative effects in one step."

"I'm just wronging you... I heard that the top is a little loose, and we will be able to return to the city soon... If you are like this, can the Han family let you go?"

Tong Anyang clenched his hands and resisted from spraying back.

After living a whole life, she finally has some understanding of life?

What this person said was obviously right and correct, and he really cared about her and spoke to her from the bottom of his heart.

But every sentence can be on the point, and it expresses two meanings. It's best for both of us. I'll do everything for your sake, and point her out. If she gets married, she will have no hope of returning to the city!

But if this is the case, there will be no clue. Whoever figures out something is wrong and retaliates back, wipes away tears, who will be the villain?

Tong Anyang said lightly: "I'm not like you, there are still people in the city who are thinking about you."

"It's good to stay. I heard that the employment pressure in the city is quite high. You may not be able to find a good job if you go back."

Hu Laiying smiled and said: "Young educated youth, it's good that you can figure this out."

"Now that you are sure, are good things coming soon?"

"Our educated youth office just held a wedding, and there happens to be a lot of things left..."

Tong Anyang couldn't help complaining in his heart, who is going to be eliminated?
Who doesn’t want new things when getting married, but wants to pick up what others have left?

"No, Han Yiming will pick me up later, and we will go directly to the town to get the certificate."

"Anyway, I have no relatives. As for friends, I only have one or two here and there, so I won't hold a wedding banquet to avoid being gossiped about."

Hu Laiying's face darkened: "How can that be done? Marriage is a major event in life, how can it be passed carelessly?"

"Is Tong Zhiqing embarrassed to mention it? If it wasn't for that bastard Han Yiming, how could so many things have happened?"

"Is this the attitude of the Han family? If they don't even care about getting married, won't they bully you even more when you live your life in the future?"

"People in rural areas don't have much education. They are ignorant and take every little thing personally. You are a girl in the city, so it is inevitable that they will feel unbalanced and suppress you everywhere..."

Tong Anyang frowned: "Hu Zhiqing, I took the initiative to bring this up. Is there any problem?"

"Also, character has nothing to do with a person's academic qualifications. In ancient times, not many people received a good education, but we Xiahua people are still kind-hearted, hard-working and simple."

"However, you reminded me that getting married shouldn't be too shabby."

"Can I repay the money that Hu Zhiqing borrowed from me before? You can't let me ask the Han family for it everywhere, right?"

"You have good connections, so you can borrow some from others first. Anyway, the autumn harvest will be done in two to three months."

"I have a good relationship with Hu Zhiqing at the Zhiqing Office, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stop drinking for you...Other Zhiqing also lent me money, and I hope Hu Zhiqing will come with me... There is no need to forget the interest, just treat it as repayment. One of my blessings..."

"Hey, we can't let the Han family come to ask for it, right?" "Otherwise, write an IOU? I don't care about the form of the marriage, but as an educated youth center, it's unreasonable for you not to express it...I said it excitedly just now , my dowry is more than 200..."

She remembered it well.

Because her family members were unreliable, Tong Anyang was not like other city girls who worked in the fields just to make ends meet.

She really worked hard and would not come back until she received full work points every day.

She works a lot and consumes a lot of money, and no matter how much food she eats, she can't compare to a young man.

Therefore, she always has a surplus of food, money and pork from her work points every year.

Unfortunately, she could only make money and not go out. During her spare time, she made baskets, rolled hemp ropes, etc. and sold them to the supply and marketing cooperative. She was able to save more than 60 yuan a year.

In four years she had more than 270.

It's just that the big guy in the middle bullied her because she had no support, and she was weak and easily deceived, so he borrowed a lot of money from her one after another.

Hu Laiying, who had been gentle and good-natured just now, changed his face for a moment.

"Tong Zhiqing, you, are you telling others your true identity?"

Tong Anyang raised his eyebrows: "We have obtained a marriage certificate. He and I are husband and wife, and we must be honest with each other."

"After getting married, I am his wife, and you are outsiders to me. I can figure out this relationship clearly."

"Or are you talking about Hu educated youth, do you want to complain about poverty and default on your debts?"

"Speaking of which, my money is all hard-earned money, and every penny is a blister... Don't you feel your hands burning when you hold it?"

"I only look at the results, not the process."

"I don't know what happened at the wedding banquet, but someone is definitely not innocent!"

Hu Laiying was so angry that she wanted to save face and portrayed herself as extremely righteous. She couldn't say the words of rejection. She could only grit her teeth and nod: "I'll try my best. You also know that everyone's conditions are not good..."

Tong Anyang smiled: "You know that your conditions are not good, but you didn't think about paying back the money when you borrowed it?"

"Do you still think that I am a lonely person who is not in a hurry to use money and become your pocket bag to take as you please?"

"I'm about to get married, am I worried because I don't have any money?"

"You guys just think it's a good thing and let me have some dowry in my pocket..."

"Han Yiming will come to pick me up later, so hurry up and get ready... Also, don't take other people's wedding things from me... What happened to me happened at the last wedding banquet of Chang Zhiqing..."

"Why is Hu Zhiqing still standing here?"

Tong Anyang's words seemed to slap Hu Laiying in the face.

Hu Laiying struggled to smile, nodded and went out.

She had just walked out of the door, her expression gloomy and her teeth gritted in hatred.

Tong Anyang is usually quite docile and can be bullied, and he never knows how to say no.

Tong Anyang, who had experienced that incident and hit his head again, was full of rage, as if he wanted to drag everyone into purgatory.

But Hu Laiying didn't question it at all. If they didn't collect a certain amount of money, Tong Anyang would join the Han family to attack the educated youth!

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