Hu Laiying stamped his feet, put on his straw hat and went out to the ground.

"Hu Zhiqing, why are you here? Is Tong Zhiqing awake? Can she be left alone?"

Seeing her coming, several female educated youths quickly stood up straight and took the opportunity to rest.

Hu Laiying nodded, sighed and said, "When I woke up, I felt like a different person. I promised to marry Han Yiming, and even asked us for the money we borrowed before."

"she says……"

Which of the female educated youths has never borrowed money from Tong Anyang?
When someone in the family is sick, when they don't have enough money to go to the market, etc., Tong Anyang always asks Tong Anyang to pay for it, saying that he will pay it later, but they selectively forget it later.

Tong Anyang never mentioned it.

There are two of these things. Everyone thinks that Tong Anyang is a fool. They want to curry favor with them and blend in with everyone, so they are willing to spend money to establish relationships.

Who would have thought that she would actually ask for money this time.

"I, although I borrowed money from her, I paid it back quickly. It has nothing to do with me..."

"Me too, it's not easy for us to make money... If I hadn't paid back the money, could Tong Zhiqing have waited until now to ask me for it? No way!"

The male educated youths nearby also heard it, and they all said that they had borrowed the money and paid it back later.

Why doesn't Hu Laiying know what the big guy means?

It had been so long since the incident, and they had only borrowed a few cents. Even for large sums of money, they had never issued an IOU to Tong Anyang.

They said they paid it back, but who can prove that they didn't?

It can't be that everyone is lying, right?
But actually?
Hu Laiying said with a smile: "I would say that everyone knows how to live a prudent life, and they don't like to take advantage of others. If they borrow money, they must be thinking about paying it back in time."

"Perhaps Tong Zhiqing is often lent money and is misrepresented."

She also thought that Tong Anyang must have just agreed to the Han family's marriage and was angry, so he was just settling old scores in a moment of excitement.

She didn't believe that Tong Anyang, who couldn't say a word with ten sticks, could settle accounts with the Han family in front of them!
"But Tong Zhiqing said that the Han family will come to pick her up later."

"As her 'maternal family', do we have to be there?"

Do they dare?Just now they were guilty of defaulting.

"No, if she does something like that, don't think that you can prove your innocence by just banging your head... I'm just going to tell you how she got her place in college... Isn't this right?"

"She still has to thank us... If we hadn't bumped into them, I'm afraid she would have suffered a lot, instead of being picked up by the Han family..."

"If any of us go, we have acquiesced in their adultery and approved of what they did..."

Hu Laiying sighed, "Okay then, I..."

Before she could say anything, a female educated youth pulled her down and plucked grass.

"What are you doing? You're not going to support her, are you?"

"Hu Zhiqing, we know you have good character, but you also have to distinguish right from wrong... You can't go here today. We are a big group and we want to kick out the bad elements. Not reporting them is already a kindness to them. …”

Hu Laiying nodded helplessly, "Okay, no matter what, I hope she will be happy in the future."

"By the way, why didn't you see Li Zhiqing?"

She looked around and didn't see the most handsome boy in the educated youth center, so she couldn't help but ask.

Several female educated youths smiled ambiguously, "Why, is Hu educated youth in love?"

"Chang Zhiqing is getting married, and you feel that it's good. Do you want to confirm it?"

"Without the educated youth here, Hu educated youth is the best-looking, gentle-tempered, and well-off family here... No one knows when it will be time to return to the city. Is it possible that we will continue to waste money on this small hope?" …”

Hu Laiying did not deny it, but just stamped his feet in embarrassment: "What are you talking about?" Or a male educated youth said with a smile: "This is not the watermelon interplanted in the wheat field before. When it ripened, Li Educated Qing volunteered to go to the county to find a buyer. , let’s see if it can be higher than the purchase price offered by the supply and marketing cooperative in previous years.”

When they mentioned this matter, they were full of praise for Li Huawen.

They all praised him for being smart and flexible, and he helped everyone solve many problems easily.

Hu Laiying felt very sweet in her heart.

Comparing silently, everyone in the village said that Han Yiming was good, but that was because they had no knowledge.

As long as the family conditions are good, who doesn't study until they graduate from high school?
In small villages, high school graduates have become popular.

No matter how good-looking Han Yiming is, he is not half as capable as Li Huawen, not to mention that he still has a rural registered permanent residence.

Tong Anyang's reputation was gone, and the male educated youths in the educated youth center gradually focused their attention on her.

It's a pity that the person lying in that room is Han Yiming...

Han Yiming moved very quickly, mainly because there were many Han family members and many relatives and friends.

Everyone is waiting at home for the news Han Yiming brings back.

When they learned that Tong Anyang had agreed to marry Han Yiming, the Han family tried their best to prepare for their wedding.

Han Yiming didn't let Tong Anyang wait too long. At eleven o'clock, suddenly a series of crisp bicycle bells rang, circling the avenue from the end of the village.

Han Yiming was wearing a white shirt, military green trousers, Jiefang shoes, and a big red flower tied on his chest. His hair was shaved into a buzz cut and his beard was cleanly shaved. He was in a happy and festive mood.

The arrogance of the past was also driven away by the silly smile on his face.

"Xiao Liu of the Han family, are you planning to get married?"

Everyone in the village knew what happened the night before yesterday. If it were normal, they would have been willing to fan the flames of trouble.

But when it comes to the Han family, they don't have the guts to make trouble. They have watched Han Yiming grow up and don't want such a good guy in the village to get into trouble.

Seeing Han Yiming followed by five young men who were also riding bicycles, everyone's gloom disappeared and they followed Lehe and asked loudly.

Han Yiming nodded: "Auntie, I have begged Tong Zhiqing, and I want to pick her up!"

"Everyone will go to my house for a feast later... The pig at home is not fat enough, so my eldest brother ordered a whole one from the slaughterhouse, and everyone will have a share..."

"It just so happens that you guys were tired with your guns a while ago, so you need to replenish the oil in your stomach..."

Everyone is so happy, it’s really the Han family doing things, it’s open and airy.

Which family from all over the country would use a whole fat pig to hold a banquet?

"Okay, okay, then we have to prepare a big red envelope..."

Han Yiming and his group were riding their bikes while inviting everyone to have a meal at noon.

Everyone also noticed that many people were rushing towards the village with large and small bags.

There was even a tractor carrying a few cardboard boxes.

"Am I not dazzled? There was a box in the car with a sewing machine painted on it just now?"

"There's also a tape recorder..."

"The Han family has really spent a lot of money this time... Tong Zhiqing is lucky to marry into the Han family..."

"Isn't that right? The Han family's conditions are so good that many people in the city can't compare. As Han Xiaoliu looked so happy just now, he didn't want to be so cruel when he married someone? He is the most protective of his shortcomings..."

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