For a moment, the people in the village, especially the eldest girls and young wives, wished they were Tong Anyang.Being able to marry Han Yiming, they felt that the pinnacle of life was nothing more than this.

Many people couldn't help it. It was almost time to finish work, so they all followed with their tools.

Tong Anyang's head still hurt, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep for a while.

But many memories were intertwined, and she couldn't sleep, lowering her eyes and thinking about what would happen in the future.

Since she can be reborn and is temporarily involved with the Han family, is it possible that God is giving her a chance to make up for the guilt and regrets of her previous life?
After decades of thinking about it, she felt that Han Yiming was implicated by her.

And she was ruined by her quota for workers’ and peasants’ college students!
After all, the most innocent person is Han Yiming.

The Han family has lived in gloom and gloom for decades because of her, but they still help her in various forms from time to time.

Thinking about it now, she didn't have the face to face the Han family!

This year is [-]. Since the Han family is proud that Han Yiming is a high school student, people in the village praise him for being smart and the delayed number one scholar.

If he hadn't looked down upon the number of workers' and peasants' college students, it would not have fallen to her.

Tong Anyang frowned slightly, always feeling like he had missed something.

But she had just experienced rebirth and her brain was confused. Moreover, she had just hit her head and might have had a slight concussion, so she couldn't think too much.

She simply put the matter behind her.

Are you waiting for her to urge Han Yiming to study and get into a good university?

He has a different life and is no longer in the same predicament as in his previous life. Then the bad fate between them is finally over?

As for other things, let’s wait until after December next year.

Hearing the excitement outside, Tong Anyang was stunned for a moment, and a bitter smile escaped from the corner of his mouth.

The Han family never wanted to wrong her.

Tong Anyang quickly endured his headache and simply tidied up his house.

The weather was hot and she had been sleeping for two days. The sweat on her body was dry and wet, and she already had a sour smell.She couldn't help but blush. She had lived for decades, why didn't she think carefully about it and didn't know how to wait a day or two?
Now she could only bite the bullet and pack up her things.

She has been in the countryside for four years, and her bedding has long been shabby and her clothes are in patches. It can be said that the money she earns is just enough to keep her alive, and she is reluctant to spend a penny.

However, the money she had saved so hard made it cheaper for others.

She simply picked two clothes that were barely wearable and quickly changed out of the ones she was wearing.

After combing her hair, she ran out of energy and leaned on the head of the bed, breathing heavily.

Han Yiming led the team outside the Educated Youth Center and shouted loudly: "Young educated youth, I'm here to pick you up!"

Everyone laughed and booed: "We've already picked him up, why are we still calling him an educated youth?"

But soon the excitement was replaced by two firecrackers that were loud and loud.

Han Yiming's face was flushed and his eyes were slightly trembling. After stopping the car, he strode towards the house where Tong Anyang was located. He knocked on the door twice and heard the slightly hoarse voice of the woman inside.

He stepped forward and opened the door.

The sun was shining from the door, and the woman's elegant face was particularly soft. Even the way she looked at him showed no trace of disgust or rejection.

Han Yiming smiled and handed over a package of things: "I don't know the size of the educated youth. I guess someone bought it for me."

"Can you try it and see if it fits?"

Tong Anyang was stunned for a moment, then took the package and opened it. Inside was a red dress, embroidered cloth shoes with thousand-layer soles, a red headdress, a red flower with the word "bridal" written on it, a canvas bag embroidered with red stars, cream, eyebrow pencil, comb and Lipstick and other small items.

She clutched the baggage tightly, saying she was not moved would be a lie.She is an old lady who has never been married in her life. Who wouldn't want to be picked up in a red wedding dress and be picked up in all her glory?

However, she and Han Yiming were wrong from the beginning.

"What's wrong? I and our family thought that since we are going to...make a show, we should do the whole that everyone will be loyal to us and bless us and no longer pursue the previous things."

"If the educated youth doesn't like it, we'll keep everything simple..."

Han Yiming said eagerly.

Tong Anyang smiled and shook his head, "No, I quite like it."

"I haven't worn many new clothes since my mom left."

"However, I have been unconscious since my head injury, and I smell bad. I want... to take a shower and put on new clothes..."

Han Yiming smiled and nodded: "I'll boil water for you!"

"It just so happens that you have a big wooden bath bucket in your dowry."

Tong Anyang was stunned again, "Dowry?"

Han Yiming agreed: "According to the rules of you city people, I bought a set of solid wood furniture as your dowry. It's a celebration, and I don't want everyone to look down on you."

"This is a kind of gratitude and compensation from our Han family to you."

Tong Anyang pursed his lower lip, thought for a while and said, "Han Yiming, I saved more than 270 yuan in four years in the countryside, but people in the educated youth center lent it away one after another."

"Just now Hu Laiying helped me ask for money, but she never came back. Maybe they all wanted to pretend to be deaf and default on the debt, right?"

Anyway, these things happened to her in her last life, and she was depressed all day long, and she didn't even remember to ask for payment from anyone.

And the people in the Educated Youth Center returned to the city one after another without saying a word about it!

Han Yiming clenched his fists. They still had no idea what happened the night before, but they had to pay off their debts in time!
"Tong Zhiqing, I'm going to boil water for you first, and when you take a bath, I'm going to ask you for the bill!"

Tong Anyang nodded and handed over a rough-edged notebook in the bag he had packed. "I have the habit of taking notes. It records the amount of money they borrowed one after another."

"If they return it voluntarily, you will charge the money above."

"If they..."

Han Yiming answered: "If they don't admit it, then I will ask them to pay back double!"

"If they dare to default on their debts, they will stay in the village for the rest of their lives and don't even think about returning to the city."

Seeing him gnashing his teeth, Tong Anyang felt happy in his heart.

"They are not fuel-efficient lamps..." She said with some worry, knowing how rogue these people with a little ink in their stomachs were.

Han Yiming raised his eyebrows: "I may not be good at other things, but when it comes to debt, it depends on who is ruthless and rogue."

"Don't worry, I will definitely be able to solve this matter after you get dressed up!"

The matter of boiling water for his future wife to take a bath was too intimate, and he definitely couldn't leave it to anyone else.

He strode to the nearby kitchen, scooped out a pot of water and boiled it. Along the way, he unloaded the wooden barrels from the trolley and washed them several times.

After the water boiled, he adjusted the temperature. In addition to the large wooden bucket for bathing, he also placed a small wooden bucket and an enamel basin.

Han Yiming warned Tong Anyang: "Tong Zhiqing, are you feeling well? How about I call some sisters-in-law to come over and help?"

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