Tong Anyang smiled and shook his head: "I'm fine, I can wash it myself."

Han Yiming pursed his lower lip: "Then I'll tell the sisters-in-law and ask them to wait outside the door."

"When you need someone, just shout and don't show off."

Tong Anyang hummed: "Okay, I won't be in trouble with my body."

Han Yiming then turned around and closed the door and left.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he gave a sharp look and asked his brothers to follow him to the place where the educated youth were.

Seeing their aggressive posture, everyone who didn't know why followed them.

Educated youths worked hard in the fields.

They are all children from the city. Where did they do farm work before going to the countryside?

Now they work from sunrise to sunset every day, and all the blood and passion in their bodies has been drained away.

As long as the big guys work in the fields every day, they can get work points. If they weren't afraid that they wouldn't be able to harvest the crops in October, they would all want to lie down and sleep in a deserted place.

Seeing a group of men approaching, the educated youths couldn't help but feel their hearts tremble.

As the big brother, Hong Zhiqing bravely walked out of the field, "Comrade Han, what are you doing?"

Han Yiming said calmly: "Nothing, I just want to collect the money for my wife."

"I heard that you are bullying her because she has no support from her family and is honest and easy to bully. Why do you keep finding reasons to take money from her?"

"Now that she is leaving the Educated Youth Center, will you repay the money you borrowed before?"

Everyone is sweating on their foreheads. You look at me, I look at you.

An educated youth smiled and said: "Comrade Han, we know that you and the educated youth are going to become a family."

"But you can't bully us as educated youths, just do whatever you want. We all borrowed money and paid it back very quickly..."

One person spoke, and the others quickly echoed, refusing to let go.

Han Yiming laughed angrily and looked at them one by one, "Are you sure you have paid them all back?"

They nodded vigorously one by one, and what they said was a vow.

Han Yiming clicked his tongue twice: "In that case, I will roll the names, starting with Hong Zhiqing."

"Tell me how much money you owe in total and when you paid it back. Who will testify for you?"

"You tell me in a low voice behind your back, and I'll go ask and verify."

The guy didn't expect this move from him.

Hong Zhiqing's face turned red: "It's been so long, I don't remember how much money I borrowed. Anyway, I borrowed money and paid it back in a day or two each time."

"There will be no one else when paying back the money..."

Han Yiming nodded: "There's no one else, that means I haven't paid it back. You don't remember the amount, but my wife does. It's nine yuan in total. Is it money or an IOU?"

Hong Zhiqing subconsciously blurted out: "How is it possible? There are only three yuan..."

Han Yiming groaned: "Don't you remember a sum of money? I'm talking about the total amount including the part you don't remember."

"With so much money, how could you not remember it? A grown man borrowed money from a lesbian without intending to pay it back... Tsk tsk, people in our village also know that when repaying money, we need to find a witness or write a receipt, otherwise who will believe it? ?”

Hong Zhiqing was shaking with anger, "You are just raising the price on the ground, and there is no evidence to prove that I borrowed Tong Zhiqing's money!"

Han Yiming tilted his head and clenched his fist, "That's right, you can apply what you have learned now." "Okay, you don't have to admit it. My wife is an honest person, and she can't make things out of thin air."

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. I will go to the commune to talk to the leaders later and set up a special task force. When this matter is cleared up, what are you talking about about returning to the city and going to the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers University..."

The eyes of the educated youths are red with anger. Isn’t this the threat of Chi Guoguo (understand?)?
"You scoundrels, aren't you afraid that we will report you?"

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly: "I have seen Zhu Zhiqing ask his sister-in-law to borrow money..."

"I also saw Li Zhiqing borrowing money, saying that a relative at home was sick and needed 50 yuan..."

"But we haven't seen any of you pay back the money... It doesn't matter who reports the money... You think the organization is an unreasonable place, so you just open your mouth and say it?"

"That's all we've heard. I don't know how much my sister-in-law has been deceived from behind our backs..."

"I'm just confused. My sister-in-law is a thin and frail little girl. She does a man's job. She doesn't want to eat or wear clothes. I don't see her having any relatives or friends. How come she has no money... It turns out that she was deceived by you. went……"

"My poor sister-in-law was young at that time and didn't understand the sinister nature of people's hearts. She didn't have the support of my sixth brother Han, so she had no choice but to let you deceive her..."

The educated youths are now angry and feel guilty.

Most of the time, they speak when they are in urgent need of money. How can they imagine that these villagers have such pointed ears, are so gossipy and have good memories?

If they really want to cause trouble in a commune, will they still be shameless?

By then, they will lose the reputation of the entire educated youth. Not to mention other things, the other educated youths in the commune will be able to form a team to attack them!

Hong Zhiqing clenched his fists, knowing that Han Yiming stood up for Tong Anyang.

Even if he only borrowed three yuan from Tong Anyang, he could only accept nine yuan!
"Okay, I'll give it." People were coming and going in the educated youth center. He didn't trust where he would put the money, so he always kept it with him.

He turned his back and counted out nine dollars. He felt that his wallet was missing a layer, and he felt heartbroken.

Why was he obsessed with taking advantage just now?

Three yuan is not much, but when the Han family cares about Tong Anyang, it triples!

At this time, the educated youth saw the formality clearly and said one after another: "Look at me, I forgot just now. I still owe the educated youth five yuan..."

"Last time I didn't buy enough clothes, so I asked Tong Zhiqing to advance seven yuan..."

Han Yiming rubbed his ears and turned to look at his brothers: "Look, what are the intellectuals doing?"

"I just said that I would pay back the money, but now I have hired them all, and the amount is quite large?"

"Tsk, brothers, do you think the amount they said is correct?"

Everyone shook their heads: "It's definitely wrong. Scholars have too many ideas."

"They just want to default on the debt. Seeing that they have no other choice, they just give a random number. How can it be all... at least double it on this basis!"

The faces of the educated youths turned green. They were shooting themselves in the foot.

Originally they wanted to take advantage, but instead they had to pay twice as much.

Everyone understood that Han Yiming was deliberately trying to embarrass them and vent his anger on Tong Anyang.

Now if they don't agree quickly, I don't know what he will do again.

They all nodded in recognition, and those who owed less money paid them on the spot. This time they specifically asked for a receipt, for fear that Han Yiming would do it again.

Those who owe a lot of money can only write an IOU and wait until the grain is distributed during the autumn harvest.

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