After getting a stack of IOUs and money tickets, Han Yiming led the team and left again. As he left, he said lightly: "Please tell Li Zhiqing, who is not here, to take the initiative to send 180 yuan worth of money tickets to my home."

"If you don't have that much, just pay as much as you have on hand. If you don't have enough, I'll issue an IOU. Don't let us brothers make another trip."

"Save it from being known to more people. Whose face will be lost?"

The big guy responded with suppressed anger.

After they left, everyone was still in the mood to work. They threw away their tools in anger, emptied the ink in their stomachs and cursed in a low voice: "As expected, rogue people come from poor mountains. Han Yiming is a bandit. Anyone who borrows a child Anyang’s money will cost him a piece of meat.”

"Who made him the village tyrant? We have to go through qualification examination before we can return to the city and get the opportunity to study at the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers' University. Otherwise, we can be coerced and lured by him into admitting unwarranted accounts?"

Yes, what they still don’t admit is that they just continue to pour sewage over there.

But they can't help it. The whole village is too united. As long as they don't leave here for a day, they will hold their noses and be threatened.

What's more, they had a guilty conscience and it was them who failed to pay back the debt. Even if Han Yiming asked for twice as much, it was based on this fact.

Especially Hu Laiying, who relied on her good relationship with Tong Anyang to borrow more than 80 yuan in four years.

Han Yiming doubled the amount for her and wiped out the zero, still missing 250 yuan...

She was so angry that her eyes were red at the moment. Her future was slim. She racked her brains every day to fill her stomach and live decently. Now that she was burdened with such a huge debt, it was better to force her to death!
Hu Laiying was stunned for a moment, lowered his eyes, and heard a loud voice from Zhu Zhiqing:

"Han Yiming and Tong Anyang are both married, and they don't know how to cultivate virtue. Instead, they are making things difficult for us!"

"I guess they have a guilty conscience. They are afraid that we will say that they have a relationship for a long time and deliberately divert our attention."

Hu Laiying nodded in agreement: "Zhu Zhiqing's analysis is not unreasonable. If Comrade Han has no feelings for Tong Zhiqing, why would he stand up for her like this?"

"It's a pity that Tong Zhiqing can't change his mind now and hates us all..."

When Zhu Zhiqing heard someone echoing her, he became even more enthusiastic: "She's making a generalization! A fly won't bite the egg without a hitch. If she behaved upright, she wouldn't have been tricked like this."

"Perhaps those two were sleeping together, but someone led us over and found out... She had no face to show off to others, and deliberately committed suicide to show her ambition. Hey, who wouldn't know that?"

"If we cry, make trouble, and hang ourselves, let's see if they panic... It's not like we, the educated youth, are unorganized..."

"As long as Xingtong Anyang pretends to hit the wall, can't we?"

Everyone nodded, "That must be the case. They are trying to scare us because of their guilty conscience!"

Hu Laiying said hesitantly: "We don't need to make such a big fuss, right? What if it turns out to be self-defeating? Who will take the lead?"

"Hu Zhiqing, you are soft-hearted, but don't look at how they bully us. They come over one by one in a fierce manner, with guys in their hands... What's the matter, if any of us don't cooperate, they will follow us with the guys who went to the ground. Are you going to fight?"

"They are all like this. We are temporarily patient in order to prevent the situation from getting bigger... In the future, will it be any trivial matter that makes us retreat?"

Some people say that iron cannot become steel.

Zhu Zhiqing answered: "Don't we all know that Hu Zhiqing has a good temper and does things aboveboard?"

"Okay, don't worry about this. Let's think about it... In ancient times, we still paid attention to the strategy of leading troops to fight. We are highly educated, but we can't defeat these uneducated and ignorant villagers?"

"We must make them spit out whatever they eat!"

Others nodded: "Yes, yes, we are not like them to be unreasonable and ask for the price. Just double it..."

They have a large number of people and a special status. We will see how the commune will deal with them when the time comes.Hu Laiying sighed and said, "Then you should exercise caution. It's OK if things get serious, but you can't really hurt any of our comrades..."

They all rubbed their fists together: "Don't worry, three cobblers are just like Zhuge Liang. With so many of us, we will definitely be able to come up with a good strategy..."

A young man among these people was plucking the grass in the field.

The person next to him bumped into him: "Qi Educated Youth, why don't you express your opinion? Even if you don't participate, you have to promise not to leak the secret, right?"

Qi Zhiqing smiled gently, "You just go ahead and do it, I won't say anything."

Everyone knows that Qi Zhiqing is a taciturn and unsociable person who never meddles in other people's business.

With his words, the few people gathered together to discuss in a low voice.

Qi Zhiqing closed his eyes and fell asleep against the tree, but he listened to all the words.

Han Yiming returned to the Educated Youth Center.

The sisters-in-law at the door all smiled ambiguously and said, "The bride is already dressed up. Brother Yiming, why don't you pick her up quickly?"

"Brother Yiming is so lucky, the bride is so beautiful!"

"No wonder Brother Yiming doesn't like this one and doesn't like that one. It turns out he has been interested in educated youths for a long time..."

Han Yiming laughed and said, "Sisters-in-law, please stop teasing me. My wife is thin-skinned. I finally begged for permission, but I got angry and ran away. Where can I find such a beautiful and sensible wife?"

Listening to the young man's shameless speech, Tong Anyang could not help but spit silently.

The door creaked open, and Han Yiming looked at Tong Anyang with burning eyes.

The woman is inherently elegant, with cold white skin that never gets tanned, and picturesque features that make people fall in love with her at a glance.

Now she is wearing a red dress, her hair is tied up high, leaving two naughty strands of hair.

Han Yiming was stunned when someone behind him pushed him.

Only then did he nervously walk over with hands and feet amidst the laughter of everyone.

When everyone saw this, they also understood that Han Yiming had fallen into the trap of Tong Zhiqing.

Isn't that right? When a man marries a wife, he pays more attention to the woman's own conditions.

Tong Zhiqing is from the city. He is educated, good-looking, and hard-working. Who doesn’t like him?
Tong Anyang looked at his stupidity and suddenly had a bad suspicion in his heart.

Her face was slightly pale, and she looked up blankly at Han Yiming, who had a silly smile on his face. Her mouth moved, but she didn't say anything.

Han Yiming picked her up and hugged her sideways.

Tong Anyang let out a low cry, and was so frightened that he subconsciously hugged his neck and gritted his teeth: "What are you doing?"

Han Yiming came close to her ear, smelled her warm fragrance, and whispered: "We will be a little more intimate, and they will believe it!"

When she is a three-year-old child, can't she see his movements?

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