Facing him like this, Tong Anyang couldn't help but feel soft.

She had never married in her life, and he, who was locked up in an iron cage and had no freedom, had never married a daughter-in-law?
Now that she is reborn, the two become a fake couple in order to solve the current dilemma.

It's a bit weird, but she won't be repelled by it.

She is not getting married, she is saving a young man's prime years!
She pursed her lower lip.

She had experienced it once and knew that human nature is dangerous, so she whispered: "I have brought all the documents. Later we will get a certificate and get a marriage certificate from the county."

Feeling the man's stiff movements, she raised her eyebrows: "Why, didn't you say you were doing a full show?"

"They know that people in the city are more particular about rules. Marriages like this without a certificate are not careless."

"People in the educated youth center will think that we are acting. If they report that we are not a legal couple, how much trouble do you think there will be?"

Han Yiming's breathing was messed up, his eyes were looking everywhere, but he didn't dare to look at the fair girl in his arms, "Tong, Tong educated youth, are you serious?"

"After receiving the certificate, we will have the foundation for divorce. It will not be good for you..."

Tong Anyang said softly: "But a marriage without a certificate will still be widely publicized by some people, and then our situation will be even more embarrassing."

Han Yiming nodded heavily: "Okay, let's go get the certificate!"

He strode out with Tong Anyang in his arms, and said with a smile: "Let's ride around the village for a while to show everyone, then go home and put down our things, and then we'll go get the certificate issued."

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and nodded.

Sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, Han Yiming straddled himself and coughed: "Young educated youth, your hands!"

Tong Anyang was stunned for a moment, then grabbed both sides of his shirt.

The young man kicked his foot and the car sped out.

The bicycles gliding behind me rang their bells and followed me happily.

"Young educated youth, you have wedding candies in your bag. You can see people scattering them along the road to make everyone happy."

Tong Anyang had already seen two large packages of candies, one package of milk candies and one package of fruit candies.

She opened the fruit candies, took out a handful, smiled and sprinkled some for the children who were running behind the car.

The children were all smiling and mouthing all kinds of auspicious words.

Tong Anyang's cheeks turned red when he heard the talk about a happy marriage and the birth of a son soon.

Maybe as an old lady, her life is too dull and her body is getting heavier day by day. She is counting the days and not knowing how many days she still has to live.

After her rebirth, she felt the vitality of her body and had hope in life. She was no longer alone, and her whole mentality had changed.

Looking at everything familiar and unfamiliar, Tong Anyang always felt that this was the real life. The previous life was a hallucination after she hit her head, and it was a warning from God.

She shook her head slightly. After all, she was reborn and had to accept the reality.

If you make a different choice from the previous life, your life will definitely change dramatically.

And this change must be positive.

By the time he passed the area where the educated youth were, Tong Anyang had already adjusted his mentality, with a joyful smile on his face. He was so bright and cheerful that Li Huawen, who had just returned from the city with good news and didn't even know he was carrying a debt of 180 yuan, was stunned.

There are many beauties in later generations, but there are never any lesbians in the past few decades who look comfortable, natural, and natural without any ornaments, and have amazed the years!

He regretted it a little.He knew that Tong Anyang was good-looking, but he never thought that she was so beautiful after tidying up her thick bangs and lifting up her thick bangs to reveal her fair and plump forehead.

If he had known he would have sacrificed himself... Tong Anyang took one more look at the provincial champion in his previous life.

To be honest, Li Huawen has changed a lot. He didn't look too smart before, he was pretty good-looking, and his family conditions were acceptable.

When the commune established a junior high school, recruitment was conducted within the commune, and there were a total of ten teacher places.

Everyone went to take the exam. There were so many educated youths in their village, but only Qi educated youth passed the exam.

What does this mean? Li Huawen's level is not very good, and he did not hide this at all.

But suddenly one day after he woke up from a high fever, he stopped his previous foolishness and became serious, helping the educated youth and villagers solve many problems.

After what happened to her, the quota for worker and peasant college students naturally fell on Li Huawen.

But he didn't ask for it, and gave it to Hu Laiying, who had a good reputation!
However, after Li Huawen led the villagers to sell watermelons and make a small amount of money, he began to study hard.

Who could be so different from before and after, with earth-shaking changes in ability and temperament? What's more, Li Huawen seemed to know that the college entrance examination would resume, so he went all out to review three months ahead of others.

Tong Anyang just glanced at him and then looked away.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly. She could be reborn herself, so it would be easy to accept and understand another reborn person.

After circling the village, they returned to the Han family.

A red carpet was laid out at their door. Father Han and Mother Han came up to them with smiles and stuffed thick red envelopes directly into Tong Anyang's arms.

Tong Anyang wanted to shirk it, but Mother Han said with a smile: "We are all a family from now on. When Mingming's sisters-in-law came in, they all had it, so you have to put it away too."

The villagers were all here, and she couldn't refuse the red envelope given by Grandpa Xi and Grandma Xi.

Tong Anyang smiled and said thank you.

Then someone shouted: "Daughter-in-law Yiming, please change your name to father and mother quickly..."

"It's so tacky to call me mom and dad. Girls in the city like to call me mom and dad..."

"Second Uncle Han, Second Aunt Han, are you ready to change your lipstick envelope?"

Everyone looked at Tong Anyang expectantly.

The Han family also looked at her eagerly.

Tong Anyang sighed inwardly. Later, she and Han Yiming went to get the certificate. That would be a legal couple recognized by the law. There was no such thing as authenticity.

She opened her mouth and shouted bravely: "Dad, Mom!"

After calling her, she blushed. She is already quite old...

However, she had met people like the Han family in her previous life and saw what they would look like decades later, so she felt no pressure to call people after she opened her mouth.

What's more, Father Han and Mother Han left early, and she felt most guilty for the old people.

Father Han and Mother Han happily nodded with tears in their eyes and stuffed two more red envelopes into her arms.

The village chief proposed marriage for the two of them. Tong Anyang and Han Yiming bowed to their parents, Comrade Mao and fellow villagers in the presence of everyone, and they became recognized as husband and wife.

Han Yiming did not dare to delay and rushed to the county with Tong Anyang.

The usually half-hour drive took him 15 minutes. Five minutes before the Civil Affairs Bureau got off work, the two of them successfully obtained the certificate and registered for marriage!

Looking at the two festive certificates, both of them were quite surprised.

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