Tong Anyang couldn't help but glare at him: "How do you talk?"

"I am the daughter-in-law of the Han family now, who dares to provoke me?"

"Also, when you encounter a problem, don't yell or kill, coerce or induce others, and use methods that others can't fault."

She was particularly worried about him and hated him.

Everyone said that Han Yiming was smart and a capable person in the village, but she knew that he was more stubborn than she was.

Obviously he can block her and explain the seriousness of the matter to her. Maybe she can break the confusion and agree to fake marriage with him?

As a result, he foolishly went to work in the police station, waited for him to come out, and committed a crime again within a few days.

He has to cultivate his moral character and hone his temper, otherwise he will be easily taken advantage of by bad people and get into trouble on his own.

Han Yiming touched the tip of his nose and said, "I don't. I always try to reason with people."

Father Han couldn't help but said, "Little boy, you are right!"

"This kid, Xiaoliu, is smart, but he is also impulsive. He who can move his fists will never speak..."

Han Yiming was anxious, "Dad, I just got a wife, can you please stop exposing my shortcomings?"

Originally, their marriage was only maintained by two flimsy marriage certificates. If his father held him back, would he still have a chance to win the beauty?

Mother Han also tugged on Father Han's arm, "What nonsense is this old man talking about? Anyway, from now on, someone will take care of Xiaoliu, so we will stand behind Xiaoliu's wife."

"If Xiao Liu disobeys me, hit him with the clothes pole again!"

Father Han nodded repeatedly, "Yes, we listen to Xiaoliu's wife. Whenever Xiaoliu makes the child unhappy, we will serve Xiaoliu's family law..."

The big guy laughed and said that Xiaoliu would finally have someone to take care of him.

After the commotion, Han Yiming said a lot of nice things, everyone let him go.

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and chuckled, looking slightly dazed.

She doesn't know if it's because her body is getting younger, or because the people she knows are still young, so that she can easily bring herself to be only twenty-nine years old.

When she went to the countryside to replace her step-sister, her family changed her household registration book in advance.

Her household registration book happened to be of marriageable age.

Seeing that Father Han and Mother Han supported her, Tong Anyang turned her eyes, looked sideways at Han Yiming, and asked in a low voice: "What have you done before?"

Han Yiming felt guilty, "I, I think anyone can work in the fields and earn so much money and food all year round, so I go to the back mountains from time to time to look for game, and go to some cities where security is not strict. Let's hang out there... We'll go there when there's a market..."

Fortunately, the investigation is not too strict now, and this is his wife, Han Yiming explained everything.

Tong Anyang was stunned for a moment, back mountain?
"Aren't there wolves and wild boars in the back mountains? You really don't even care about your life in order to make money?"

If she remembered correctly.After Han Yiming was imprisoned, at the end of autumn this year, wild boars came down the mountain, and even in the cold winter, wolves came down to steal chickens.

The guys organized people to go hunting in the mountains, consuming the wild boars that had been bred for a year, and driving the wolves deep into the mountains.

As a result, everyone was unlucky and encountered a pack of wolves, and a young man was bitten on the neck on the spot.

The second brother of the Han family was bitten on the leg and soon contracted rabies and died.

A few educated youths also joined the hunting team in order to get more meat. It was like a Qi educated youth with a weak sense of existence who had his cheeks bitten in order to save Li Huawen.

Wolf fangs are poisonous and the wounds are not easy to heal and are hideous and ugly, which is different from ordinary wounds.

A handsome man whose face was disfigured has found it difficult to find a partner and a job since then. He has to wear a mask when going out, otherwise he will scare his children to tears, and he will be scolded by his parents.Tong Anyang always worried that if he could save Han Yiming for a while, he might not be able to save him for the rest of his life.

What kind of impact will my butterfly effect have on Han Yiming?

Han Yiming whispered: "If we don't go deep into the mountains, we will set up traps on the outside of the mountains and wander around to pick up some prey from time to time."

"How about when the weather gets cooler, I'll take you for a walk in the back mountains? The few of us go far away, there are few people there, there are a lot of game around, and there are a lot of wild fruits and dry goods. With these, we also make a lot of money every year. A lot."

"All my money is saved with our mother... The reason why we can organize such a decent wedding for us this time is all from here..."

He sounded slightly triumphant.

Isn't that right? Not to mention in the countryside, even in the city, buying such a betrothal gift and dowry is very sensational.

Fortunately it wasn't those years now, otherwise he would have been reported in minutes.

Tong Anyang also whispered: "Han Yiming, don't go anywhere in the past few months. Relearn the knowledge of junior high school and high school at home and consolidate it."

"I heard a very high-level secret. The college entrance examination will be resumed at the end of this year!"

Han Yiming almost choked on his own saliva.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Daughter-in-law, I have graduated from high school several years ago, and you ask me to continue to sit down and study. Isn't it difficult for me?"

"No matter how good I was at studying at that time, I haven't read a single book in the past few years, and I have given all my knowledge back to the teacher..."

"Besides, whether this news is true or false remains to be verified..."

Tong Anyang didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

Han Yiming slapped his forehead and said, "Okay, since my wife likes it, I will learn it at home for a few months!"

"Daughter-in-law, will you also accompany me to learn?"

This time it was Tong Anyang's turn to shake his head quickly and resist strongly.

She is an old lady who has not read textbooks for decades. What does she still remember?
Isn't it difficult for her to just relearn?

Han Yiming sighed, "Then I'd better stop studying. If my wife and I are too far apart and have no common topics, wouldn't it be easy for someone to take advantage of us?"

This sentence reminded Tong Anyang.

She closed her eyes and came to a world where undergraduates and graduate schools from key universities were everywhere. What did her junior high school diploma mean to her now?
But she knew very well how cruel the first exam would be after the college entrance examination resumed.

Even if she studies hard, she might not be able to pass the exam. In this case, she can choose another path...

Before she could speak, Han Yiming said: "My wife doesn't want to read and study, so let's try to get a quota for workers, peasants and soldiers to be college students."

"This way we are both college students!"

Tong Anyang nodded repeatedly, "It's just that although we got the certificate to make up for our mistakes, others will catch on to this matter. The educated youth will definitely attack in groups for this quota."

Han Yiming smiled and said, "It's okay. Our villagers are very united. This worker-peasant-soldier university student quota is for you, which is much better than that group of educated youths."

"The quota for workers, peasants and soldiers college students was originally yours, but some people had bad intentions and plotted against it is even more impossible for us to give the quota to that group of people..."

"It's not like just someone reported it, and your place as a worker, peasant, and soldier college student was lost... The question now is, where will you go to study!"

"Do you want to go back to Kyoto?"

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