Tong Anyang was stunned for a moment, why didn't he think about it.

That was the place where she was born and grew up. Even though her mother was gone, her father was partial, and her stepmother was kind-hearted, she still wanted to go back.

Xiahua people like to pay attention to the return of fallen leaves to their roots.She has a different feeling for Kyoto.

What's more, Kyoto is the capital of Xia Hua. It has a long history and rich splendor. It is the first place for the transition of the times, rapid development of science and technology and economy.

Who doesn’t want to go to that inclusive and prosperous city?

Big cities also represent the broad background of life patterns, and people’s knowledge and thoughts are definitely not what small towns can provide.

"I wonder if you can change the quota of worker, peasant and soldier college students in the provincial capital to those in Kyoto?"

Tong Anyang asked curiously.

Han Yiming nodded: "Yes, as long as you get this quota. We can find someone to replace you."

"If the college entrance examination is really resumed, I will also take the exam in Kyoto!"

Speaking of this, he looked lonely and unnoticeable.

How can it be so easy to pass the college entrance examination?Just from this news, he has stopped for five or six years, and his ears are calloused.

In other words, his wife was naive and believed other people's words.

Tong Anyang's eyes were bright.She knew that the college entrance examination was announced to be resumed in October this year.

Everyone praised Han Yiming for being smart and good at studying. She was willing to believe the villagers as long as she always urged him to study.

Han Yiming didn't talk about getting admitted to a university in Kyoto, but he could always get into an ordinary university or a vocational college, right?

College students in this era are very valuable, and all units are competing for talents.

Moreover, she believed that through the influence of university, Han Yiming's violent factors could be tamed, and he could use gentler and more effective methods to deal with his behavior in the future.

Watching the young couple biting each other's ears, everyone was happy to see it happen.

After dinner, Tong Anyang began to ask Han Yiming what high school textbooks he had left.

Han Yiming scratched his head, "My mother has lent my textbooks to someone long ago. Even if I find them, they will probably be in a terrible state."

Tong Anyang took out two large unity cards from his wallet.

Han Yiming's face darkened, "Daughter-in-law, what do you mean?"

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and chuckled: "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gotten back the money I borrowed. How could I have charged so much more interest?"

"This is your hard-earned money, just use it to buy information. We don't have it in small towns, so go to the provincial capital!"

"However, let's do it quietly to avoid being asked and we can't answer."

Han Yiming nodded, but he pushed Tong Anyang's hand away, slightly lowering his eyes and carefully feeling the warmth between his palms.

"Daughter-in-law, I told you that I am rich. When we get married, we don't care about each other's money. We should spend my money first..."

"As a grown man, I can make money no matter what I do, but for you, a little girl, it's not easy to save money... Besides, you are not a girl who spends a lot of money. The money is better with you than with me. I feel more at ease..."

Seeing that he persisted and talked nonsense seriously, Tong Anyang didn't force it.

"Okay, why don't you go buy books tomorrow? Time is too tight. If you have one more day to review, you will be more sure of getting into a good university than others!"

If she remembered correctly, this time Li Huawen went to the city to contact the watermelon seller, and also visited the county bookstore, but did not find any guidance materials that satisfied him.

Han Yiming rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, it just so happens that we go to the bookstore to buy books under the guise of going to the provincial capital as a wedding!"

Tong Anyang always felt weird, but what he said was right.She smiled and nodded.

After dinner, the wives of the Han family also took turns washing the pots and dishes.

Tong Anyang couldn't sit still, she was reborn, and with so many opportunities to turn around in front of her, it was difficult for her to sit still and do nothing.

Thinking that the Han family had not been separated yet, she walked up to Han's mother and called hesitantly: "Mom?"

Mother Han exclaimed happily, "Xiao Liu, daughter-in-law, do you have anything to do mother?"

Children in the city like to call mom, which she finds strange.

Tong Anyang said with a smile: "Mom, I was young before, but in those years we were tight on everything, so I worked in the fields with the big guys."

"But yesterday I heard from many sisters-in-law that there were vendors in the market?"

Mother Han nodded: "There are not many educated people in our village. They just want to fill their stomachs. There are also some people who don't like to work in the fields, like Yiming and others in the past."

"They catch some game, mushrooms and dry goods from the back mountains and sell them at the market or door to door."

"Basically, everyone sells fruits and vegetables grown on their own land, as well as woven cloth, wicker baskets, shoe insoles, etc... There are also food sellers..."

"As long as you're not the kind of person who buys and resells, it won't be a big problem..."

"What, what does the sixth wife want to sell?"

Tong Anyang chuckled and said, "I know how to cook a lot of food. I learned it from my neighbors before I went to the countryside."

"I want to make some food and sell it at the market, okay?"

Mother Han looked at her in surprise, "Xiao Liu daughter-in-law, do you know how to do this craft?"

"Okay, why not? In the past, you lived on your own and had to work in the fields. But now it's different. You're married to Xiao Liu. You have to ask him to do all the dirty work."

"As long as you don't feel tired, then do it... If you don't want to go to the market, you can just ask Xiao Liu to help you sell..."

Tong Anyang pursed his lips and smiled: "Then when Han Yiming and I come back from the provincial capital, we will make some food for you to taste."

No matter how much she talks now, everyone may not believe her cooking skills.

It’s better to wait until she makes all the food and amaze them!

Mother Han naturally agreed. When she heard that they were going out to play, she quickly called Han Yiming into the house and stuffed money into his arms.

"I see that your wife is a sensible and good child. If I give her money, she may not want it... Well, you have given me this one after another over the years, and I have saved it for you..."

"Be smart and buy two more clothes for your wife when you get to the provincial capital. Buy some cream, hair flowers, shoes and snacks..."

"Don't worry about money. This is your wife. It's only natural for a man to make money for his wife!"

Han Yiming was dumbfounded, "Mom, when have I ever been stingy?"

"That's my biological daughter-in-law. Even if I don't want to spend it myself, I still have to spend money for her."

"She spends my money and I am happy!"

Mother Han smiled and said, "You are still young and have just married a daughter-in-law. You don't understand the little girl's thoughts."

"Anyway, you want to be in front of her in everything. You care about her and take good care of her, so that she can feel that you like and value her."

"The relationship between husband and wife needs to be carefully managed, but don't rely on your youth to act arrogantly or fool around with your wife..."

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